Spooky Day 2024 - Ghoul School Challenge Part 3

 Last episode, some of the students started aging up. In this episode, the rest of the students aged up to young adult.

First Betty,

then Angelique,

then Alexander,

and then Moses.

Every single one of them graduated with a failing grade. Some got recognition from their classmates. I guess I need to correct that statement about every one of them going to graduation and getting a diploma, I think Betty attended, but didn't participate in the ceremony, and the same with Angelique. 

While the ceremony was going on, I spotted poor Terrence wandering the grounds. His son should have been among the graduates today, but he died before graduation day. 

So sorry, Terrence. 

Here are the stats on each of the surviving students. 

Rose Valentine - Overemotional, Insane, Neurotic, Social Butterfly, and Green Thumb. Voted "Most Likely to Offend Others." 
Skills: 4 gardening, 1 logic, 1 alchemy.

Weston Wishingtale - Flirty, Party Animal, Daredevil, Hates the Outdoors, and Handy.
Skills: 3 cooking, 1 social networking, 3 alchemy.

Alexander Spellcaster - Proper, Bookworm, Perfectionist, Grumpy, and has Commitment Issues. 
Skills: 3 cooking, 3 alchemy. 

Moses Howlingstar - Absentminded, Flirty, Adventurous, Eccentric, and Charismatic.
Skills: 3 cooking, 4 fishing, 1 gardening, 1 logic.

Angelique Angelfish - Flirty, Dramatic, Snob, Hates the Outdoors, and Clumsy. (I had assumed she was evil because she was constantly sneaking up and scaring the others, but I guess that was just a ghosty thing to do.) She was the most disliked among the students. 

Only Cosmin seemed to appreciate her. 
Skills: 2 athletic, 3 cooking, 1 logic, and 1 social networking. 

Betty Bloodthirst - Brooding, Shy, Can't Stand Art, Light Sleeper, and Athletic.
Skills 8 Athletic (which she chose to develop on her own), 2 logic, and 4 alchemy. 

They all failed high school, but I had them all take the aptitude test anyway. Those that earned some kind of recognition could go, and I'd kick the others out to make their way in town. Here are the results. 

Weston scored 955 out of 2400 with no accolades of any sort. (Later I found him selling concessions at the festival.) 

Alexander scored only 901 out of 2400, but earned +6 credits if he majors in Science and Medicine, so he gets to go to college. 

Moses scored 1092 out of 2400 and earned +6 if he majors in communications, so he's going.

Betty scored 1061 out of 2400 and earned a whopping +18 credits if she majors in physical education, so she's going.

Angelique scored a mere 872 out of 2400 and had no offers, so she's stay in town.

Rose flat out refused to take the test even though I prompted her to do so three times! What a stubborn girl.  

It was either Angelique or Rose who wanted to join the business career, so I sent her to do so, then I kicked those who weren't going to college out. The college students can continue calling Ghoul School home until they finish college. Then I will select one of them to take the reigns and run the school, as Mistress Elora ages to elder and focuses on ridding the town of the pestilence she caused. 

I admit that sending kids to college isn't something I regularly do as it seems kind of boring, but this time was different. I sent them for one term, thinking that would be the end of it, but when that term was over, I felt I wasn't done yet. I think part of it is that with the supernaturals, I could create some chaos. After the first term I had them touch base with Headmistress Witchery, then return for two more terms. 

Alexander was quite fond of toadifying random students, especially when he was in a bad mood, which he often was because he really struggled academically despite really trying. 

Shannon Arkers was his first victim, but wouldn't be his last. 

They seemed to kind of like each other, but that didn't stop him from ice blasting her as well. 

Alexander discovered that you can't toadify zombies. Still, he managed to have an influence on the demographics of the student body.

Alexander developed a romantic connection with Betty Franklin. 

Shy Betty Bloodthirst, did get out to socialize some and made a few friends, which was good, because it's always nice to have a snack handy when she gets peckish.

Ludo Vicco became a good friend. 

He put up with her odd moods and often invited her to parties. At one of these parties, she met and fell for Jeffrey Dean, and they became romantic interests. 

Another interest she developed was bowling. I might have to place a bowling alley in Moonlight Falls just for her. 

She even managed become good enough friends with the school mascot to turn him into a vampire. 

While she could drink his blood and turn him into a vampire, she was still not a good enough friend for him to give her mascot lessons. Those must be a closely guarded secret! Maybe he just wants job security. 

Despite all her extra curricular activities, Betty managed to get fairly good, but not stellar, grades. 

Of all of them, Moses was the one who was the biggest success academically, and he merely sucked up to the teachers and asked them for good grades! 

He had his share of shenanigans. 

At one point I thought I found the perfect girlfriend for him.

They loved practice-fighting with each other, but she always kicked his butt. I checked for attractiveness, and was disappointed. Apparently, he didn't like her in that way. 

However, over time, I couldn't help but think he was changing his mind. 

I'm not sure who I will put in charge of Ghoul School when the students' college careers are over. I was really leaning toward Betty and was grooming her for the position, but their visit back to Ghoul School during their break reminded me of some things and introduced some new aspects I might want to consider. 

First of all, Moses is turning out to be quite an interesting character, and his contribution of tiberium which he autonomously went out and found on his own, has pretty much funded the students' ability to attend college in the first place - and there are two more "mature" tiberium pieces on the grounds. He also took the time to show Mistress Elora and the others what he learned in his classes.


Then I remembered that Betty was afraid of Bonehilda, and Bonehilda is not only the school's custodian, but also the security guard. 

She definitely earns her keep!

Then Headmistress Elora autonomously took a romantic interest in Alexander (the cougar!)

Keep your nose out of their business, Moses!

Alexander has got commitment issues, and Elora will soon be an elder, so I see this as more of a potential "friends with benefits" situation. They enjoy dueling with each other. 

Of course Elora wins, being more experienced, but it might be interesting to watch Alexander develop his skills and maybe someday best his teacher. 

I might have to devise some kind of contest or scorecard for them to determine the next headmaster/headmistress. 

While on break, they went to the festival, where they discovered their old classmate Weston at the concession stand. 

They told him all about their adventures in college. I think he was a little jealous. 

Weston also called Betty to chat. They are still romantic interests. This was before she met Jeffrey Dean.

Here are the academic performance stats for the students. 

Their first term:

Moses passed all his exams by begging the professors for a good grade and finished the term with a B.

Betty, taking 3 back-to-back classes, passed the first two by trying hard, but was unable to try hard on the last one, resulting in a failure. She also nearly died of thirst, but made it home and to the fridge with just minutes to spare. She ended the term with a C.

Alexander failed all his exams and ended with a D. 

The second terms culminated in the following. 

Moses even made the Dean's list, the suck-up. 

Everyone got a degree and an additional trait, which I randomized. Moses got the dramatic trait. 

Alexander got the athletic trait.

Betty gained the hydrophobic trait. 

Once they got home, I put them through a series of tests and checked their achievements to date. 
It looks like Betty will indeed be the new headmistress. 

I'm going to turn off aging and do a little maintenance on the town and then send Betty and Elora out to recruit students for the next round. 


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