Tiny Town Challenge Part 1

 I started my version of Deligracy's Tiny Town Challenge. Hers is for the Sims 4, so I had to adapt it. I also created a Builders Version, but I'm trying the gameplay version. Here are the rules.


The aim of this challenge is to build 7 tiny homes on one lot, for 7 sims that match their desires and skills.

The Rundown:

- Each sim has a set skill that you must utilize in order to fund their tiny home build. For example Frank Stem likes

gardening, so you must sell things he grows to fund his Tiny House build. 

- You must also represent each sim's favorite style and color in the build (see sim characters below)

- You can only work on one sim's house at a time, move each sim in individually as you "unlock" them. 

-To "unlock" the next sim, you must complete the previous sim's home. 

How to play:

- Start by moving your first sim into the Tiny Town lot. (64x64 size recommended.)

- To select your first sim, you could use an online randomizer, or just pick your favorite.

- After you move in your first sim use a money cheat to set money at $0.

- Each sim is allowed the relevant skill item(s) for their occupation. Each sim starts with a tent, minifridge,  and an

outhouse in the common area at the center of the lot. 

- Start making simoleons through selling your creations!

- Use this money to build your sim's tiny home!

- The idea is to just make the houses small enough to fit 7 on one lot! 

Extra Rules and ideas:

- Your sims may contribute to community areas to help other neighbors when they move in and to create a lovely sense

of community and lifestyle. 

- As you move in more sims and build more homes you will have to pay higher bills. Try your best to only build with

your current sim's earnings,

however you may keep track of a kitty for household bills too! 

- If you don’t have a particular store item or EP needed for a Sim’s profession, you can either substitute for another

occupation you can make happen or eliminate that particular Sim from the challenge.  

- You can play on any lifespan, use any cheats,  but keep in mind the easier you make it for yourself means it isn't as much of a challenge! 

The Tiny Town Sims:

Beatrice Jam:

Skill - Cooking/baking

Decor style: Cottage

Color: Pink

Azure Hue:

Skill - Painting

Decor style - Contemporary/Boho

Color - Blue

Cyprus Handyman:

Skill - Inventing

Decor style - Rustic/Farmhouse

Color - Orange

Frank Stem:

Skill - Gardening

Decor style: Vintage/Garden/Farmhouse

Color - Green

Opal Gem

Skill - Jewelry making/Artisan

Decor Style - Victorian/Storybook

Color - Purple

Annie Aperture

Skill - Photography

Decor Style - Industrial/Minimal

Color - Red

Ziggy Perch

Skill - Fishing

Decor style - Mid-Century

Color - Yellow

Final Note:

Just have fun. You can change and bend the rules, sims and lots to whatever you want. The goal is to have a good time! So feel free to go wild! 

I created all the sims separately so I can add them one by one to the "household." I started with Beatrice Jam because she was the first one I made, and I realized I didn't specify her favorite color and needed to check and make sure it was pink. (I generally randomize everything when I play.) I randomized their traits, but then exchanged one of them for one that was relevant. In Beatrice's case, I made sure she had the Natural Cook trait. I made her Lifetime Wish to be Culinary Librarian.

Here's Beatrice Jam. She's a natural cook, neurotic, charismatic, a gatherer, and she dislikes children. Her favorites are classical music, grilled salmon, and the color pink. As stated above, she is to make her living from cooking and baking, and wants to build a cute little cottage.

I found an empty lot in Appaloosa Plains where I have a save, so I just added her to that game and turned aging off during the challenge. I mapped out the area a bit so I could make sure I had enough room for seven houses. There's an all-in-one bathroom in what will be the common area at some point. Beatrice has all the items she needs to start her bakery and a tent to sleep in. After everything was purchased, there was 1,333 simoleons left. I will make sure each new villager gets a tent, what they need to start their business, and 1,333 simoleons to start. 

This is a residential lot, so in order to get customers, Beatrice is going to bake up some goodies and throw a party. All villagers are starting off with no skills, but relevant traits for the type of business they plan to run.

I'm really proud of Beatrice. She never produced anything substandard. Her first effort was normal quality, and everything else was good, very good or better than that. She baked up her goodies then went to the festival within walking distance from her lot, and introduced herself to the town so she could invite them over. I realized later she could invite strangers too with the mods I have, but I thought she should get to know some people. It would help with her charisma, and maybe her charisma might help with selling. 

Time for the first of many parties. Her first few started around 9pm, but she soon fell into a rhythm. 

I learned a few things:
  • The birthday cake doesn't fit on the baker's shelves, so I had to buy a bakery rug rug to put it on.
  • This is going to be a grind as the goodies take a lot of time to bake and they don't sell for all that much. She was making a little over 200 simoleons a day not counting the cost of ingredients.
  • I realized she lived next door to some people with a garden, so I sent her over at 3 am to steal some apples to save money on ingredients. I thought I could make apple pies for free this way.

  •  Apple pies require both apples and eggs, so while I saved a few simoleons on making them, they still weren't free. 
  • Some customers were really rude!

I love Chuck Hobble - he was my rodeo clown when I converted the equestrian center into walk-in rodeo grounds. Now he's just a cranky old man!

He went so far as to slap poor Marla Larue!

I think Marla is also interested in cooking. She might make a good friend for Beatrice.

Elias Adler took "make yourself at home" far too literally. He got into Beatrice's fridge and started cooking his own food. Then he called her a loser because she didn't have her own house!

Beatrice quickly learned that running her own business was exhausting. And to make matters worse, the customers are treating the place like a dating destination. 

She decided to turn in and hope the racks would be empty and the cash register full by the time she got up in the morning. 

Elias was sleeping in her bed! After all that complaining about her not having a house! I had to purchase a sleeping bag for the poor girl.

Despite all this, she wants to become friends with this guy.

  • Another problem Beatrice soon discovered was being outside in the summer causes sunburn and overheating.

She was feeling like a snake at a bake sale, so I figured she needed a day indoors to do something fun - that doesn't cost money. She went to the library, met some more people, and improved her cooking by reading a cookbook. Then she went over to the art gallery where there is a Sip n Paint program and helped herself to some free nectar. Then she had seconds.

I'm glad you're happy, dear.

We scraped together a little money and at least put a roof of sorts over the "kitchen." Hopefully this will help prevent sunburn.

Summer turned to fall, and after a few days of selling goodies, I decided that since she's also a gatherer, it would be okay to gather some things once in while. Seeds and flowers spawn out behind her lot, so if I can see them I let her collect them. She also was without a chair of any kind, so I let her dumpster dive. She didn't get a chair - just an end table and a lamp. On the next lot over, she spotted an apple tree. Time to steal some more apples. 

This time she was caught by old man Reardon. He didn't seem to mind, though. He let her use his bathroom.

It was a grungy, old man bathroom. Someone needs to look after this guy. 

Time to get back to the bakery.

It looks like Rex Dunham is sweet on Beatrice. He's a suitor! At first she refused, but after thinking things through, she decided it wouldn't hurt to get to know him a little better. As she was deep in conversation with Rex, Elias Adler walks up to her and plants a heat-of-the-moment kiss on her! Of all the nerve!

Rex wondered if he was honing in on someone else's girl. Beatrice made it clear that she didn't appreciate being man-handled. 

I may be a little slow on the uptake, but the thought finally occurred to me, "Instead of relying on stealing ingredients, why don't we plant some of the thing we steal so we have our own ingredients at the ready? I'm sure eggs are in more than one recipe, so let's get some chickens!" 

Beatrice also had enough money to put up some walls, but not enough to completely enclose the kitchen. At first I thought I hoisted myself on my own petard buying the chicken coop because it was 1500 simoleons and took almost all the money Beatrice had. While it only costs 5 simoleons to feed the critters, the 4-5 eggs she gets each day are worth about 11 simoleons each. At that rate it will take forever to recoup the money spent on the chicken coop. However, after about four or five days, she got a special egg worth 1500 simoleons! Now we're back in the black. 

It turns out there are a lot of things that require only eggs to make - cherry pie, all the breads, the cinnamon rolls, etc. So having her own egg supply is a big help. 

Late one night, Beatrice had a visitor. However, while Paguk To'Vedachot seemed interested in her wares, he didn't buy anything. Beatrice now has a goal of befriending an alien. 

Paguk wonders why she doesn't live in a conventional house like the other Earthlings.

Another day of rude customers.

Beatrice is learning not to take it personally, at least most of the time.

"You still don't have a decent house?!? How long has it been? You must be a dim-wit!" Chuck exclaimed.

The little girl is enjoying this way too much. No wonder Beatrice dislikes children. 

"What you need to do is serve some REAL food. Meat and potatoes would be a nice change," Rex mansplained. 

"Rex, I'm a pastry chef. My specialty is baked goods. I know it doesn't look like it, but I make pretty good money from it. I just have to pay off some initial overhead costs," Beatrice womansplained. 

Beatrice found a sympathetic ear. Jayson Guillen even gave her some flowers to cheer her up.

I've decided gifts given by others can be sold and added to the housebuilding funds. At this point Beatrice has four friends: two criminals (Rex and Elias), the mayor (Jayson), and a cop (Ulysses). 

I think Ulysses is the one who broke the sink. "Stop acting like a baby! I'll see that it gets fixed," Beatrice admonished. 

Beatrice finally had enough money to get a little house.

It only has room for a kitchen, but it's a start. Time to celebrate. Beatrice needs some fun. Tomorrow is her day off.

The next day Beatrice took herself to the Fall Festival. Her friend Rex called to chat with her and apologize for mansplaining her job to her the previous day. 

Beatrice seized the opportunity to harvest ALL the pumpkins, . . . 

. . . had a greeting card photo taken, visited the haunted house, and participated in the pie eating contest.

She was so excited when she won. However the Key Lime pie she won as a prize paled in comparison to her own pies.

She also enjoyed playing with the animals.

Time to get home, wash your face, and get some rest. Tomorrow is another work day. 

A few days later a miracle occurred! The game claimed that Beatrice obtained her lifetime wish and rewarded her lifetime points. The description on the Culinary Librarian says "learn all the recipes" but she only knows 44%. It said she achieved the Menu Maven which is learning 28 recipes, but I didn't think she knew that many either. I checked her known recipes, and there was a bunch of World Adventure recipes included. Maybe those are given after reaching a certain level? At any rate, we'll take it.

As for rewards, I feel the genie lamp is too overpowered and feels like cheating, but I'm okay with the inheritance, so that's what she got to add to her home.

It's a work in progress. I think the outside looks cute, but I'd like to make the roof look more like a cottage and less like a farmhouse. The inside walls are too pink and garish, so I need to tone them down a bit, and I need to furnish a few more rooms and add cute clutter. 

Beatrice loves her new kitchen, but we discovered selling out of all her wares is more difficult now that she has a house. Her guests find other things to do instead of buying pies. 

I put the boombox out, thinking that might keep the guests/customers outside, but it just gave them more things to do. Next time I'm locking the doors to the house and putting the boombox away and see if that improves sales. 


Something good did come of this day, however. (At least I think it's good? Beatrice does.) She and Elias made a love connection. 

She seems so happy. I don't know what she sees in the guy, but to each his or her own. One thing led to another . . . . 

And she asked him to break up with his fiancĂ© Shelley, and he agreed. It was then that she realized he has commitment issues. 

Yet she threw caution to the wind and invited him to stay over. They found each other irresistible and decided to woohoo. 

 Erm, guys, there's a nice full-sized bed in the house! There's no need to woohoo in that filthy outhouse!

Elias didn't seem to mind, I guess. They spent the rest of the evening getting to know each other better. Beatrice decided to share a secret with him. I thought she was going to tell him her favorite color was pink, but no. 


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