Riverview Updated Part 8 - The New Girl in Town and the Stockton's Series of Unfortunate Events

 I was with the McHughs when I took part in an attached garage challenge, so I could get more comfortable with the idea of using constrainfloorelevation cheats. I built a garage onto this house.

Then I added a driveway and sidewalk leading from it to the stairs and the road, and I furnished the main floor (there's also a basement.) I realized I hadn't saved in awhile, so left the edit town mode, which took me back to the McHughs. After saving, I remembered I wanted to move the alchemy station downstairs and make the room it was in into a bathroom. It only took a few minutes to do these things, I swear, but when I went back to the house to furnish the basement, someone had already moved in. 

So let's go see who it is. Her name is Jessie Fenton, and she's an ambitious genius perfectionist, with a a bit of friendly party girl to balance her out. 

I used her funds to put in a study and a party room downstairs.

Jessie is a newcomer with that annoying problem of having no skills despite her age, so I concentrated on getting her some logic and whatever else she indicated she wanted and sent her out to meet people. 

She met Roger Cerda, the barista at the Riverwalk shops.

Then later that evening, she met Topher at the performance park, where I also saw poor Sabrina, who must be so distraught over her floundering marriage that she is neglecting her personal care.

 I've seen her all over town in this condition and am thinking I may need to intervene. 

Jessie had the pleasure of meeting Lily Lum. Jessie gave her a friendly introduction, but was immediately verbally attacked by Lily. (I think the bartender just wants to disappear.) Lily must not like new people moving to town. Jessie is spunky, though, and held her ground. 

"Towns grow. Get over it! By the way, should a woman your age be wearing hot pants?" 

I was surprised to see Tory Anders arrive on the scene. He was the clothing store cashier, and I suspected he'd be chained to the cash register. However, he must have got tired of working in retail and took an entry level job in business. Jessie had expressed a desire to join the business career earlier, so I sent her to the bank to apply for a job. Therefore these two are coworkers. 

They were getting along really well, so Jessie decided to take a chance and kiss him.

Tory was clearly caught off guard, but found it to be a pleasant surprise.

As night fell, the full moon came out. 

Poor Jennifer Martinez. Poor Crazy Irene.

Jessie and Tory decided to play it safe and go back to Jessie's place and watch TV and cuddle. 

She asked him to stay over, but being the gentleman he is, he decided to sleep in the other bedroom so neither would have regrets from moving too fast. 

The next day, Jessie threw a house party after work, inviting all the people she had met. For some reason, Tory had somewhere else he needed to be, but she still had a pretty good turnout.

Roger Cerda came over sporting his "pants of joy" which I suspect he wears to all parties he attends. 

Jessie played pool with him. Her party was a success. 

I got a notification that Eric Stockton and Ada Lu got married and were looking for a place to live. I checked both households and both were dirt poor. I thought about merging them and moving them into one of the apartments at Riverwalk, but realized both Eric's parents make pretty good money and had room for Ada to move in, so I redecorated Eric's childhood bedroom, replacing the two twin beds he and his brother Malik had for a double bed. They'll live with the parents until they can save enough money to buy a house - around 50,000 simoleons. 

The Stocktons fell victim to a series of unfortunate events happening one after another. 

First, Grim made an appearance to claim a cat. The odd thing was this yellow tabby was NOT the Stockton's cat. I don't know what it was doing in their house. Maybe their calico invited it over. 

The Stockton's look dumbfounded.

Justine opted to give the little critter a musical send-off. Justine is obsessed with this guitar. She's playing it constantly and wants to master it. I think she's at level 9 already. Justine is in the military career, so this isn't job related. She just has a love for that guitar. 

It's funny how certain sims get obsessed with certain hobbies: Justine and her guitar, Spencer and his drums; in my Northern Winds save I've got Maxwell and his obnoxious school cheer, Calvin with his addiction to drawing, and Kyngston and his penchant for running around in the buff. 

Shortly after the cat died, Justine found herself in a predicament.

Rommiich Vajjer strikes again!

To add to the trauma, later that night Gretchen McKee thought she'd abscond with some of the Stocktons' belongings. 

She was not prepared for the wrath of Justine, who had quite enough victimization for one night and autonomously opened up a can of whoop-ass on Gretchen.

"You will not be taking any of the family silverware!" Justine raged. 

Gretchen left empty handed. The next day, everyone left for work and one of them had a brain-fart and left some waffles cooking in the oven.

Luckily their kitty had the good sense to get out of the house and stay at a safe distance while the fireman put the flames out. 

I never put smoke alarms in my houses, but it was a good thing there was one here or they may have lost the whole kitchen. 

Ada had the opportunity to learn martial arts to improve her job performance as law enforcement. There wasn't anywhere in the town for her to do so, so I built a little Dojo out behind the park with the gazebo.

It was there I found a pregnant Carol (Funke) Stockton waddling around. I seems her husband Malik (Eric's brother) also wanted to learn the martial arts skill. 

Eric and Carol were behaving inappropriately while their spouses were practicing!

Ada and Malik sparred with each other, (though they didn't use the mat I provided for them), while Eric and Carol danced. Maybe there has just been too much stress on Ada and Eric lately. I sent them out on a date to give them a chance to reconnect. Eric has taken a liking to this bowler hat for some reason.

I think my next step is to go to the Funke house and straighten out poor Sabrina. 

Speaking of Funkes, Spencer and Mellissa Lu had a baby.

Mellissa also got a dog. I did NOT name this dog - the game did. 😁

Speaking of dogs, that tiny little Menelaus pup that Riley Grubb adopted turned out to be a big dog. Prototype 007 is acting more sentient each time I see him. 

 Ada has become enamored of this music box, but she needs to remember she is saving up for a house.

Finally, it looks like Jessie and Tory are going strong without my help. 

That's it for now . . . . 


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