North Winds Reboot - Part 9 - Setting up Linmeadow

 So the boys were transported to Linmeadow. Like Kit Island, this is a small community. In this case, the creator built shells and placed rabbithole rugs, but additional building is needed to flesh the town out. 

Since this town is unpopulated and has only partially furnished starter homes, I decided to make it a college town and try my hand at making a homeworld college.  

I created a Student Union lot and inside it placed all the university rabbithole rugs. There was some trial and error with routing and making sure all the rugs worked, but I think everything is accessible now. The jury is still out on whether the in-class lecture will work. It didn't on Angelo's first term, but I think it was because I "fixed" the problem after he had enrolled. He's now on his second term, so time will tell.

Ground level: entrance top center, admin rug in front of stairs, admin office upper right, bathrooms center left, cafeteria lower left, recreation room lower right.

Floor 2: science areas upper and library/study area lower.

Top floor: art rooms upper, business lower left, annex rug lower center. (I plan to construct the stadium and annex next door if I get around to it, so I didn't bother recoloring the rug.) Lower right it what I hope is the lecture hall for Tuesday's classes. 

(I had two of the business cases for presentations, but Angelo took one, so I replaced it, then I think someone else took it.) 

. I also needed to make sure there is a nerd shop and library because some of the classes take place at those locations. The library shell was already here an right next to the college building, so I just had to furnish it. 

The main area is two stories tall and open. On the the right is a section with a second floor I'm using for the kids' area. there's a window that looks out over the main area. 

The bottom floor has the entryway with the librarian's desk and the stairs. 

Down the street from the library is the nerd shop (the red brick building), and next to it is the elixir store that I had build for a different world, but it fit the tiny lot here, so I placed it down. 

The lower floor of the nerd shop is the store (using savvy seller rugs) and the comic book register. Upstairs is an arcade and some all-in-one bathrooms. (I have been struggling to get bathrooms in some of these builds. Those who visit the library are just out of luck. They will either need to go the the Student Union next door or come to this shop.)

On the other side of the elixir store is "downtown" which contains most of the rabbitholes on one large lot. 

It took some doing, but in the upper left is the bookstore, lower left is the grocery store, upper middle is the laundromat (with the criminal rabbithole), lower middle is the spa (which includes the sauna), next to the right is the lobby for the business/journalism career (which takes up the space above the laundromat and spa area on the second floor), and on the far right is the movie theater.

On the upper floor, far left, is the bistro/Asian restaurant, center is the offices, above the business lobby are the bathrooms for this entire lot, and above the theater is a band room. 

So far, the Asian restaurant is the only place with a professional bar, but I plan to add a couple more somewhere in town. 

This place has become rather popular. 

Here's the movie theater and the music room.

The grocery store looks a little sparse, but there wasn't any room to put much other than the rug, because it has two entrances. 

The bookstore.

The spa.

Laundromat (criminal hangout). 

Finally, we have the gym. It was already here, but only had bathrooms, two treadmills, and two weight machines. I added the rest. 

The boys have spent 10 days here so far. They've settled in nicely and have gotten to know a lot of the residents. One thing I've never played too much with are the birds. This is Rin, and the boys are teaching him to talk. It takes a long time, but once he's learned, he'll autonomously talk or sing. At this point, he's learned "Sul sul" and can sing "Cheera Sharoo." He's learning the angry phrase now. 

A side quest I have is to teach him all the phrases. The household can take one pet with them when they move, so Rin came with them from Kit Island and will travel with them until he dies. Calvin painted this nice picture of him. 

As for the townsfolk, there are a few households I have investigated. The first is the Baugh family. (Story Progression populated this world for me.)

Ebony Baugh is a single mother who must have had her first child as a teen, since he's a teen now, and she's a young adult. Her son's name is Kenton. She also has a daughter who is a child - Alexandra. And they have a kitten named Mittens. 

This is Ebony and her son Kenton at the gym, working hard while Angelo is making a fool of himself. 

I think this family moved here from Sunlit Tides or Isla Paradiso since Ebony seems like an island girl and loves island music. Her baby-daddy isn't in the picture (or on the family tree.) 

There are also two different Handyman families living here, so I used Master Controller to make the two men brothers. 

The first family consists of Donte, Tania, and their daughter Wendy who is a toddler. Tania is pregnant again, so I made sure there were two cribs in their house as I hate to see babies just lying on the doorstep. 

I'll have to remember to get some pictures of them, but Donte is in the culinary career and isn't doing too well. He wants to be a culinary librarian someday. While I was with them, I made him take a cooking class. His wife Tania is level 2 law enforcement. Both of them are rather skilled in athletics. In fact that is the only type of skill Donte has. Tania is more well-rounded with 2 skill points in piano and one in logic. 

Donte's brother Melvin is married to a woman named Nikita, and Nikita is also pregnant, so I think it's really cute that this extended family will have little cousins who can grow up together. 

This guy is Melvin and the woman below playing pool is Nikita.

Both Melvin and Nikita are in the Journalism field - both level 1. 

Now back to the main family. Angelo took the aptitude test and enrolled in science as he seemed particularly interested in logic at the time, wanting a chess table and to play chess with others. However, the boy is a flibbertigibbet! Despite having the workaholic trait, I have to pry him away from playing video games and get him on task. Then he developed a sudden interest in business, having swiped this presentation case from the business classroom. 

He breaks this out in the most bizarre places, so maybe he was really just  not interested in science after all and wanted to go into business instead. I let him change majors his second term. My main focus though is getting him together with someone so they can produce the next heir. 

There were a few eligible young ladies - Ebony Baugh for one, but she can be a little scary at times and formed a relationship with someone recently. 

Rhiannon Hoff is a paparazzo, but at times seems interested in Angelo.

She also seems a bit fickle. After dancing with Angelo here, she immediately started dancing with someone else. It looked like she wanted to see how Angelo would react. 

His best bet turned out to be Abigail Hoff, the school mascot. Despite Angelo seeing her as a 1 out of 10 in attractiveness, they both seem to be fairly fond of each other. They went on a few dates. 

(Note to self: add some lighting to the park areas.) I think Angelo was rushing things a bit. He kissed her and she wasn't happy about it. 

She was amenable to skinny dipping in the public pool with him, however. 

And she seemed impressed by his kicky-sack skills. 

They quickly became good friends. She also seems to be friends with that Rhiannon chick. 

Calvin doesn't think she's smart enough for Angelo, however. 

He told her as much when she came over to hang out with Angelo. 

But the heart wants what the heart wants. 

She has since moved in and become part of the family. 

Abigail's lifetime wish is to be a heartbreaker. She's flirty, a party animal, charismatic, childish, and friendly. Something tells me she won't be in his life for long. She'll probably saddle him with a baby and skedaddle. 

Another thing I never thought of doing is placing the kids' bake sale stand in a park. It appears the neighborhood kids will show up and stock the table and sell their wares autonomously. Who knew?

Calvin was delighted to learn this. 

Here's another enterprising youngster. On second thought, I'm not sure if they are bringing their own tables or if these were placed here. I'll have to look into it further. 

Calvin has not yet mastered the werewolf transformation. I'm not sure how to fix it. I tried looking in CAS, but didn't see a werewolf outfit option. Maybe I need to take him to CAS in his werewolf state.  Here he is talking to Leif Corley. 

Leif's claim-to-fame is his penchant for sneaking up on people and scaring them. 

What a weirdo! 

As for Maxwell, he's just living his best life. He still trains Calvin in fighting, and has recently been wanting to invent a time machine and a miner, which is strange because he's a technophobe and also spends time trying to sabotage the college's science equipment. 

That's it for now. 


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