Spooky Day 2024 - Concat's Ghoul School Challenge - Part 1.

 I usually play with humans, but in October, I like to play with some supernaturals. Last October, Terrence Bloodston settled in Barnacle Bay, having moved from my North Winds Legacy game after the previous October and having a brief stint in my Emerald Valley game. I wanted to keep of the tradition of playing this family going, but wasn't sure what I wanted to do, then I saw Concat's Ghoul School Challenge and thought it was perfect!

Here's a video with the details of the challenge. Ghoul School Challenge.

So Terrence has a teenage son now. He moved the family to Moonlight Falls because he wanted his boy to become friends with his own kind. The only other supernaturals in Barnacle Bay were a couple people Terrence and his daughter turned to vampires. Terrence had heard of this boarding school for teens and enrolled Cosmin. 

Cosmin seems a little unsure of starting over in a new school, let alone a boarding school, but it turns out his parents are helicopter parents and call him every day. Sometimes even twice a day. You can't really blame them once you find out what is to come. 

The next day, Cosmin found himself surrounded by teenaged supernaturals of all kinds. It was Sunday so it was just a day to get settled in and get to know each other. 

Cosmin thought he was hitting it off with Weston Wishingtale, the genie, but the boy has issues. 

Weston seemed to think anyone who couldn't go out in the sun would be a boring friend to have. Despite this rocky start, Weston had the wish to text Cosmin and to befriend a vampire. 

I think Cosmin really does like the idea of having a friend. 

Soon after Cosmin went inside, Angelique Angelfish snuck up on Weston and scared him. Scaring people seems to be what Angelique likes to do best. 

She even had the nerve to scare poor Headmistress Witchery. Headmistress Witchery had a really bad first day. These teens treated her horribly! They were surly, they snuck up and scared her, and Rose Valentine, the insane fairy would just not let up!

She was so rude and mouthy, that I think the Headmistress wanted to kill her! What a spoiled little brat!

"Headmistress, I'm only here because my parents needed a break from me. You'll find I am exceptionally brilliant. In fact, I doubt there is anything you could teach me that I don't already know. 

"Time will tell child. If nothing else, we do have an extensive library. I'm sure you will find something new and exciting to learn."

"I haven't read a book since 3rd grade! Good luck trying to get me to read one now! Books are so lame!"

"You had better make my stay here interesting and inspiring, or I'll tell father, and he'll see that you are fired!"

"Well, I wouldn't want that to happen! How about we have a private lesson right now, just for you! Pestilence schmestilence, I curse this pest with pestilence!"

"It looks like you aren't feeling well. Maybe you ought to just go to bed."

Unfortunately, Headmistress Witchery had only heard of this curse and had never used it. In her anger, she failed to remember that pestilence spreads! Soon coughing and hacking, vomiting, body odor, and fatigue plagued the entire school, including the headmistress herself! This was a horrible illness that hung on and hung on with no apparent end in sight!

Even our precious Cosmin caught the crud. 

Students had difficulty doing anything for any length of time. Headmistress Witchery felt bad about losing her temper and took the whole school down to the Summer Festival to have some fun, but they all came home on their own. They just didn't feel up to the task. To further complicate matters, I think the students spread the pestilence to some other townsfolk, who I suspect are spreading throughout the whole area. 

I have never used the pestilence curse, so I don't know if people die if they don't get treated. I looked at each student's moodlets, and some say "you'd better do something before this turns to something serious." A few of them had suggestions of eating honey or chili peppers to help get rid of it, so Rose Valentine and Betty Bloodthirst tried getting honey from the beekeeping boxes. They were unskilled, however, and didn't smoke the box first. They both got a lot of bee stings and no honey. 


I thought Headmistress Witchery would be able to whip up some potent cure elixir, but despite the fact that she is level 10 in alchemy, she knew NO recipes for ANY potions! I sent her and Cosmin primarily to research alchemy, looking for the cure elixir, spelling them off with other students when they needed a break to go vomit or sleep. So far no one has discovered it. 

The sneaky headmistress went to the elixir store and bought a flask of the cure and drank it herself, so I thinks she's well now. There was only one cure elixir at the time she went. I sent Cosmin the next day to check for more, but there wasn't any. He was clever enough to smoke a bee box and get 5 containers of honey, however. 

He tried some, but nothing seemed to happen. (His moodlet didn't suggest using it though - it just warned that he needed the cure elixir.) He didn't know Betty Bloodthirst well enough to gift her a bottle, but he left one out on the table for her to drink. It took awhile, but she did get better - I don't know if the honey had anything to do with it. She now has the immunity moodlet which says she can't get the pestilence again.  

"Yeah Dad, things are fine here, just fine!" 

The sickness hasn't stopped the gossip mill or the teenage crushes; that drama continues despite everything. 

Until next time. . . .


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