Trilleena in Lunar Lakes

Trilleena’s Backstory

Trilleena is the daughter of Jughead Jones and an alien.  Jughead was abducted in Riverdale which resulted in her existence.  As Trilleena grew, she noticed that no one in Riverdale looked like her, with the exception of her birth-mother whom she only saw at her birthday parties and a few other events. This caused Trilleena to turn to her imaginary friend for solace.  As a teen, Jughead’s wife, Katie, kicked Trilleena out of the house, and she went to live with her grandfather HP Jones and his family. (HP had married into the Bagley family and his wife was a vampire.) HP died soon afterward and Trilleena stayed with her step grandmother and half-cousins until she became a young adult and could move out on her own.  As a teen, she found and befriended an awesome bird called a Sixam (Maxis spelled backwards). This bird, along with her imaginary friend(not yet real), moved to their own place in Lunar Lakes. 

Will Trilleena find what she is looking for on this planet? (I “planted” another household that contained a male alien I had made previously into the world, and switched households, so they would meet.  He’s asked her out a few times, but she will have nothing to do with him!) Will she give up and destroy the town with meteor showers in frustration?  Where does she get one of those spaceships like the guy who has been pursuing her has? 

I've been playing Lunar Lakes this week. My alien sim, Trilleena has accomplished several things, but is still trying to figure out how to get her imaginary friend to turn real.  She travelled to Egypt in search of the ever elusive rainbow gem with no luck, but she took Hesper the imaginary friend with her in doll form and tried to set her down at the base came to see if she would come out of doll form.  Hesper didn't.  What did happen was that when Trilleena got home, she had Hesper, another Hesper, and Cosmo. She also had Buddy - her original imaginary friend who became inactive when she first moved to Lunar Lakes from Riverview (my Riverdale). On that move she also came with her sibling's imaginary friend doll Peaches.  This left her with a very creepy doll collection.  She gave a few away to her Lunar Lakes friends and after Hesper repeatedly heckled her and made her feel bad about herself, Trilleena decided the toxic relationship had to stop and told Hesper to "leave me alone."  Hesper was put out about it and turned back to doll form.

In another game, my sim was able to apologize and reactivate the imaginary friend, but Trilleena isn't able to do this.  Maybe she accidentally gave away her active Hesper to her friend.  At any rate Trilleena discovered a potion that would turn an imaginary friend real.  She really wants to turn Buddy real, but that doesn't seem to be an option.  She went as far as to adopt a child, Beverly Ann, I'm hoping Beverly isn't too old to create an imaginary friend.  She took one of the other dolls and Trilleena keeps Buddy and talks to Beverly Ann through Buddy.  Beverly Ann is constantly playing with her doll and is very bored when Trilleena tries to talk to her about her own imaginary friend. 

We'll see if anything comes of this.  I discovered that Trilleena can make the metamorphosis potion any time she wants now - if she spends 4500 simoleons.  I'd like to populate the town with several former imaginary friends.  

On another subject, Trilleena has been wanting a space ship like the one she road in with BeeBopBeDoozy, but I couldn't find a way to get one for her without cheating - so I used BuyDebug and got her one.  She upgraded it with lasers and had fun terrorizing the humans at the swimming pool.


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