Adventureland #4 - Meet Sally Hardy: Lifeguard with a Drinking Problem

 As mentioned in an earlier post, Sally Hardy is one of the premade explorers who came with Adventureland. I built her a new house and demolished her old one. She didn't quite have enough money, so her boyfriend Lord Alexander Beaumont II loaned her 5000 simoleons to get her established. 

This is Sally's new house. I based it on the picture below. 

It's right across the street from the beach, and both times I have dropped in on her, she expressed the desire to be a lifeguard. She started as a freelance photographer. I had her take this picture of her house for her house.

It took me awhile to figure out why lifeguard wasn't an available vocation, but then I realized it was because, when I demolished the beach, I also demolished the beach lot designation. I rebuilt the beach; it's not as pretty as the first one, but it has things the original didn't have: bathrooms, a food vendor, vending machines, and a lifeguard shack.

I've always hated this swimsuit, but it looks very nice on Sally. 

It's nice to see Daisy Kadukin getting out of the house. I guess she is now a food vendor. 

It appears Sally now has her dream job, but it can be very stressful at times.

Especially when everyone is drowning at once!

Dina Russo, the fairy, nearly bit the dust. Clap Sally, clap!

Some of the people she saved were grateful while others were just hungry. The whole Russo family needs to take swimming lessons. 

Alexander Beaumont invited her over after work to hear how her first day on the job went. He gave her a massage to help ease her stress.

Maggie Stone was also interest in her job.

She's tell Sally about taking the kids to the quarry and roasting marshmallows and swimming. Sally seems concerned that there's no lifeguard on duty there.

Sally was invited to stay over, but it was hard to get them to woohoo because the kids kept coming up to them and asking for bedtime stories. It's easier for him to go to her place when they want time together, despite the fact that his house is much bigger.

Sally does have a dark side, however, and it could potentially torpedo her career and/or her relationship with Alexander. When I first switched over to her, she was "super juiced" and still living in her old house. I don't know how she managed to get "super juiced" but she stayed that way for two days. When she moved into her new house, which has a keg on the top level, she headed straight up there with her red Solo cup.

If I don't redirect her, about all she does is make repeated trips up there for refreshments. But I guess she does do laundry on her own, once in awhile.

But in the morning, instead of rolling out of bed and into the shower or getting breakfast, or watching TV, or reading a book, she heads right up to the keg. 

She even got a snoot full before going to work! I think next time I play her, if she gets juiced, I will have her do stupid stuff or neglect her job, so she has some consequences. Do I need to build a rehab facility next? 

She's building some skills when I redirect her to do so. She has a broadcasting station on the upper deck too.

She has also gotten to explore the quarry and found the hot springs.

This is probably why she knows it could be a dangerous place for kids to go swimming.

I've built a few more challenge houses, and one of them is right next door to Sally. I don't know if I will send her over to meet the neighbors or if I will switch to one of the teens as prom is coming up, and I'd like them to go together, and I'd also like them to party at the quarry. Its going to be a tough choice.


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