Adventureland #20 - Town Growth, Roger's life, Spooky Day and more

 As we learned in the last installment, Daisy Kadukin seems to be the desire or many of the younger guys in town. This includes Jack Ransone and Santo Bobo. Santo is having second thoughts as he wants to start a family of his own someday, and Daisy is beyond child-rearing age. It appears the decision has been made for him.

I think Santo was a little shook up when he learned the news, probably because he didn't know about it until he ran into Daisy and her new husband at the restaurant. Boyd Medley had invited him out in order to get to know him better and gain some celebrity influence. After buying the newlyweds some drinks, Boyd realized Santo had disappeared. He found him in the journalism office playing video games, and tried to cheer Santo up.

Hey! That's mean, Boyd! Graciela couldn't help losing control of her bladder at Grim's door! She was glitched. I'm ashamed of you for bringing it up, even if it boosted Santo's spirits.

Meanwhile, I moved Daisy in to the military housing with Jack, but they were both squawking about wanting their own home, so I used Plumbella's randomizer to build them a 3-room, 2 story, Art Deco house with a gray color scheme for 86539 simoleons exactly. I'm going to pretend they won a drawing much like the St. Jude's dream house raffle we get in the area where I live in real life. After they moved they spent a little of their own money to put in a back door and step as that was an oversite when I built it. 

Daisy was telling Roger Kadukin all about her new house and that she had transferred the deed to her old house into his name, so he could do with it what he wanted. 

Jack was thrilled that the new home came with a golf green and was eager to hone his golf skills.

Watch out for the Poe's windows!

Maybe you need to hit the ball in a different direction, away from the neighbor's houses. 

Meanwhile, at the old Kadukin residence, Roger, who is rather picky when it comes to art and décor, quickly changed the color scheme of the house from "grandma green" to a more edgy blend of teal and aqua. I placed some items I found in the family inventory out on display because I figured he either bought them or stole them from somewhere and would like to see them. I guess I was wrong.

  Maybe it was Daisy who picked up this mermaid at the consignment store. Roger also felt his old street art attempts were too amateurish.

Maybe he does like plants after all. He went on a date with his girlfriend Jenni Adam, (I don't think she smelled bad; I think he's glitched into thinking everything smells bad.)

Anyway, they went for a tour and I think woohooed in the arboretum before going over to the pool. It was there that Roger finally found something he liked - the potted plant in the pool building.

He also appreciated the lovely flowers Jenni picked for him somewhere between the arboretum and the pool. 

She's too good for you, Roger. Roger tried to convince Jenni to go skinny dipping with him, but she wasn't up for it. 

Roger has joined the criminal career, but I have the mob career mod, so I'm thinking he might be a candidate to try that out, but then Saul Goodman would also be a good candidate. Roger was invited over to the Gann house the following day for Spooky Day celebrations. 

There he met Morris Locklear who had a questionable costume, (I get the scuba outfit, but the hat has me scratching my head a bit.) 

Other people at the party included Boyd Medley, Natalia Belanger (who recently married Jaron), Holden Wonzy in the same costume he wore last year, and of course Graciela Gann.

Roger was carrying on about recycling and saving the planet so much that I think he's getting to be quiet the environmentalist, but that doesn't seem to be evident in his traits. 

It wasn't long before the trick-or-treaters arrived.

First came Maggie Stone, followed by some of the boys from the boy's home: Ricardo, Trevor, and Bobby.

Ricardo seemed put out about having to bring Bobby along. Just think of all the mischief he and Trevor could have gotten into if they didn't have a baby in tow who might tattle. 

The party was winding down, and I thought I'd send Roger over to the school to work on his hacking skills, but he never got around to it. There apparently was a party going on at the school as well. 

Everyone was hanging out in the kitchen. Dina was baking bread, Anwar was baking cookies, Edgar was eating yogurt, Father Oliver was waiting in line to get to the fridge for a snack. 

Roger enjoyed some cookies while Cliff Fillmore helped Edgar with his homework. Dina was pulling tricks left and right, but when she tried to hit Roger with a chattering teeth trick, she got a rude awakening.

You're one creepy dude, Roger. Dina still can't figure out what went wrong.

Meanwhile, Roger decided to test his luck by slamming the soda machine. His luck held out.

Story progression was turned on, and the next day brought birthdays galore! 

Baby Stephanie Wonzy, became a toddler, looking a lot like her mother.

Gwen discovered she was pregnant again.

She decided she wanted a stay-at-home job instead of being a busker, so she registered as a painter and got to work.

While I was with them, I cracked the whip on Holden to get him to stop procrastinating and write something. He wrote one Sci Fi novel titled Asteroid Miners' Revenge, and one fiction novel titled Sheriff Cody and the Cracked Safe. Hopefully that will bring in some royalties for them. 

Little Bobby Robinson is now a teen, as is little Tommy Thompson. William Russo and Maggie Stone have become young adults, so I built some apartments based on the floorplan below, so the young people could move out on their own if they wanted.

The game doesn't allow for slight angles like depicted here, so I had to adjust a bit. As a result, the main living areas are considerably bigger. I built The Aspens East as two bedroom flats like the one above, leaving them unfurnished except for bathroom fixtures and kitchen cabinets and appliances. 

I added access to each floor by including an elevator (lower left, and on one floor, I also put in a common game room for the residents to share.

Next, I reduced and redesigned the two bedroom flats down to one bedroom flats and eliminated the game room and moved the entrances and elevators. This gave me The Aspens West. While they are smaller and have fewer amenities, they have the view of the ocean and lighthouse. 

This top floor unit has two bedrooms, but the lower floors don't have the bedroom in the lower left corner. The second floor has a common seating area in that spot, and the ground floor has the entrance to the building. I considered placing hidden room markers and NPC doors, but didn't. Story progression did it's thing - a little more than I really wanted, but it's winter, and I can't bear to leave the NPCs homeless if there's housing available. 😏

I moved William Russo into the the middle floor condo of Aspens West, and he only brought what he had in his room, on his private deck at the Russo house, and whatever was in the family inventory. Therefore, his flat is sparsely furnished.

I think the Russos are big fans of the faux bakery section of the grocery store as I found all this in the family inventory. 😄

Also, I don't know how this girl became a part of William's household. I assume Story Progression moved her in once the building was placed and before I got William moved in. At any rate, her name is Caren Gill, and she's a young adult who apparently went to school with William. She only knows William and Annabelle Fillmore, and she has no skills as of yet, but she wants to be a one-sim band, so I'm getting her started by using this keyboard someone left behind at the movie studio.

I plan to get her a different hairdo as she looks too much like Natalia Belanger with this do. I assigned her the ground floor apartment, gave her a cheap bed and chair, and she'll have to scrounge for herself. Maybe dumpster dive for furniture. She and William are both controllable. The next morning, a half dozen roommates came flooding in, and I don't know how to turn it off. William can't disable the roommate service, so I think we will have to live with them. I assigned all of them the upper floor flat and placed bunk beds, a foosball table, a couple couches, and a couple bar stools. 

William quickly made friends with one of the new residents in the common sitting room. Her name is Theresa Snell. Other residents include that old guy in the scuba outfit that Roger was talking to at the Gann's party - Morris Locklear. There are also Ira Brower, Lakesha Winters, Morgan Neuman, and Sandy Green.  I checked on Aspens East, and discovered there are two women living there: Jada Powers who runs the book register at the book store, and Chrissy Steward, who was laughing at poor Caren Gill at the movie studio when she was trying to learn the keyboards. Caren and Ira Brower seem to find each other attractive, but I think she'd be great for William as they both like music. 

I also added a pool area between the two condo buildings, intended for the residents' use, but Holden and Gwen Wonzy were spotted out there late at night in the middle of a snow storm. Holden was taking a polar bear plunge in the buff, while Gwen was going into labor. She waddled off and left him to swim.

 Awhile later, I was informed that she gave birth to a baby girl and named her Lacie. 


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