Goldbeard PI Part 2 - Clients and Perps

 When we left off, Coral was on the case of the missing Venus Lovelace, who apparently was a girlfriend to several people in town, but had "disappeared" lately. It turns out she was indeed a con-artist, and was working as a musician in town. Coral went to tell the bartender at The Hot Spot the bad news about his supposed girlfriend.

Apparently he has already reached the conclusion that there was something fishy about her. 

Sunlit Tides gets a lot of rave reviews from simmers, but it's a basegame world and lacking in a lot of amenities. I had to convert the hangout places to something other than just a bunch of tables and self-serve juice bars. The Hot Spot was converted to a bar, and the Hideout was turned into an Asian restaurant. Also there are no builds from Ambitions such as firehouses or consignment stores, so I built a little mini mall, (named Sunlit Mini Mall, because I wasn't feeling too creative at the time.) 

The orange section houses the consignment store downstairs an elixir store upstairs.

Both also have Savvy Seller rugs so sims can purchase what's on display in addition to purchasing from the register and consigning their own items. 

The green section in the middle is a coffee shop, and upstairs is just storage and employee breakroom and bathroom.

The pink section is the arcade and bowling alley. 


Top floor

Bottom floor 

I'm having issues logging in through the launcher these days. It won't recognize my password anymore, and I tried to change it, but still nothing. Therefore, I'm unable to upload to the Exchange. I might have 
to put it on my Google Drive instead. 

But back to the story. The next case Coral had was "The Case of the Missing Golden Llama" in which she was hired to settle a bad call by a referee in an important game. She needed to question some people and find out who this bad ref was. She felt the gym would be the best place to start. Those into athletics would probably be in the know. 

There she found Rosalind Cruzita crying in the bathroom. Apparently her boyfriend, Alonso Candelaria,  had been unfaithful.

Coral calmed her down, listened to her sob-story, and then asked about the game and referee. 

She also met Griffin Alto at the gym, and seemed interested in him, but it's best not to get involved with an Alto if you are trying to cultivate friends who are on the up-and-up. 

After fishing around, Coral discovered that everyone thought the referee was on the take, and an overall bad referee. This referee was none other than Coral's friend Lucretia Parrott, whom Coral had already had to reprimand to put on the straight and narrow previously. Awkward!

Coral staked out the park where there was rumored to be a monetary exchange for Lucretia's bad call. I was impressed that this time Coral really did a good job at hiding out. She just needs to lose the red trench coat.  😆

Sure enough, Lucretia came along and met up with the opposing team's manager and money was exchanged. (Lucretia either got into another scrape, or hasn't bathed in awhile.)

Poor Coral. She really is trying to break away from poor associations, but she just gets hooked back in. Time to confront her wayward friend - AGAIN. 

Again, Lucretia asked to be "let off the hook," and again Coral obliged. Lucretia made a formal apology, got a slap on the wrist, and nobody pressed charges. 

It turns out, Coral's client's dog had recently had a litter of puppies, so she took home a new friend along with her pay for the job. 

One day, Coral met Len Tsang, a musician, and they became fast friends. 

He has a girlfriend, apparently, but frankly he's better off without her. Coral's friend Lucretia invited her to a party where Coral got to meet this so-called girlfriend. 

On a lark, Coral suggested to the girl that she woohoo with the guy in the big hat. The girl actually took her seriously!

She hopped right in the bed with other party-goers in the room and beckoned to the guy to join her. He chickened out. I don't think this girl is right in the head.

While I'm not driven to find a man for Coral, and would rather she focused on her career, if Mr. Right comes along, we'll go with it. She really seemed to like this Len Tsang character; however, he called her the next day because he felt he was being stalked and asked her to look into it. She ran all over town trying to locate the stalker only to have a doctor explain to her that Len has a split personality and was really just stalking himself! Maybe he and his girlfriend are right for each other after all. Coral sure knows how to pick 'em. 

Lucretia was not happy with Len's girlfriend either. Apparently she not only wanted to woohoo with the guy in the big hat, but she was coming on to Lucretia's boyfriend!

Therefore, Lucretia graciously accepted flowers from the big hat man.

"How you like them apples, honey!"

Lucretia and Coral are back to being thick as thieves, but Coral was in need of a friend who wasn't always in trouble, (and I was in need of having more sims to control since I get bored with having just one for any length of time), so she invited her childhood friend Fawn Annan to come visit, then moved her in. Fawn was originally only 3 days younger than Coral, and Coral has been here awhile. Fawn was still a teen when she showed up. Coral asked about her age and she said she was 19 days younger than Coral! Time for a birthday party. 

Coral invited several people she knew, including Griffin Alto, Lucretia and Clementine Parrott, and the man in the big hat whose name I have forgotten. If this game had pet monkeys, I'd get him one called George and make his hat more yellow. 

Fawn Annan likes classical music, fruit parfait, and the color blue. She is neurotic, a snob, a mooch, a party animal, and has a good sense of humor. She may sound like a ne'er-do-well, but she is actually rather ambitious. She is level 10 in painting and has a lifetime wish to master guitar and charisma. She wanted to be in politics, so I sent her down to get the job. She's really taken with the dog, and they are BFFs. (His name is Luke, and he aged up about a day after Coral got him.)

The girls like to get out on the town frequently. 

On one occasion a surly man was creating a scene. His name is Kai Kahale. He must be famous or something because his bad behavior was being meticulously recorded by a paparazzo. 

"Hmmm . . . . Browbeating random strangers and his teenage daughter in public. I bet this makes the front page! Maybe I'll get a Pulitzer!" 

I'll end this episode with a couple random pictures that didn't make it into the narrative.

Luke making a doggie friend.

"Hmmm, I swear that bush wasn't there yesterday." (I think he's on to you, Coral.)

Coral needs to be more aware of her surroundings if she's going to skulk around at night.


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