Spooky Day 2024: Ghoul School Challenge Part 4 - The next round of students

 The first group of students who went to college returned from college. Moses wanted to capture his classmates in their true essence. He asked Alexander to pose for him. Why they chose to do this in the bathroom is beyond my reasoning.

I guess this is how Moses sees Alexander.

"This will go down in history as a masterpiece, Alexander. Just you wait and see!"

I had all the college graduates use the magic 8 ball to determine who would be the next headmaster/headsmistress. 

Each asked, "Should I get a job?" which was the closest question I could find to asking if they should be the headmaster. Moses' response said to check back later. 

Alexander was fairly confident that the ball would choose him. But he was to be disappointed. 

Sorry buddy. 

Then it was Betty's turn. Congratulations, girl. 

Betty is the new headmistress-in-training. The first thing Miss Elora did was take Betty along to recruit students. 

The first candidate was Sophie Rogers-Grimm, a fairy. 

Miss Elora laid out the advantages of attending a magic school as opposed to a traditional muggle school. Sophie has been seeing Peanut Ivy, another magical teen, but he seemed like he would age up a lot sooner than the students Elora was recruiting, so she didn't offer him a space at the school. 

(Peanut was the kid who coughed so hard from the pestilence that his body contorted.)

Despite her boyfriend not joining her at the school, Sophie agreed to enroll. She joined the school with 3 skill levels in athletics and 2 in logic. She's a social butterfly, unlucky, athletic, and friendly. 

The next prospective student was Alfred Hoppcraft, another fairy. He hates he outdoors, is clumsy, artistic, and friendly. He autonomously graced the school with a series of paintings, mostly of plants and flowers. 

Alfred had 2 skill levels in fishing and 1 in painting before enrolling. 

Alfred had either a friend or brother who begged Miss Elora to let him attend the school too, but alas, he was a mere muggle. 

(The deer was just passing through and photo-bombed the screenshot.)

Other students were investigated: . . . 

. . . Fawn Goodfellow seemed like a good candidate as she was part of a fairy family; however, she's really a muggle, and Betty found her lacking in intelligence. (The lore about Fawn is that she was born to the Durwood family, a non-magical family who hates the supernatural - patterned off the Dursleys from the Harry Potter series. However, she was switched at birth by the fairies and the Durwoods went home with a fairy baby instead.)

This one not only had a dirty face, but was also just a muggle. 

The last recruit for the school from the town was Gator Wolf, a werewolf. At first he seemed unsure of this smelly woman paying him a visit and offering him a space at her school. 

In the end, he agreed to join her, hoping to meet other werewolves his own age. His father wondered who would wash the dishes if he moved out. (The other teen in the shot was just a muggle.) Gator started school with 1 skill level in cooking. Gator is a slob, hates the outdoors, has star quality, and is excitable. 

After recruiting from the town, the school was still only at half capacity, so Betty put her social networking skills to work advertising for the school. (I tried to use the Simfinder App, but it only works for young adults and above as it's intended to be a dating app, I think. So I ended up randomizing 3 more supernaturals using a randomizer wheel to determine the type and gender and the in-game randomizer to determine their traits. 

Doreen Travis (the blonde) is a werewolf. She's never nude, grumpy, a heavy sleeper, and a natural-born performer. 

Dionne Sheridan (the redhead) is a witch. She's a great kisser, loves the cold, an animal lover, and is mean spirited. Dionne is sweet on Giovanni, the last recruit. 

He's a hotheaded genie with the photographer's eye, who is also a natural born performer and hydrophobic. 

I used the wheel randomizer to determine which student I would use for the challenge. It turned out to be Dionne, the witch. Here are her goals:

Master fishing, alchemy, and gardening.
Unlock Magic Hands reward and Collection Helper reward
Use either a friendship elixir or a jar of discord on a student
Use an elixir to cure a zombie
Use the tragic clown elixir on a random sim

This time I really tried to grind out the achievements but still fell short. 
Dionne mastered alchemy, but was at level 9 in both gardening and fishing by the time she aged up.
She used a friendship elixir at  least once on a classmate, cured a couple zombies (or maybe the same one twice), and used the tragic clown elixir on a random sim - a criminal/burglar


Something tells me Dionne was having a bad day that day. Hopefully accomplishing this mission made her feel better. 

She earned enough points to get the magic hands reward, but didn't even come close to getting the collection helper. 

Her time at school wasn't all drudgery; she managed to spend some time with her boyfriend Giovanni. . . 

. . . picked a bunch of fights at prom. . . 

. . . and got in trouble for it when she got home. 

She also had to be reprimanded for stirring up trouble at the festival by picking fights. 


"What has gotten into you, young lady? Go home this instant!"

She worked on her wand skills whenever she would work them into her busy schedule. She also found the time to torment some of her classmates. 

She also met Alexander, one of the school's alum, who shared some study tips. 

Despite all her shenanigans and not completing the challenge, she aged up into a fine young lady with a future that is what she chooses to make of it. 

In other news, Peanut Ivy asked Sophie to prom and they had a great time. 

Gator got Prom King

Terrence started seeing a lot of Miss Elora, calling to ask her out on dates, despite being married to Christina. 

They didn't always get along. Once things got so heated that Elora tried to ice blast him, but it backfired. 

Despite this, they still kept seeing each other. 

Doreen and Alfred became somewhat of an item. 

The school had a late-night visitor from another world. 

And the all-in-one bathroom I installed upstairs in the greenhouse for convenience got repossessed several times because Elora and Betty kept forgetting to pay the bills. 

Elora learned the recipe for Ambrosia and I was hoping to have her restore Cosmin, but I'm getting several of those shiny ovals all over the school and can't figure out how to get rid of them as it says they are all "in use." Since the challenge is over and the month of October is coming to a close, I might just say goodbye and good luck to these folks. I've got a lot of other saves I've been neglecting. 

One last thing. I've never played fairies, so I didn't realize they could work their way into the claw machine and steal prizes. 


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