
Showing posts from May, 2021

Amber and Puzzle in Bridgeport

 Seeking Fame and Fortune in Bridgeport Amber, Puzzle, and Roman are "spinoffs" from my Deery Meadows game.  Amber was a teenage mother with an imaginary friend she managed to make real (Puzzle).  Once Amber came of age and graduated high school, she and her son Roman and Puzzle set off to Bridgeport to seek their fortunes.  They found a one bedroom apartment which worked well for two young girls and a toddler.  Puzzle went into the film industry while Amber joined the architectural design industry. Their main living area is below. Amber has been gaining fame for her art and home design, but she has been stiffed by her clients twice now.  The first time was when she put a basement laundry room in the pink house in the middle class neighborhood.  The owner was a lady who worked the concession stands in the park and was never available to come look at the finished project.  The second was a teenage girl (from the Littler household) in the wealthy neighborhood, who wanted an art

Trilleena in Lunar Lakes

Trilleena’s Backstory Trilleena is the daughter of Jughead Jones and an alien.  Jughead was abducted in Riverdale which resulted in her existence.  As Trilleena grew, she noticed that no one in Riverdale looked like her, with the exception of her birth-mother whom she only saw at her birthday parties and a few other events. This caused Trilleena to turn to her imaginary friend for solace.  As a teen, Jughead’s wife, Katie, kicked Trilleena out of the house, and she went to live with her grandfather HP Jones and his family. (HP had married into the Bagley family and his wife was a vampire.) HP died soon afterward and Trilleena stayed with her step grandmother and half-cousins until she became a young adult and could move out on her own.  As a teen, she found and befriended an awesome bird called a Sixam (Maxis spelled backwards). This bird, along with her imaginary friend(not yet real), moved to their own place in Lunar Lakes.  Will Trilleena find what she is looking for on this planet?

Be Happy World #1

 Be Happy World update: Tommie and Kerry Furst have had a child and named him Damion. Since I'm not a big fan of babies and toddlers, I thought it a good time to check in on the neighbors.  Shannon Olivares lives in a cottage I made and sparsely furnished.  He was working as a cashier in the mall and was never home for the Furst family to visit. Once I took over his household, he came home with the desire to be a home designer.  I bought him a drafting table and added more furniture to make his place more homey.  His favorite color is black, so I redecorated to give him the kind of place he would appreciate. He had two job assignments.  One was to change the outside of Quinn Whiting's house by replacing windows and doors.  This was kind of frustrating because I built Quinn's house - a Mediterranean style house - with a certain aesthetic in mind and modelled it after a real house that is near where I live.  Part of the attraction was the windows.  But I think I managed alrig

Making Restaurants and Stores

 For those new to Sims 3, here is a brief tour of some of the types of restaurants and stores you can create that aren't rabbit holes. (Link to 9 minute video below - sorry if it looks dark, it didn't look that way when I recorded it.) NOTE: In the video I say that the food and book registers can be found in the community objects section of the build/buy, but it later occurred to me that they probably came with World Adventures, so if you can't find them and you don't have World Adventures, that's why. It was one of the first expansions I bought, so the registers have been with me a long, long time.

Making apartments with neighbors

Sims 3 apartments with neighbors There were a couple different people on Facebook asking about how to make apartments - multiple ones in the same building and have people move into them.  This is how I do it.  (I apologize for the initial darkness of the video - it was night in the game - but bear with it and it will be light when the neighbors arrive at 9am) In the video you will see it's a case of trial and error.  In the end, the apartment building became a "house" but still functioned as apartments. In another case in the same world, I have a place labelled as an apartment and has three households living there, but I have control of all three households, so basically they are the same household but three distinct, unrelated families.  I'm pretty sure that I could switch households in the example shown in the video below, change to apartment, and switch back to the household; however, if I recall, doing so would give me control over everyone. Therefore, if you want