Lunastia Part 5 - Town Growth and Town Drama

 I took a break from Lunastia since it crashed while I was renovating and I lost some progress. I played my Life and Times of Sandi French for about a week then returned to finish what I started. I converted the dome into an underground shopping center with a community garden above. I eliminated the big science room in favor of a futuristic department store, kept and upgraded the gym, kept the sleeping pod area as a sort of hotel space, changing one room to a bot charging room. I shifted things around, making a food court around the elevator, added a bookstore register and bookstore rabbithole rug in the library, and converted the room that had the do-it-yourself cooking appliances into a game room with the dartboard, dominos table and added pool table. I put a nectary register in the nectar-making area, but it seems that having it and the bookstore register and nectary register on the same lot keeps both closed all the time. The Nectary doesn't play well with other registers. 

I built a new nectary out by Traci and Wesley's fancy house. I tried putting food register in with the nectary register and encountered the same problem, so I will need to remove it. I still don't have a grocery store, so that will probably go in the dome where the nectar-making items are now. Here are some screenshots of the nectary.

The nectary consists of two buildings: the nectary store and nectar-making building, and a greenhouse that has all the various grapes from Champ Le Sims along with some fruit trees. (I had to adjust the fruit trees so they weren't clipping outside the greenhouse, add some all-in-one bathrooms to the main building, and a public speaker for some music - things I forgot when I took this picture. 

The local residents seem to like the new addition to their town.

The babies are growing fast, so I felt a school should be added as well. Since the population is pretty low still, I just added an annex to the Science and Innovation lot, figuring the students can take advantage of the skill objects offered there in addition to their core classes. 

The annex has bathrooms and the school rabbithole rug and a classroom big enough for five students upstairs. At the time it was built, I had four elementary students. I'm thinking I will build a larger school when I have more elementary students than desks available. Two of those kids, Curtis and Guadalupe, have aged up to teen. I'm not going to worry about teens as they can take full advantage of the Institute of Science and Innovation as a type of high school and build skills there when they aren't in the rabbithole. 

I also re-vamped the Central Government building as there were a few routing issues and I wasn't liking the floors I initially chose and I remembered how I constructed previous jail cells that looked a lot better. Sorry, still no pictures except some screenshot during gameplay.

Finally, Stephen had been wanting to open a bar or restaurant, so we settled on a bar. It isn't much as he ran out of funds after purchasing the land and constructing the building. I doesn't even have windows yet, but come to think of it, I've seen lots of dive bars that don't have windows. It's located across the street from the Institute of Science and Innovation and just down the road from the dome. 

The back deck has a nice view, so hopefully by Spring Stephan can add some patio furniture out there.

Some days it's pretty dead, but sometimes it's the town hot spot.

The woman with the big hair is CLYDE's new roommate Cynthia Laughlin. Cynthia has a good sense of humor, is flirty, artistic, a genius, and friendly. Other than Stephen (in the black jacket) all the others are paparazzi. 

The rest of the building is pretty empty but has lots of potential. Sometimes Stephen tends the bar to save on overhead, but he's still working on his skills. Back at his home bar, he's concocted some real stinkers.

Now for the drama. Since we're at the Willis house, let's start there. I believe I mentioned that Stephen's wife Sheena was sending love letters to her old boyfriend Moses Armstead who lives next door with his girlfriend Jaimey. Well, CLYDE decided to throw a party at the dome and invited everyone he knew. There the boys from Cohort 2 got together to catch up on things.

Moses and Stephen were friends, so Moses was wondering if he should tell Stephen that Sheena was sending love letters to him. I guess he decided to do it because poor Stephen had a betrayed moodlet for several days. Then I got a message that said that Sheena convinced Stephen that their relationship would work out. They mended fences and tried for a baby since Sheena is family oriented and had no children yet.

They had a baby boy and named him Ben. Then, some days later back at the dome, I spotted Jaimey getting upset with Moses then going to one of the sleeping pods and taking a nap. This is what she was upset about.

Also, Stephen thinks Sheena's transgressions give him a free pass to dance with whomever he wants.

Most people were paired up with someone except for Precious Shaw and Kendrick Hogue, and they don't like each other. To be fair Kendrick is overemotional, brooding, unstable, hot-headed, and evil - at least during the beginning of the game. (The unstable trait might have changed a few things.) He's still not good boyfriend material - I saw him get in a fight with Sheena, and when Precious was out on a date with Julius, a paparazzi she became interested in, he stood around and waited for them to finish building their snowman so he could insult Precious. 

"You idiot! What possessed you to build your snowman so it was blocking the door? What a lame brain!"
"I was hungry! I couldn't think straight. Why to you have to be so mean?"

The proprietor also felt the snowman was in the wrong place, and it's evil persona was not what she wanted associated with her venue. After everyone was gone, Kendrick destroyed all the snowmen the sat and sulked. "Am I the only person who doesn't have someone to love?" he wondered.

Kendrick doesn't only pick on the females. He got into a fight with Ahmad one night at Wesley's party. I don't know if it was just slapping or if it escalated. I think Ahmad kicked Kendrick's butt. 

Kendrick was very unhappy about it.

Ahmad explained to Moses that Kendrick had insulted him earlier.

I haven't dropped in on Kendrick yet. Maybe he should be next on my list.

I built on to Brandon and Camille's house to accommodate their growing family. I may have to go back and expand it further as Guadalupe is now a teen and probably doesn't want to share a room with his kid sister Rachel.

In other news, Camille found this lovely dress at the new department store and just had to have it. 

Lookin' good, Camille. Now you need some shoes. I also added on to Cori and Ahmad's house as now they have Skylar and Elsie and one on the way. 

Lately, however, I've been hanging out with Precious trying to help her find a man. Ahmad was who she considered her potential lover, but he finally got real with her and asked her to just be friends. After all, he's married with 2.5 children. She was a little upset, but they are still friends.

 First we checked the dating profiles, but they only showed the guys from the two cohorts and all of whom are taken except Kendrick, and she dislikes him. Next, she went out and met some paparazzi. 

I had her sit down and play dominos with some potential suitors, but by then she had already set her cap for the redheaded Julius. She wanted to learn more of his traits, go skating on a pond with Julius, and kiss Julius. Paparazzi are tricky to date. The sims can't do any romantic interactions with them other than taking romantic photos UNLESS they ask them out somewhere. (At least that's been my experience.) So she asked Julius out to the performing arts center, and that's where they made the snowman and encountered Kendrick. 

Julius has a tendency to wander off for no apparent reason. I lost track of him after Precious' altercation with Kendrick and couldn't find him anywhere, even though the heart was swirling above Precious' head indicating she was still on a date with him. She had a snow cone and saw a movie by herself and went home.

When she arrived home, Kendrick followed her. Then he started walking. "Where are you going?" I wondered, so I followed him while Precious was fixing dinner. He walked all the way to the Institute of Science and Innovation and sat down with another paparazzo to play chess. Go figure.

Precious and Julius were now at the good friend or best friend level, so the next day she asked him out to the new nectary, and tried romancing him. He was interested.

After making out for awhile, he went to the nectary to read so Precious could gather some fruit and make some nectar as that is her primary source of income. (She's a nectar maker with a lifetime wish of having an expensive stash of nectar in the nectar cellar some day.) Like on the previous date, he wandered off. Meanwhile everyone seems to have it out for Precious and I have no idea what she did to warrant all the heckling. Both Traci and Camille were harassing her repeatedly and others were acting like she had done something embarrassing. 

She was in her swimsuit because she had been stomping fruit and came out for some nectar while she waited for the nectar to be made. She gathered her nectar when it was done, gave Traci a piece of her mind,  and went home.

Kendrick was waiting for her there, so she quickly asked him to be her roommate. He agreed, but then the only romantic interaction they could have was taking pictures, so I added him to the household. Ahmad is constantly having parties, despite the fact that he isn't a party animal. Brandon is the party animal, but he never has parties. But I digress. Ahmad invited Precious to a party so she took Julius along. 

I switched to Ahmad's family at this point because their little girl didn't have a bed, and while I wasn't controlling them, Precious decided to cook up some awful mac and cheese, and Julius got in a pillow fight with Elsie. Then Camille started coming on to Julius in front of Precious - and he liked it! (I haven't looked too closely at this traits, but his lifetime wish is to be a master romancer -woohooing, with 5 different sims in 5 different places.)

Camille's and Julius' behavior was not lost on Precious. I switched back to her and was going to have her confront Camille, but Camille quickly decided it was time to leave, flashing a look of distain toward Precious as she left. 

She also seemed jealous of all the attention Julius was giving to the dog. So that's what's going on so far. I have only visited about half the households and will follow the others next episode. 

As for the first "native" generation here's the current count.

Brandon and Camille Underwood-Kemp have Guadalupe (a teen) and Rachel (a child.)
Ahmad and Cori Ring have Skylar (a child), Elsie (a child), and one on the way.
Wesley and Traci Decker have Curtis (a teen) and one on the way.
Stephen and Sheena have Ben (a toddler, I think.)
Moses Armstead and Jaimey McMillan are also expecting.


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