Tiny Town Part 9

 With Snowflake day swiftly approaching, the residents of Tiny Town are inundated with calls from people asking them out on dates. In a previous episode, Beatrice was caught skinny dipping in Cruz Martingale's hot tub after attending his party. He seemed a little put-out at the time, but now he seems to be intrigued. 

He asked her out on a date to the graveyard - odd choice, but whatever. They had a great time building snowmen . . . 

. . . ice skating , . . .

. . . and woohooing in the mausoleum. 

While they were busy in the mausoleum, I couldn't help noticing this young lady building an igloo.

Her name is Donna Par-Teague, and she died of starvation. Seeing her out here starving in the snow gave me Donner Party vibes. I decided to see what I could look up about her:

Donna Parr-Teague is a pre-made Sim who once lived in Appaloosa Plains. She starved to death as a teen. She has no skill points or relationships. She is the only Sim to be buried in the graveyard. Donna is entirely red like all the other deceased Sims from Appaloosa Plains.

Her name and cause of death are a reference to the Donner Party, a group of American pioneers who got stranded by snow in the Sierra Nevada in the 1840s. Most died from starvation and disease, and many resorted to cannibalism in order to stay alive.

(from Sims Wiki) 

Now I see it: Donna Par-Teague vs Donner Party. I guess I wasn't off base with that one. Young Donna is brave, frugal, a heavy sleeper, and childish. She likes grilled salmon and country music. Maybe Beatrice ought to whip up some grilled salmon and come visit her some time. 

Despite woohooing and being romantic, Cruz is still just a very good friend of Beatrice's and not a love interest for some reason. Cruz seems to like Beatrice, but is not at all interested in Annie. (I wonder if I accidentally had Annie write him a love letter when I meant to have Beatrice do it.)

The next day was Snowflake day, and since Opal has the biggest house, she threw the gift giving party. 

Among the guests were Paguk the alien, Josue Cheng whom none of the ladies find attractive, some woman who apparently doesn't like aliens, . . .

Cruz Martingale, Maisey, Hugo Baum whom Azure met at the art gallery in the previous episode, Annie's boyfriend Tracy Upchurch, Elias, and others. At first they had a stare-down to see who would crack and open the first gift.

I think I know what Cyprus wants. 

I guess it was fitting that he got mistletoe for his gift. 
Opal got an art easel and so did Azure, so now they won't have to fight over the only one on the lot. In fact, there are now four easels on the lot. 

Then it was Beatrice's turn. 

As Bea opened her gift, Azure make her feelings about Josue Cheng clear.

Oh no! 

Poor Beatrice! I should have see this coming when I got this message a few days earlier. I don't know what she did to get on the naughty list.

I thought Opal was the naughty one. 

Couch potato Annie got a gaming system, which is fitting.

Beatrice was still stewing over the coal. Azure tried to cheer her up by offering her a gift of one of her paintings.

Bea refused it, not knowing or trusting Azure enough to risk another disappointment.

This offended Azure, who was only trying to be nice. 

Meanwhile, Paguk didn't know what to make of the gift he received.

"I wonder what I'm supposed to do with this neon thingy."

Opal still had the wish to woohoo with an alien, so here was her chance! She used her charms and lured Paguk into the time machine. 

It seemed pretty clear to me that Paguk really enjoyed the experience, while Opal just thought is was so-so. She didn't do the walk of shame, but she didn't have the swagger either. 

Opal's tally sheet: 
Woohoo #1 with Cyprus in Annie's shower.
Woohoo #2 with Paguk in the time machine. 
Woohoo #3 with Herman Whipsnake in an igloo.

They were on a date. There was no group. Methinks Opal will be getting coal next year.

But I'm jumping ahead. Let's go back to the gift-giving party.

I made sure that Cruz Martingale and Tracy Upchurch were at the party and left Beatrice and Annie to their own devices. Neither interacted with their love interests. Instead, Beatrice danced the night away with her old nemesis Elias.

and Annie snuck off to take a nap.

Cyprus slipped away to watch some TV.

And then after the party, I caught them out slow dancing to rap music in front of the photography studio.

This was just a fleeting romantic moment, however. Cyprus is developing an interest in Andrea Pelly who asked him out on a date to the pool in the middle of the winter.

They were out all night having water balloon fights and skinny dipping.

Spring is here. Cyprus and Andrea are still together it seems. Opal got another notch in her belt. She was asked out on a date by Benjamin Schmidt. He's an old man, but what the heck. At first he resisted her charms . . . . 

But he soon fell under her spell. 

Opal's woohoo#4 - with Benjamin Schmidt in the haystack.

It's so weird. These are such an unlikely pair, but he's the only man Opal has fallen for despite having several lovers. She gets further wishes to woohoo with Herman, but Benjamin is her love interest and none of the others are. What's even stranger is after their roll in the hay, they parted ways and Benjamin with straight to the kissing booth and Opal went straight to the love meter. 

Now, let's move on to where the focus is REALLY supposed to be - on our new resident Azure. 

She doesn't have a house yet, but she and Opal are bonding over their love of painting, and Opal has been letting Azure sleep in her guest room through the winter instead of in the drafty old tent. Azure's skills are improving, and she's sold some paintings at the consignment store and has earned enough money to set up a display on the lot, consigning her works with Cyprus. 

The selling of the paintings works the same way as the selling of Opal's items work: they turn transparent. Then I have to go to build/buy mode, click on them to see their value, write it down, then go back to live mode and shift-click delete the items. She's registered as a painter so anything sold from the easels or consignment store gets counted toward her earnings for that profession, but the items sold from the Sims State mod have to be tracked by hand because all items from all residents are going through one register. Maybe it's time to see if two registers can be used on this one lot? That might be my next experiment. 

I don't know much about Azure yet except that she apparently likes horses and wants to be a street artist. I'll be starting on her boho house soon. 

Here's a few random pictures that didn't make it into the narrative:

Neighbor's horse destroying my garden. Almost as bad as zombies. 

Holiday leftovers. 

Opal wanted to kiss Elias, but he didn't appreciate it much.

After his experience with Opal, Paguk is under the impression that Earth girls are easy - especially the naughty ones. 


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