Toledo County Residents - Part 2

I'm still trying to get my Toledo town working on the old computer that is not hooked up to the internet and doesn't have my 70s, 80s, 90s stuff pack, Into the Future, or Showtime loaded on it. One of the things I tried was moving a guy named Fidel Dutton to a different house and deleting his house as it was primarily made with Into the Future items. Therefore, I followed him to his sparsely furnished new home, fixed it up a little, and got to know him. Fidel is a nurturing, clumsy, neat, coward with commitment issues. He is partial to the color white and is currently working in the journalism field. His lifetime wish is to be a Jack of all Trades, which fits well with the commitment issues trait as it means he will want to have at least four different careers in his lifetime. Buying this house is his first big commitment. He's contemplating settling down and starting a family before he gets too old and dies a lonely old man. As for finding him a woman, I think I know a g...