
Showing posts from April, 2022

Toledo County Residents - Part 2

 I'm still trying to get my Toledo town working on the old computer that is not hooked up to the internet and doesn't have my 70s, 80s, 90s stuff pack, Into the Future, or Showtime loaded on it. One of the things I tried was moving a guy named Fidel Dutton to a different house and deleting his house as it was primarily made with Into the Future items. Therefore, I followed him to his sparsely furnished new home, fixed it up a little, and got to know him. Fidel is a nurturing, clumsy, neat, coward with commitment issues. He is partial to the color white and is currently working in the journalism field.  His lifetime wish is to be a Jack of all Trades, which fits well with the commitment issues trait as it means he will want to have at least four different careers in his lifetime. Buying this house is his first big commitment. He's contemplating settling down and starting a family before he gets too old and dies a lonely old man. As for finding him a woman, I think I know a g

LEPacy challenge: Life without Mandy

 After Mandy's tragic death from fire, poor Cliff set about cleaning up the mess and planning the funeral. He invited his friends, but forgot to invite their oldest daughter Adria to the funeral. She called to say, "What the heck, dad! I move out of the house and you forget about me? I live next door for crying out loud!"  It was a lovely ceremony: Mandy had a nice big headstone, and Cliff left some flowers and one of her inventions on the grave. A friend played some mellow music to honor Mandy's life. While Cliff, and his best gal-pal danced wildly on Mandy's grave. (I guess we all have our own unique ways of handling grief. You do you, Cliff. Don't worry about what the old folks think about it.) Linus made an appearance and grieved appropriately. A few days later, Cliff and Linus were back in society.  Cliff decided to take Linus to dinner at the Woes and Worries Pub because there was a new arcade installed there. Apparently the crime rate is low enough in M

New Game: Toledo County Part 1

 I'm taking a little break from my LEPacy challenge. I'm missing playing a few of my older games like Trump in Greenland and Renovating Roseward, but also because I became intrigued with a new challenge called the Northern Wind Challenge, where your sim creates a legacy, but they are under a curse and are forced to move to a new world and never return to any worlds they have left. When they move is based off the roll of a 20 sided die. After the first week in a new place, every midnight you roll, and if you get a 20, the sim has 24 hours to uproot, take a limited number of items in their backpacks, leave loved ones behind, and go to a new land where they start the process over. In Monte Vista during the LEPacy challenge, I came across an intriguing guy named Orlando Toledo.  I assumed the Toledo family was a townie family in Monte Vista, but when I went to look him up, there were no Toledos, so I guess he was computer-generated. At any rate, I thought he'd be the perfect fo

LEPacy challenge - Adria seeks a roommate; father-son outing; tragedy strikes!

 Adria now lives next door in an "apartment" building, but I don't have Late Night yet. She's old and going to die off soon, and I'd like to get some young people into the building before that happens. The place was a mess - I guess I kicked everyone out when I saved it, and it was full of clogged toilets, spoiled food, broken sinks, etc.  Adria fixed everything up and threw a party.  She tried to recruit this single girl for a roommate (I turns out she was a repo sim) They made it to nearly the friends stage, before she left the party.  Better luck next time, I guess. I could turn the place into a house so she could use the roommate service, then turn it back to an apartment I guess. I have been switching household frequently lately because I get notification that newly married couples can't find suitable housing and move in together.  I think of merging them with Adria's household so they can live in the apartments, but when I go to look at the living si