Amber and Puzzle in Bridgeport

Seeking Fame and Fortune in Bridgeport Amber, Puzzle, and Roman are "spinoffs" from my Deery Meadows game. Amber was a teenage mother with an imaginary friend she managed to make real (Puzzle). Once Amber came of age and graduated high school, she and her son Roman and Puzzle set off to Bridgeport to seek their fortunes. They found a one bedroom apartment which worked well for two young girls and a toddler. Puzzle went into the film industry while Amber joined the architectural design industry. Their main living area is below. Amber has been gaining fame for her art and home design, but she has been stiffed by her clients twice now. The first time was when she put a basement laundry room in the pink house in the middle class neighborhood. The owner was a lady who worked the concession stands in the park and was never available to come look at the finished project. The second was a teenage girl (from the Littler household) in the wealthy ne...