Life on the Bayou - Part 1

 After growing up in a very small town called Pleasantville with his mother, brother, little sister and a string of his mother's boyfriends, Billy Blackmon is ready for a fresh start. He has recently married Sandy Gavin and is looking forward to starting a family in Bayou Bijou. 

The couple found a rather dated, but affordable waterfront home and is looking forward to seeing what this town has to offer. 

As is tradition, the first person they met is the university mascot. His name is Caleb Dougherty. 

Most people are annoyed by the mascot dropping in unannounced, but Sandy is absolutely thrilled!

"Hey there, handsome! Do you live around here?" 

*Just so you know, Sandy is flirty, a great kisser, overemotional, friendly, and a bookworm. Her lifetime wish is to be a heartbreaker. I did not create this woman, nor did I put her together with Billy. Nraas Story Progression did. I have only gone in recently and adjusted her age down to young adult to match Billy's age, and adjusted her facial features a bit to make her more distinctive. 

Billy is a workaholic, neat, a party animal, a mooch, and a vehicle enthusiast. He wants to be a Renaissance sim, mastering three skills. I'm not really sure why he took up with Sandy as they really don't have a lot in common, and I'm skeptical as to whether this relationship will last, but that's half the fun.

You're laying it on a little thick, Sandy!

Billy is too distracted with the house to notice.

After perusing the paper, Billy realized that there weren't many job opportunities available at this time and he may have to be self-employed for awhile. 

Living on the water makes fishing the obvious choice for bringing in some income. 

Sandy is a pretty fair pianist, but she also wants to learn guitar and writing, so she may either become a musician or a writer at some point. She practices guitar on the front porch while Billy fishes. 

The next day, the newlyweds set off to do some exploring of the area and get in a little fishing. Sandy is surprised that Billy was okay with leaving dirty dishes when he is such a neat freak, but he's so excited to check things out. 

"I hope you don't mind a few insects. We are in a swamp, after all. It's to be expected." 

"Maybe I should have stayed home and worked on my writing skills. I'm going to need to find a job soon. Maybe I can write some magazine articles about this place," Sandy suggested. 

"So what do you think of the house? Pretty nice, huh?" 

"Yeah, I think it has a lot of potential."

"Hey! I caught one!" Sandy enthused. 

"What kind of bait are you using?" Billy asked. "You're having better luck than I am."

It was getting late, and Sandy had to pee. So they headed for home. Tomorrow they plan to investigate the cathedral in town. 

Sandy is wanting to meet more people. We'll see if anyone is around. 

Billy met Janny Sherill, and explained that he and his wife had just moved to town. She seemed friendly enough but skedaddled off. She must have had a prior engagement. 

Meanwhile, Sandy was checking out the cathedral. Very nice! 

Fatima McRae was helping herself to the keg in the party room. 

Sandy met Austin Dowd, a dapper paparazzi, fulfilling her wish to meet someone new. 

I think the cathedral may be suffering a financial setback. One of the people Sandy met was Dylan Saunders, the repoman, and he was in his work uniform. 

Sandy told him about her little fishing adventure the previous day.

In the late afternoon, the rain came, so the couple was glad there was so much they could do indoors to entertain themselves. 

Tiffany Gaffney was tending bar next door to the cathedral. Billy and Sandy stopped in for some dinner before heading home. 

That night, a curious visitor showed up on their front porch. They didn't stay long; they were just checking things out. 

The following day, Billy set out to do some more fishing while Sandy stayed home and worked on her writing skills. He found a great fishing spot out by an old farm. There were even some wild horses hanging about with a little foal. 

It was another rainy day. It looks like the papergirl's dad must have taken pity on her and let her use his jet ski to deliver the papers, so she wouldn't be out in the rain as long. 

Billy decided what the house needed was the pitter-patter of little feet. While he and Sandy are working on starting a family, they also thought a little fur-baby was in order. Welcome to the family Cairo!

Now that Billy and Sandy have met a few people, they decided to throw a small house party to get to know them better. 

The first person to arrive was Caleb Dougherty, the mascot. Yep, I think this guy is gonna cause some trouble with this couple. 

Caleb thought the hotdogs were a bit sketchy, but he ate one anyway. 

He told Billy that there weren't many eating establishments in town, but he hears there are some new ones coming in soon. In fact, a new dance club has just recently opened up, and they should all go check it out soon. 

For awhile, I thought Caleb was going to be the only sim to show up to the party, but soon a fancy motorboat pulled up to the house. 

It was Dylan Saunders, the repo man. The repo business must be going strong for him to afford such a nice ride. 

Poor Billy has a cold. Probably from fishing in the rain. 

Fatima McRae dropped in. She brought some of the Nutrition Squares from Into the Future, but they went bad rather rapidly. Still, it's the thought that counts. 

Billy and Dylan are exchanging recipes. 

Don't go getting any funny ideas, Caleb. Sandy is a married woman!

The party was a big success. Now that several lots have been created, we'll do some more exploring. We'll also see who moves into the new houses. 


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