Riverview Updated Part 10 - New folks in town, and the struggles of Spencer Funke and Melisa Lu

 It's been awhile since I've been in Riverview. When I left off I was with Curt Ware, the Casanova of old ladies and his roommate Josh. They had just had a major fire. I restored their kitchen and gave them back their pool table, but was itching to work on another house and see who moved in. 

I chose the Laurel.

I struggled a bit with the front door and the stairs to the second floor. It must be some kind of move objects or constrained floor elevation issue. I deleted most to the wall along that side of the house and replaced it to see if that would fix the problem. It didn't look like it did at first, but after leaving the game and coming back to it the next day, the routing was working much better, though not perfect. 

A single guy named Clark Crook moved in. He's a couch potato and constantly watching TV. He is also excitable, ambitious, a heavy sleeper, and nurturing. His lifetime wish is to be a blog artist, but when I placed him, the first thing he wanted to do was join the architecture career and do home renovations. So he's doing that and writing a blog about renovating houses. I felt it was a shame that a single guy was living alone in this big house, so I gave him a backstory.

He's recently divorced and moved to town for a fresh start. He had a lucrative career in the big city at a major architecture firm designing commercial buildings and bridges, but he hated his job and the stress and long hours. He had been saving up for awhile, so even after the divorce settlement, he was able to afford this house. However, now that he's left his lucrative job, he could use some additional income and decided to get a roommate to share expenses. 

Jody Miles, also recently divorced and mother of toddler Sophie, answered the ad. Being a nurturing sim, Clark was glad to have a child in the house. Jody loves the cold, is never nude, is neurotic, inappropriate, and a slob. (However, she acts like a neat sim, getting wishes to clean things.) Jody has an interest in the supernatural, and though she isn't a witch, it seems she would like to be. She has joined the fortunetelling career and her wishes include acquiring elixirs. Her lifetime wish is to reach the top of the fortunetelling career. 

Here's the house.

The open-concept living area - living room, kitchen, and dining room.

The kitchen and dining area. I have since recolored the dining set, barstools, and kitchen island to match the curio cabinet ant kitchen counters. Clark's favorite color is red, but this was just too jarring. 

The red and brown tones were reserved for his wing of the house.

 Clark's bedroom.

Clark's man cave.

The office area where I thought Clark would be posting the blogs, but Jody tends to hog the computer making inappropriate forum posts every chance she gets. These half-walls aren't really purple, they just look that way at a certain time of the day. They match the other walls in reality. 

Jody's favorite color is blue. This is her bedroom. I had to remove the statue in the back, and pull the chairs away from the table a bit so they could be sat in. I put the moon dial in a table to serve as a crystal ball since I don't own the one from the store. It does tell their fortune if they consult it. 

Here's Sophie's room.

I haven't done anything with the upstairs yet since they don't need the room. 

The bathrooms all look fairly similar. Here's one of them.

There wasn't a fortuneteller caravan in town, so I added a small lot out by the Simhenge rocks. 

Despite it being out-of-the-way, it seems pretty popular with the townies. (Small Park designation.) 

With Jody settled into her job, I turned my attention to Clark's career. His first job was to create a reading room for Justine Stockton. She had just recently given birth to baby Rae, so I guess she needed her own space. I converted the outbuilding I had set up for the cat into a she-shed. (There was a weeping willow hanging through the roof when Clark went to take pictures for his portfolio, so I removed it, and gave baby Rae a crib in the upstairs hallway since Eric and Ada haven't moved out to their own house yet. I do plan to find them a house soon, but I was looking around and discovered that Spencer Funke and Melissa Lu were in dire need of a bigger house.)

Spencer and Melissa now have two children, a large dog, and a puppy. They also can't afford to move at this time. I don't want to add to this house, because it might work for Eric and Ada or another young couple in town if it stays affordable. 

I sent both adults out to buy lottery tickets and am concentrating of their lifetime wishes to try and get enough points for the inheritance award. I'm also pushing them at their jobs. 

One of Melissa's wishes was to get married, so I had Spencer work on making an honest woman of her since she's the mother of both his children. Of course it was Spooky Day, and Spencer felt it was fitting to propose in a hotdog suit, but Melissa didn't seem to mind. 

Maybe this picture will go on their wedding invitations. 

While this was going on, Uncle Jameel was napping on their bed. (Don't ask my why, he was here when I dropped in.) She broke the news that Spencer finally popped the question. He was happy for her. 

However, the next morning wasn't a good day. Melissa was baking some waffles in the oven and the kitchen caught fire. I try to be hands off when these things happen to see how the sims handle the situation,  but . . . 

Melissa was in a panic, the dogs were barking, the babies were crying in their cribs, and Spencer, being a heavy sleeper, was sleeping like the dead.

The big dog (Lulu Lu) got herself out, and the puppy was magically transported to the porch, and the paper girl was no help at all. 

I finally had to wake Spencer up to see if he would take care of the situation.

He was no help at all. Finally I made Melissa call the fire department. By they time the fire was out, they had lost the stove, sink all the kitchen counters, and part of the island counters. What a setback! 

Melissa was late for work as a result, and Spencer had to get to work too, so they called a sitter. When Melissa got home, she was exhausted and went straight to bed. The sitter stayed. He was being a real creep. He's a teen, but seems to have an unhealthy attraction to Melissa. 

I didn't catch it in a photo, but he was in her bedroom watching her sleep and he did the "checking a sim out" animation. Then he hovered over her bed watching her sleep! 

He did this for the longest time, until Spencer came home and caught him in the act.

"You stay away from my soon-to-be-wife, you little creep! I don't want to see you around here again! You're fired!"

"I'm sorry it didn't work out. Just pay me what you owe me and I'll be on my way."

There next sitter wasn't a very good one. She sat and watched TV all the time while the babies sat in dirty diapers, then she got annoyed that they were making so much noise and interrupting her TV program. 

Melissa has been wanting to quit the law enforcement career and become a stylist. Maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea. She could schedule her work hours around Spencer's and they wouldn't need to hire sitters. She decided this was the best thing to do. Spencer is in the athletic career but is also fond of music. 

He had an opportunity to learn martial arts to improve his job performance. He learned in Riverview, but the opportunity wants him to go to China to do it, so I don't know if it will count. 

My goals at the moment are to get them married and into a bigger house. I looked around, and I think they need about 36,000 simoleons to get into a bigger house. 

In other news, despite Clark Cook's atrocious behavior at the Stockton costume party, (he and Justine were autonomously flirting and kissing in front of Justine's husband), . . . 

according to Story Progression, he and his roommate Jody really hit it off . . . 

 and tied the knot, according to a notice shortly after this one. 

Stay tuned . . . .


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