October Story Part 3 - Terrence Starts a Family

 I decided not to send Terrence and Kristen on a fancy honeymoon since I really didn't want to go. Instead, I let them enjoy their time off while I added a few new houses. One was a CJ Play's shell challenge entry, but I don't know whose. They did a really good job with the floor plan. It looks intentional, unlike mine with odd design choices. I also added in Mrs. Flynn's versions based on the same house I used for Terrence's house. They were unfurnished, so I've been furnishing them based on who moves in. (More on this toward the end of this episode.)

 As for the Bloodstons, they got busy with baby-making.

One evening, they had to cut a date short because Kristen wasn't feeling well. At first she thought she had ingested some bad sushi from the bar, but this wasn't the case. 

Sure enough, there was a baby on the way. In the meantime, the Bloodstons acquired a temporary roommate named Dayna Fisk. (I think roommate service was activated when Terrence asked Kristen to be his roommate and once she became part of the household, a new roommate was provided.)

Dayna works as a playground monitor, but she dislikes children. I bet she hates her life. Her room will go to the new arrival when the time comes and she will seek out other housing options, . . . but for now, Terrence finds her handy when he's feeling a bit peckish.

You're not gonna die, Dayna; this is just the price you pay for living with a vampire. Dayna may not like kids, but she's fond of Milly the Cow Plant. Dayna left upon the arrival of baby Cosmin.

Terrence was a proud papa. After all these years this is his first child, at least that I'm aware of. Baby Cosmin is artistic and evil (randomized traits.) Terrence is able to create a personality adjuster elixir, and I've never used it, so he might slip one into Cosmin's drink when he's older to see what it does. 

As the boy grew, it became apparent that Cosmin took after his father, but like Harry Potter, "he has his mother's eyes."

Except they have that creepy glow about them. I don't blame Dayna for leaving. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night with this staring at you.

Cosmin is definitely a vampire.

As for Terrence's career as a stylist, he's making progress. He gets a few dissatisfied customers, but this is rare. (The woman DID tell him that orange was her favorite color.)

Most of his clients like their new looks.

And he often gets a tip.

He has made a lot of friends and has never had to use the friendship elixir he has handy to get a quick meal.

One of his best friends is Josephine Inkbeard. They have met to hang out off and on. 

They both enjoy playing music together, so Terrence proposed they form a band.

Josephine agreed, but had her doubts that the band would be a success. At any rate, Fangs and the Blonde Goddess was born. I don't think there's anywhere in town for them to gig, so I'll have to create a few if I want to pursue this storyline. 

Meanwhile, back at the house . . . .

I have no idea what's going on with the cat, but she was okay. 

I plan to switch back to Sandi French's story and save Terrence's current family in the library to play later in an alternate game and just let him live out this iteration as a townie in Sandi's world after Halloween. 

You'd think that Kristen might get jealous Terrence's relationship with Josephine, despite there being no hanky-panky going on, but she has a secret love interest that she hasn't acted upon. (I discovered this after looking at her relationship panel after she joined the household.) I don't remember his name, but it's this guy here.

I guess she's drawn to things that go bump in the night. 

Terrence and Kristen received a time machine as a wedding gift - I found it in their inventory and placed it out back. They had a risky woohoo in it which resulted in their daughter, Kizzy. 

Kizzy arrived a few days after Terrence and Kristen returned home, exclaiming that their place was a vast improvement to the cave they left her in. Whether the cave was literal or figurative is anyone's guess, but it looked like Terrence and Kristen had to leave that timeline in a hurry and probably didn't want to leave her behind but had no choice. Someone must have raised her because she's a young adult now and ready to live life on her own terms. Kizzy is a workaholic, bookworm, green thumb, clumsy, and has a good sense of humor. Her lifetime wish is to have a perfect garden and has started taking care of the plants around the house.

She has also started stalking, erm "seeking out" sims to befriend. One night as she was roaming the Dead Men Tell No Tales burial ground, she encountered Pearl Inkbeard playing guitar.


These two might become good friends. On a side note: Pearl is a single mother whose daughter's father is Jonah Lai, a criminal. Jonah is living in the house he grew up in (one of Mrs. Flynn's houses) with his widower father Gil, and his teenage brother Leo. I don't know if Pearl will join them or if Jonah might move out with her and their daughter, or if Pearl will raise her child on her own. I haven't looked too deeply into it yet. 

The residents in the other house of Mrs. Flynn's is a little more difficult to figure out. Moe and Luisa Pesce must have wanted to buy a house but couldn't afford to do it without taking in some boarders. Luisa is a friend of Nina Caliente's and for a while lived with Nina and Dina before marrying Moe. Nina and Dina must have decided they needed space from each other, especially since they found out they were both dating several of the same guys, and Luisa asked Nina if she would like to move in and help pay the mortgage. Randy Crow is another of their roommates. He's friends with both Luisa and Moe but doesn't know Nina very well. Nina knows Luisa but doesn't know Moe or Randy very well. Randy has a girlfriend named Daisy Annan, yet I spotted Luisa and him flirting with each other. (I feel like such a gossip.) 😏

I might take a side trip to Thomas Quill's house and get him a movie camera and meet with Terrence and his family. He appears to want to make a documentary on Barnacle Bay vampires and called to ask Terrence if he would be interested.

He seems to be considering it. 

Time to leave the family to their breakfast. 


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