Tiny Town Part 7

The news that a new artist was in town spread like wildfire, and all the locals were excited to meet Opal.

Feisal Phan seemed particularly interested in getting to know her. He is artistic just like she is, and he works in the music career. However, he has a girlfriend, Dawn Yee, who I think is an elder if I remember correctly. 

I'm not sure I mentioned it, but I had Cyprus hire Annie to work at the shop with him, and both of them were "retired" from their previous jobs. I had them rejoin the careers, but then items weren't selling in the store, so I had them quit the careers again. 

Things started selling again, but then I ran into another problem: when the items Opal makes are purchased, they don't simply disappear like Cyprus' and Annie's do. Instead they turn transparent, (though it's hard to tell because the glass objects are transparent anyway), then Annie rushed to restock the sold items.

I had to fire poor Annie for being too attentive to her job. Now Cyprus is the only one in charge of the store, but Opal and Annie can "consign" their items with him. I'm mostly just sending Annie to sell hers at the consignment store, and because I want to get started on Opal's house, I have her consign her cheaper items with Cyprus, but sell her expensive ones directly "online." I've learned that the Venus statue brings in the most simoleons - If she does a great job, they are worth 3000, and if she does only a so-so job, they are worth 1500. She has some jewelry items that will sell for 300, but most of them are in the 40 simoleon range. The glass gnomes go for around 60 - 100. Needless to say, she makes a lot of Venus statues. Here's her house so far; it's a work in progress.

Opal's an "indoor girl" and doesn't like sleeping in her tent. She kept napping on the benches in Annie's gallery, so Cyprus took pity on her and let her sleep in his guest room on the bed he salvaged (and restored by purchasing) from the junk yard. I wish handy people could fix these items at a fraction of the original cost.

Cyprus and Bea still have that strange relationship where they flirt with each other, then have second thoughts about it.

It's never gone beyond flirtation. Cyprus seems to have a slight interest in cooking. One of his wishes is to get a new recipe. But he's mostly a mac and cheese cooking guy.

I did see him and Beatrice talking about cooking the other day, so maybe he's looking to branch out in this area.

Cyprus and Opal seem to have something going on, and Bea seems to have made peace with the fact that Cyprus is interested in other women.

Opal has a wish to woohoo in a leaf pile, but Bea and the others are too quick and autonomously clean up the leaves and throw them away, so she will probably have to look for an opportunity off the lot.

Opal's lifetime wish is to woohoo with 5 different sims in 5 different places (which is broken, so I'll have to keep count manually.)  Woohoo #1: with Cyprus in Annie's shower. 

I've been keeping Opal's nose to the grindstone in order to get the funds to build her house, but that hasn't exempted her from her own adventures.

I don't know why they picked her. She wasn't alone at night; (you'll see Beatrice and Annie in the background of one of these screenshots, totally oblivious to what's going on). There are no telescopes on this lot, and it's Cyprus who is unearthing all the giant space rocks and leaving them around. 

After this incident, Opal has the wish to woohoo with an alien. It seems Beatrice has given up on befriending any and they have dropped off her relationship list, or I'd have her invite one over and introduce them. Now if I can arrange it for Opal to woohoo with an alien in a leaf pile . . . . 

Here's Opal showing off one of her jewelry creations. 

Cyprus may have taken Opal as a lover, but he's also established an enemy. It seems he has finally had enough of mean-spirited Joanne Loveland. 

They really had it out the other day. He declared her a nemesis.

However, about a week later, she started acting like she wanted to patch things up with him.

Then she called and asked him out on a date. His curiosity got the better of him, and he went to meet her.

She had arranged to meet him behind the bleachers of the school, like some horny teenager, but poor Cyprus was unprepared for what she had in store for him! 

Out of nowhere, she pounced! She didn't even mind fighting in front of a child or the horse wondering what the child does for a living. Cyprus did his best to fight her off.

But the element of surprise was in Joanne's favor.

I doubt he'll fall for this trick again. 

Beatrice was wiser when her nemesis called to ask for a date. She told him she was feeling ill.

Annie has had better luck in the romance department. She got the SimFinder App and met someone who is a good match for her.  She asked for a man who was artistic and had the photographer's eye. As a result, she met Tracy Upchurch. (One of his hobbies must be beekeeping. I fixed his hairstyles so he doesn't look like such a fool.)

They got along well and  became fast friends. 

Beatrice wondered who the handsome young man was that was talking cameras with Annie. And Opal quickly honed in on him.

Annie was a bit frustrated by Opal's intrusion. 

Because she wasn't sure about Tracy's interest in her, Annie decided to keep her options open. So when she got a call from Keenan asking her out of a date, she thought, "Why not? Yeah, I was turned off by his attitude last time, but maybe he deserves another chance." 

However, the date didn't go as planned. They met up, and I thought they were getting along rather well, . . .

but then he tried to get witty with her, and I'm guessing that because she has no sense of humor, she was completely turned off by it.

"Hey, if I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?"

"I find that comment offensive and misogynistic! You should really be more respectful to women!"
She wouldn't even accept his flowers by way of apology.

You'd think things couldn't get worse, but along comes Oriole Bellamy who tries to steal him away.

 She apparently came from the festival judging by her face paint. 

Annie tried to engage them in conversation, but they weren't interested. Keenan became so bored that he passed out.

The thought crossed Annie's mind to take a picture, but then thought that would be preying on his vulnerability. Instead she took out Strawberry and played while waiting for him to come to, so she could tell him she was ready to call it a night.

If Oriole wanted this bum, she could have him. Annie took out her phone and called Tracy and asked him if he'd like to go for a coffee at the Cat Cafe. He said yes. So long, Keenan.

Tracy seemed glad to see her, and was moved when she sang an Egyptian love song to him.

One thing lead to another . . .

Annie learned that Tracy is a hopeless romantic. Maybe this is why she mustered up the courage to tell him that she's been watching him while he was sleeping. (Annie, this is news to me! When did you do this? How creepy!)

Poor Tracy was taken aback! He doesn't know what to think. 

"I swear I didn't mean anything by it. I was walking past your house at night and your blinds were open. You must have fallen asleep in your chair while you were reading. You looked so sweet and peaceful, I just couldn't help but stay and watch. I swear I'm not a peeping Tom or Tonya, or whatever," she explained. 

Despite the sick feeling in his stomach, Tracy realized that if she meant harm, Annie wouldn't have confessed to doing this. At least she wasn't keeping secrets from him, and she really did look ashamed of herself. 

They rounded out the evening watching the stars together. I think they make a cute couple. 

Business is booming back in Tiny Town. Beatrice can't keep up with the demand for her pies and breads, Opal's creations are becoming popular, Annie's photos are selling like hotcakes at the consignment store, and Cyprus' latest invention - the airbender - is flying off the shelves. 

The town has invested in the display case that can transfigure items placed on it, but so far none of those cool gem skulls have materialized. 

I wondered if I could transfigure gnomes since I've got so many of them, but the display wouldn't give the option to transfigure them. It would be really cool if they could turn into one big gnome. Oh well. 

The gnomes usually hang around with each other, but one evil one broke off from the group and was standing by Cyprus' bedside in the middle of the night giving him nightmares. Now it seems it's tormenting the chickens. 

They vary in ages from old to young.

Here's the oldest one. I think he gets harassed by the others as they are usually encircling him. There's also a baby that appeared awhile back.

Besides these two, there are two bucktooth bunnies, two evil ones, one mechanical one, and one lazy one that on occasion gets a burst of energy and starts showing off.

Tiny Town has one more resident - a little puppy named Floyd. He's Cyprus' dog. The next door neighbors called him and asked him if he wanted one, and he seemed like the kind of guy who would have a dog. I don't think I have a picture of the little guy, however. 

In addition to the "residents" and the customers, we get the occasional visitor: a raccoon, a deer,

and occasionally, the neighbor's horses.

The neighbors called Annie and asked her is she wanted to adopt one of these foals, but Annie likes to travel too much. She likes her cardinal, but that's about all the pet she can handle, and even then, she keeps it in the public areas so the others can help her take care of it. 

Annie's feeling the need to travel again. This time she invited her new boyfriend Tracy over and asked if he would like to go with her to Egypt. She had some unfinished business there, and she wanted to take some more photos since she now has more skills and a better camera. 

He said he'd love to go with her. He would like to practice his photography skills too. She asked him if he wanted to stay over so they could leave first thing in the morning.

When they got to Egypt, Annie wasted no time in introducing him to the Egyptian customs and traditions.

They didn't spend as much time together as I planned because each went off on separate adventures. Unlike the time Annie travelled with her friend Maisy, I could actually control Tracy. I wonder if it's because he left with her from the same lot. 

"Hi Bea, this connection isn't very good, I can barely hear you."

"Yeah, I needed to go to these people's house because they had a special book in the secret library under their house. I needed them to let me in, but they weren't home until the next day! I swear I saw them running from the house as I was approaching. It was very frustrating! 

And then when I finally got in and got the book and took it to the person who hired me to retrieve it, she went into a panic and said I needed to see the book merchant and ask about a special artifact, and I needed to do in PRONTO before some others came by and tried to get it from him. But this guy is such an A-hole! He's mean, and I try and try to break the ice with him, but I'm just not making any progress! I don't know if I can get this information or artifact or whatever in time." 

(Annie finally did get information/artifact she needed from this guy, but she didn't have time to report back to the person who hired her. There may be another trip in her future. She did manage to locate some artifacts and valuables during her brief stay, so there's that.)

I wasn't planning of sending Tracy out on any quests. I figured he could develop his photography skills and hang out at the marketplace. But he was contacted by a family who asked him to disarm all the traps in their basement, and they had A LOT of them! Never mind that the dude literally has NO skills whatsoever, including logic and athletic, he's the guy for the job. He actually didn't do too bad. He managed to clear a few of their rooms before time was up. I was a little worried that he'd die in the attempt, but then I figured that might make a good plot twist, and he isn't a main character so let's give it a go. 

He caught fire once, but there was a dive well nearby, and he got hit by a bunch of darts, but they just made him pass out.

I think he gained a handiness skill with all the traps he managed to disarm, but he wasn't done with the job, so maybe he and Annie will come back at some point. When they returned, I lost control of Tracy and am back to controlling the Tiny Town residents instead. 

Back to the grind of getting Opal's house built. 


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