Tailor Gwynne Part 2 - Love Lost - the rise of The Cadillac Ranch

 For the most part, Tailor has been happy enough with hosting her rich husband's parties in his party barn, The Flamingo. She has met a lot of people, including the Tiny Town residents. Beatrice in particular has become a good friend to her, sort of a surrogate mother. 

Baby Gloria was getting older now, and having the birthday leading to toddlerhood. They threw the birthday party in the party barn because there was a lot more room there. Most of the guest, however, were to busy partying, they forgot to help celebrate. Even Feisal took his own sweet time. 

He probably got so smelly from practicing his dance moves before the party started.

As is tradition at any party, the sinks started breaking and Feisal went to tend to it. The day must have been too much for him. He started feeling funny.

The next thing he knew, Mr. Grim was coming to take him home.

Tailor was devastated, but vowed to carry on raising their child and making the most of the leg up on bar ownership that he gave her. 

She did have some ideas for changing things up in the bar, however. She rebranded the place, naming it The Cadillac Ranch, and replaced most of the gaming items with a small kitchen and small stage for musical performances. 

She removed the gambling table and turned the back room into a small kitchen serving pizza, calzones, and lasagna. (I learned that the professional bar on a residential lot does not allow for bar food being served from it. Probably because it doesn't spawn an NPC bartender.) 

Tailor also tried some moonlighting as a bartender around town. They hired her at Mick's Master Karaoke, though the bartender seemed a little skeptical about Tailor's skills.

However, it was a really slow night, with only a teenager and a couple men in the bar. It wasn't long before Tailor realized the reason that she was allowed to moonlight was because the bartender wanted to be free to hang out with her boyfriend. 

It's a good thing Tailor was paid by the hour and not by the number of drinks she made, because I don't think she made any. She went home with 236 simoleons. On another occasion, she tried to moonlight at the Port-a-Party Warehouse, but they didn't feel she was skilled enough. 

I downloaded the mod that charges admission fees and can be used on residential lots, so now Tailor can run Cadillac Ranch without losing money making drinks for her guests. There was a learning curve on using the item. I initially set the lot to draw kids, teens, and animals instead of young adults, adults, and elders. 

I eventually got it figured out. She brings in about 600-700 simoleons a night. The guests are charged 10 simoleons an hour. 

Working from home makes it possible to manage childcare expenses. 

Open mic night is always a big hit.

There have been a few altercations, but no one has come to blows. There has also been one death, besides Feisal. 

Cruz Martingale passed away, much to everyone's dismay.  

This bar attracts all kinds of people: aliens, criminals, reapers, plumbot wannabes, young and old, friendly and hostile. 

Being a single mother, Tailor makes sure she spends quality time with little Gloria. 

She spent time grieving the loss of Feisal . . . 

 . . . but she realized she didn't want to spend the rest of her life alone and has wanted to have another child since Gloria was born. Besides, little Gloria should have a father figure in her life. She's growing so fast!

So Tailor started keeping her eyes out for Mr. Right. It would definitely NOT be Keenan Regan! He had the nerve to ask her out the very night her husband died. She didn't even have the chance to fix the broken sink Feisal was working on yet!

There are a few eligible men, though not from Tiny Town. It turns out Frank and Opal are a couple, Ziggy and Azure are a couple, and Cyprus is seeing a woman named Jessica. Beatrice is still single, and I don't know about Annie. 

Beatrice is now an elder, so she really is looking like a surrogate mother for Tailor. Beatrice never liked children, so maybe having a young woman to mentor will be more her speed. 

Tailor did go on a date with an older man who thought he was still a young man, but she decided she should look for someone more her own age. She didn't want to face widowhood again any time soon.

While open mic night is a lot of fun, Tailor is interested in getting some professional talent as well. She thought she would pick the brain of the proprietor at the Simfest held in the park. They hit it off pretty well, so he's a contender.

Little Gloria also may have a little friend, if he doesn't try stealing her imaginary friend doll. 

The kid's name is Carson Nicholson, and his mother is Joelle. Tailor struck up a conversation about the heat with her. I'd like to see them become good friends as they both have kids the same age. However, Tailor seems to have difficulty retaining friends for some reason. They became friends, but the next day when Tailor invited her out to the Festival Grounds, they were only acquaintances. We'll keep trying. 

As I said, little Gloria is growing fast. She is now friendly, perceptive, and loves the outdoors. She also autonomously helps her mother clean up the house and bar. What a good girl!

But back to the eligible men. This handsome cop and Tailor seemed to like each other. And he's single. 

There is also Lester Carlisle, who has been actively pursuing her, sending her love letters, etc. At first I dismissed him because from a distance he looked like an old man, but looking closer, what hair he has is blonde, not gray. 

It turns out the guy just needed a glow-up. He's pretty strategic. He first made friends with little Gloria, before offering flowers to her mother. 

He definitely has Gloria's stamp of approval, and Tailor appreciates the "glow-up."

This turn of events seems to be discouraging for the cop. 

However, Lester has one fatal flaw - he's married. His wife was also at the bar that night, and I was wondering why he suddenly grew cold to Tailor's flirts. His wife was standing right behind Tailor!
He did continue flirting after a few tries however, despite his wife being there. "My wife just doesn't understand me," he confides in Tailor. (I didn't get a picture of the wife. She was dressed as a scientist. Maybe she neglects him in favor of her career. She looked like she had reached the Mad Scientist level, judging by her outfit.)

The next day was a little awkward. It was a hot day, and Tailor took Gloria to the pool for the afternoon. Who should be there but Lester's wife, and I assume teenage son.

Tailor kept her distance. Gloria had a breath holding contest with her potential step-brother, but as more people arrived to the pool, it was easier to avoid any confrontations. 

Gloria met another kid her own age, which was nice. She hasn't started school yet, so it's nice that she kind of knows someone. 

It's nice that she's old enough to not need a babysitter anymore. The ones we had were always up to no good.

To be fair, I realized later that I had locked the doors to the house so only the household could enter. The girl couldn't get in to tend to Gloria, and once I unlocked the door, she went running. 

Stay tuned. 


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