LEPacy challenge: Generation 9 - Gains teens - continued renovations to Roseward.

 My game has crashed twice because I get wrapped up in the game play and building and forget to save regularly. I hope I didn't lose too much progress. I'll start this post with Fluff's graduation and the Gains family vacation to Egypt. I posted these on Facebook already, but I also wanted them here.

I discovered that the option to "turn into toy form" did not make the imaginary friends unplayable like a ghost choosing to return to the dead. Instead they turn into the walking around kind. Both Snuggles and Fluffs wanted to go to Egypt, so after Fluff graduated, that's what the entire family did - except Simicon and the dog.

Fluff graduated at the courthouse as in all games. I had put a jynx rug inside the blacked out shell. Later I changed the blacked out part to an interior with floors and walls - not yet furnished. 

Gina has a crush of Fluffs, but now that he's a young adult, he can't be romantically involved with her. Gustav spied Raul Hearn, (the Don Lothario type of character provided by Story Progression), still singed from who knows what, and decided Raul needed a beating for flirting with his mother, Snuggles.  (This was all autonomous.) 

Fluffs stepped in and scolded Gus - this surprised me as well as Gus.

By some glitch, due to Gus making Fluffs real on his teen birthday, but before Gus blew out the candles and became a teen himself, Fluffs is now one life stage ahead of Gus. Being a young adult, he figures he needs to parent Gus.

The next day, the family went to Egypt. I wanted to get some group shots of the family in toy form in Egypt to put on their walls. Since Gina is the only one who can't seem to turn into toy form (she and Gus are "half-toys" due to Snuggles being their mother) She was in charge of taking the picture. Fluffs kept running off while she was trying to take the shot (the others stood around playing on their phones.) I forgot to pull the pictures from Gina's camera before returning home, so all those pictures were lost. Luckily, I took some screenshots of my own. 

Here's the reason Fluffs kept running off: He spotted a pretty woman over at the base camp. 

The first thing Gus wanted to do when they arrived was explore a pyramid, so I sent him and Gina to explore together. 

Everything was going well until Gus found himself in a fire trap and was several rooms away from Gina who was standing on a plate holding the door open for him. He ran back toward her so she could put him out, but luckily, the fire went out on its own. I thought he was a goner. 

Fluffs decided to explore the easy first-timer tomb near the camp.

The family learned that some of their acquaintances also came to Egypt on vacation. Gavin and Leslie Thyme, in an attempt to save their marriage, (they are enemies living under the same roof but still reproducing children), must have left poor Athena to take care of her younger sisters while they tried to patch things up. Pawel Whitaker was also here, as was Snuggles' old friend and former "lunch lady" Carlo Espinosa. 

Carlo was interested in photography, so I like to think he's here on some kind of photojournalist assignment. 

Snuggles wasn't that interested in the tombs and hung out in the marketplace most of the time.

She decided to give snake charming a try. . .

She accidentally charmed a snake into poor Gina's clothing.

She ran all over the marketplace trying to get the snake out. I couldn't figure out how to stop it . . .

then I realized that Snuggles was still using the snake charming basket and made her stop. No physical trauma, but most likely some emotional trauma befell poor Gina. Maybe it contributed to her insane trait. She was very mad at her mother.

She also really had to pee and didn't make it to the restroom in time.

More vacation picture from base camp:

Evil Gus snuck up on Fluffs and scared him. 

Breakfast time.

Despite their mishaps, the group made it home safe and sound. However, a few nights later, a burglar broke into their house. Gustav freaked out, but had the presence of mind to call the police. Fluffs (I forgot) had recently joined the law enforcement career, but he was just a rookie. However, he did his best to apprehend the perpetrator (autonomously). 

"Don't worry, I called for backup. I'm going to bed now."

Fluffs discovered that Lindy, the burglar, was evil. "Well, I did what I could. I think I will turn in as well." 

"Look at these Egyptian artifacts! I've hit the motherlode!"
"Not so fast, scumbag!"

"What kind of trash has the nerve to call me a scumbag!" 
The dog: "I don't like bugs."

"Take that, copper!"

"Ouch! Erm, it seems like the culprit got a way. We'll get her next time!"

"Until next time, copper! Mwah, ha ha!"

Prom was around the corner and Gus was finding himself attracted to Athena Thyme, one of his sister's acquaintances. He asked her to invite Athena over so he could get to know her better.

They hit it off, and he asked her to the prom.

For some reason, NONE of the kids dressed up for prom. I was waiting outside the rabbit hole when they left, and everyone was in their casual clothes. How disappointing. 

The family members have frequented Mystic Row, the supernatural hangout, but Bonehilda is in charge of bussing tables, cleaning bathrooms, and apparently fixing broken machines.

This is awkward for poor Snuggles, as she is a coward and runs from the room every time she sees Bonehilda. Luckily, she found a little niche in the restaurant to escape her and eat in peace.

Gus preferred eating in the werewolf bar and playing pool. He's underage, but I guess they look the other way.

I fixed up the empty storage container to be a teen hangout (rebel hangout) so Gus could ask Athena out and they could make out on the couch while avoiding prying eyes. It didn't turn out as planned. The place was crowded with "old people," simbots, and even a zombie.

Time for Plan B: The Central Station Cafe.  It was also crowded. It's funny how these places get crowded, but the bars don't.

Gus was starving, so he grabbed something to eat while Athena waited in line for the restroom. Even in Sims, the women's room seems to have a line.

While waiting, mean-spirited Athena got into an argument with a guy.

At this point, I switched over to Athena's family - and I suspect I forgot to save any of it before the computer crashed, but this is what happened.

Athena used to share her room with her two sisters who were both in cribs at the time. Then her parents had another child and the oldest of the sisters aged up to child, taking Athena's bed, so she had to sleep on the couch. Her parents felt bad about that and decided Athena needed her own space, so they purchased a shipping container home for her and placed it on their lot.

Now if she can just keep the rest of the family out of her personal space. . . .

Athena has a pretty good relationship with both her parents, but she's closer to Leslie, who seems to want to be more of a friend than a parent. Her father Gavin, on the other hand, is a hot-headed disciplinarian. He scolded Athena for having bad grades and put he in time out.

Later, she got help from her mother, and got at least some homework done.

The bad grades are not entirely Athena's fault, however. She is also working as a private investigator when not attending school and school events. Her first job was to hack into Raul Hearn's computer and call him a "Noopen Poopen" on behalf of her client, who was probably the husband of one of Raul's many love interests. 

Update on Raul: He had moved in with Constance Dane, his girlfriend, but then she kicked him out and married Clifton Gamble. (It might have been him who enlisted Athena's assistance - I don't remember.)
Raul then moved in with Gwendolyn Gains, who had given Garrett Gains the heave-ho. Despite this, Raul has been sending love letters to Snuggles and asked her out on a date.  But back to the Thyme family.

Leslie couldn't abide "sleeping with the enemy" any longer, and kicked Gavin out. She has recently become more empowered after changing jobs to the home design career, which fits with her lifetime wish and was something she had been wanting to do. She completed one job while I was playing the family before the computer crashed.  Also I got notice during this time that Snuggles had died. (She was a elder.) My plan was to decide on Gustav as heir and have Athena ask him to move in with her and her family. I think Leslie would tolerate this as she sees Athena as more of a friend than a child, and Gavin is now out of the picture. 

As luck would have it, Gus called and asked Athena out on a date to the Garden of the Fae. 


The fallen down buildings in the background are across the street and slated to be the festival grounds when I get around to it. 

This was the last picture I took before the screen went black: Eve in the Garden of Eden vibes.


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