Life on the Bayou Part 5 - Another Wedding, a Burglary, and a Mad Scientist
After adjusting to the initial shock of learning her boyfriend up and married another woman whom he had gotten pregnant, Logan's ex-girlfriend Leslie Briscoe landed on her feet. She secured a job at the science facility and a modest apartment on the Lorena Burrough's estate. She even got a break on the rent for agreeing to take care of the maintenance of the place and take care of Lorena's rather extensive garden. (Lorena likes the idea of having a garden, and it looks great on her social media posts, but it's the actual work it takes to keep a garden that doesn't interest her in the least.)
Leslie also loves the idea of having a fishing pond just outside her door, and can often be found enjoying it.
It appears that Lorena's and Leslie's arrangement is strictly business. They aren't becoming fast friends.
Now there's another wedding on the horizon.
Leslie was only lukewarm on the prospect of attending.
Lorena can't understand why Leslie isn't thrilled to be invited to one of the premier events of the season.
Meanwhile, Bart is planning a shindig down at Bayou Beats for the guys in town.
He's also warning them to keep their cars locked up at night and preferably in a garage equipped with a burglar alarm. Some mean-spirited hooligan absconded with his brand new pickup truck.
Bart invited every guy he knew to his bachelor party. The dress code was "dress to impress." Enrique Cattiwaller had an interesting understanding of what this meant.
"Oh my eyes! They burn!" Harmony cried. Why a teen was hanging out here is beyond me. Maybe she should just go home.
Of course there were other exceptions to the dress code, but not as extreme as Enrique. University mascot Caleb Dougherty showed up in his signature jeans, tee shirt, and cowboy hat, but people didn't seem to mind.
Lorena went looking for Bart and found him in the company of that flirty Sandy Gavin-Blackmon, and Lorena wasn't too happy about it.
To add insult to injury, she had to ride a bike back home because Bart took her car after his was stolen.
When Lorena's social media followers began to drop off, she took a temporary job at the bistro to keep the bills paid. Lorena was looking for some ways to bring in more followers to her social media platforms, so after working at the bistro a few days later, she decided to sleep in a mummy's sarcophagus and blog about it. We'll see if this can help her social media career gain ground.
Let's visit a few more households. Last episode we got a glimpse of the Reinhart family who reside at the Eclectic Italianate (created by XDeltaMirage)
The game threw a curve ball and teenager Curtis Spencer moved out of his mother's house and in with the Reinharts because his brother Ira couldn't tolerate having him around.
It turns out that Ira is a slob, excitable, insane and mean-spirited, and while Curtis loves his brother, he knew that in order to preserve the relationship he could not live with Ira. Therefore, when Khalilah found herself pregnant again and was looking to hire a nanny to help her out, Curtis seized the opportunity. It was just down the road from his family's home, so Shana was okay with it. She could still see him often, and he could enjoy a little bit of independence.
Khalilah loves the outdoors, is a computer whiz, handy, a virtuoso, and a natural cook. Her lifetime wish is to reach level 9 of the science career, so she's going to need some help with the little ones if she wants to pursue this goal.
Her husband Graham loves his little daughter Latonya, but two babies might be a little too much for him to handle.
Soon baby Brenton was born - he's artistic and easily impressed. I think it's a good thing that Curtis stepped in to help out because Khalilah looks stressed.
Graham Reinhart is handy, artistic, an angler, a schmoozer and lucky. He wants to master guitar. He often goes around town sporting a jaunty top hat. That's about all I really know about the guy at this point.
We have another new resident to check out. His name is Scott Guinn, and he resides at the Debutante (created by KCity74).
Scott is a light sleeper, a party animal, a social butterfly, a natural cook, and handy. His lifetime wish is to reach level 9 of the science track. He is already very high in the science skill, to the point where he can create clones from townies' DNA. He autonomously goes around collecting samples. I don't think he's on the up-and-up about what he does with these samples he collects.
When I first joined him, I sent him out to explore some new places around town. He spent some time at Jacquard, Batiste, and Bath (created by chojrak.)
He figured he could unearth some significant scientific breakthroughs if he could just convince her to donate a sample of her DNA to him.
At first she was stand-offish, but she soon warmed to him and cooperated with some of his scientific experiments.
Shortly thereafter, Marie started addressing him in a condescending tone, and implied that all the scientific discoveries in the world would not compare with the mysteries of magic. This did not set too well with Scott.
It looks like Harmony was on site, doing a load of laundry. She didn't appreciate Marie sneaking up behind her.
Here she is! Scott hired his good friend Christopher Tovar as his live-in lab assistant. Her job will be caring for the clones he creates.
Being a party animal, it seemed only fair that Scott would throw a party before I moved on. He invited a lot of people. The teens seemed content with dancing up a storm in the living room.
It looks like Kenyatta is dancing with his girlfriend's sister. I got a notification that he and Bridget were going steady.
The older folks were enjoying dinner and conversation in the dining room, . . .
Ishmael was quite impressed. Then I spotted Scott securing some DNA from Harmony. I'm pretty sure he didn't get permission from Harmony's legal guardian either! But she passed the duck response test, so I guess that's good enough for him.
I wonder if we will be having a Harmony clone running around town. Scott prefers to collect samples from sims who pass the duck test, but he made an exception for Chrissy.
I thought these two might just be friends and colleagues, but maybe they want to be a little bit more.
In other news, Keith Hart and Ishmael Deemon decided to meet up at the Jambalaya Streetcar Cafe, (created by Soocoolsim), for some drinks.
More to come soon.
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