Cape Albacore part 7 - Mermen and Mermaids and Domestic Drama

 I stopped by Lighthouse Landing (created by Sandraelle) to see who was living there. 

It turned out to be the two guys who disgraced themselves by peeing on the floor at the Rusty Scupper the other night.

Doug Lilies, the merman, owns the house and has probably lived here for quite awhile. It's conveniently located near the dive lot, and he can stay hydrated very easily. I've never played with the merfolk before, so this will be new to me. Doug is a workaholic, absentminded (which might be why he forgot to go the the restroom the other night), a social butterfly, artistic, and lucky.

He really enjoys painting out in the gazebo, and goes there autonomously. Because he has such high social needs, he invited his college friend Ron Bacon to come be his roommate, so he'd have someone handy to talk to. We'll revisit Ron in a little while.

On this particular day when I was visiting, Doug took his morning swim and met a couple of the Dodge kids - Will and Hester - both teens now. Will's in the boat; Hester's on shore. I gave Hester a quick makeover, but didn't get Will. Will left soon after.

Hester had never been diving before, and was hoping for some pointers from Doug. Doug warned her that these waters were infested with sharks, especially at certain times of the day, and she should never dive here alone, especially if she was inexperienced. 

He offered to give her a diving lesson.

They ran into Kia Mejia, who also likes to frequent the dive spot.

After a day of diving, Doug and Hester decided to go for a bite to eat and some landlubber amusement at the Port Orca Boat Club (created by Soocoolsim).

Doug was getting sleepy, so he said goodbye to Hester and went home.

Ron Bacon, Doug Lilies' roommate, is an interesting character. He loves the outdoors, is a virtuoso, a computer whiz, is flirty and good. Though I beg to differ a little on that last one; he wants to be in law enforcement, but doesn't seem to think the law applies to him and seems a  little negligent when it comes to keeping the peace.  

When I switched over to him he was super-juiced. He wanted to join the law enforcement career because his lifetime wish is to be a DNA profiler. So he hopped in his car and drove his super-juiced self over to apply for a job while super-juiced. It's a wonder James Russel hired him in that state! Add to that the public urination incident from a few days earlier and you get the picture. 

Apparently when Ron is off duty he is really off-duty. While the sims I was controlling a few days later were in a rabbithole taking care of some business, I notice some sims on a vacant lot and went to investigate.

First I saw Staci's boys, all grown up into teens,  . . . 

Then I spotted Steve and Anna flirting with each other, and I thought, "Oh, how sweet," until Hector Lance came up and tried to sweep Anna off her feet. She was thrilled at the attention, but Steve was a little taken aback at the nerve of the guy.

Steve decided to make it VERY clear to Hector that Anna was HIS girl.

Nothing makes a husband step up his game like having a little competition, I guess. 

Steve thought he had settled the matter, but it looks like Anna might want to get Lance's number. 

Hector was undeterred by Steve's amorous performance. Steve was amused, thinking Anna would send him packing.

He gave Anna another bouquet for extra measure, which was beginning to irritate Hector.

Who should arrive but Ron Bacon, off duty from his job as a policeman. Don't you go flirting with her too, Ron. I figured Steve wasn't being assertive enough, so I took control of him and urged him to argue with Hector, but that's all I did.

"Hands off my woman, you piece of garbage!"
"What's your problem, man? Can't you see she's into me? You're old news!"

Before I could catch it, Steve hauled off and slapped him! The ruckus drew the attention of Officer Russell, who's coming to see what the problem is. 

"Isn't that our new recruit over there? Why isn't he stepping in and keeping the peace?!"
(Side note: the old guy who arrived on the scene bragging about his pension is Luther Kane who lives at Pumpkin Moon with his new wife Brianne. We'll get to them later.)

 "Officer Bacon! I know you are off duty, but I want you to be aware that in this town, you are expected to diffuse violent situations if you come across them whether you're on the clock or not!" 
Ron is too wrapped up in advising Luther on the type of computer he needs to play all the latest video games. 

"What do you think you're doing? I said, diffuse the situation!"

"This will NOT reflect well on your evaluation, recruit!"
Meanwhile Steve is hungry. "Hey, Babe, let's ditch this loser and go grab a bite to eat, okay?"

"You are NOT the boss of me, Steven!" (Last I checked, Anna was also law enforcement. I think James has realized this. She must have a reputation of being someone you don't mess with at work. He's decided to keep his head down and let her deal with the problem.)

Both Steven and Ron are taken aback at her outburst. Luther has decided to follow James' example and just keep his head down and pretend he doesn't see what's going on. He doesn't want to be the target of Anna's wrath either.

She's a force to be reckoned with when she's angry.

I took over and made them go get a drink and cool their jets.

Luther's wife Brianne had a similar idea, it seems. 

Meanwhile, little Graham went out to look for his parents, but couldn't find them.

He gave up and went home and had a juice box. 

Before we leave Ron Bacon and move on to the Kane household, is it apparent that he has found a girl he likes. Alma Augustine of Sea Coast Cottage caught his eye the other day while he was at the library.

Moving on to the Kane household . . . 

I spotted them being all lovey-dovey in on one of the empty lots and followed them home. They live in Chojrak's Pumpkin Moon house.

At first I thought these two must have been high school sweethearts who married young, raised a family here on the farm, and are now empty nesters, but apparently this isn't the case. Luther read the paper while I was with them.

So they just moved to town. Maybe they have raised their family and have always dreamed of having a farm and decided this was their chance. 

Okay, so they haven't been married for years. They are newlyweds. I'm still sticking to the high school sweetheart line, but circumstances must have gotten in the way of them getting together. Maybe Brianne's parents didn't like Luther and came between them. Maybe Luther went off to war and was thought dead, and Brianne married someone else not knowing he was still alive and a POW. At any rate, they both married other people and raised families with those people. Then both became widowed with adult children. They found each other after decades of being apart and the sparks flew. Against their children's wishes, (they were all concerned about losing their inheritances to their parent's new spouse,) Luther and Brianne married and sunk all their children's perceived inheritance into this farm. They plan to supplement their retirement by selling produce. 

I assume the "problems" to which they are referring is the estrangement from their children.  

Their children may not visit them, but here's one individual who seems very interested in what they are growing.

The Kane's were sound asleep, despite both being light sleepers, oblivious to the late night visitor. 
The Kane's also had a dog named Taffy Little Dog, but the house is set up for a cat, so I had them get a cat too.

Luther is charismatic, lucky, has a good sense of humor, is a light sleeper, and is a bookworm, so I don't see anything a parent would object to, unless he came from the wrong side of the tracks. This might be the case. I noticed in the paper that Brianne's maiden name (Worley) was listed, and this is a first for me. Maybe the Worley family is a snobby, wealthy family and Brianne's parents had been cultivating a potential match they felt better suited her back when she was young. Maybe she even married someone they had chosen for her. 

Brianne is socially awkward, but other than that, her traits are pretty good: great kisser, neat, light sleeper, and lucky. 

One day while Brianne was weeding the flowerbed, she discovered a grave. Perhaps a member of the previous owner's household froze to death? 

We'll check on one more household before we go. The Valencia family inhabits Ipswich (created by Fatness1974).

Jeffrey Valencia was the food merchant at the Firehouse Cafe.

Billy and Betsy Askew dropped in for a slice of pie.

Of course once I clicked on the Valencia family and took control, Jeffry promptly quit his job and went home, relieved that he was no longer a slave to the cash register. Jeffry is a loner, a night owl, a vegetarian, clumsy, and a schmoozer. His lifetime wish is to have a golden tongue and golden fingers. He had no skills and was a young adult.

Jeffry is married to Keely, also a young adult. Keely is a mermaid with maxed out diving skills. She wants to be an astronaut, but she's clumsy, grumpy, unlucky, loves the outdoors, and has a green thumb. I doubt she's cut out to be an astronaut.

I haven't spent a lot of time with these sims yet, but Keely went diving, searching for eels for the restaurant, and met a merman named whose name escapes me at the moment.

Later, she and Jeffry went out dancing.

Keely danced with Osvaldo while Jeffry got himself a drink. Then Keely and Osvaldo got into a conversation about sharks while Jeffry got to know Luther a little while contemplating his drink.

When they ordered some food from the bar, Keely and Jeffry opted not to sit with each other.

Luther seemed somewhat mesmerized by Keely's stunning beauty. Or was she the first mermaid he had ever seen?

I left my computer running for a few minutes and when I looked back it seemed that Keely had quite enough of Jeffry, but I don't know what he did. He's probably sleeping on the couch tonight.

That's were I left off, but I'll close here with some random shots from around town.

Dinosaur Jr. 

Staci's art piece entitled - The Attack in response to her mother's criticism of her occupational choice.

I think Maria Purdy has completely given up on trying to train Mr. Boots.

A man and his dog

LeRoy being a creeper

Slade is just too cool to participate in the water balloon fight. 

Exchanging Recipes

Raisins in the Sun

Entertaining Dad. Those childhood piano lessons were a good investment. 

Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man 


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