Adventureland #3 - Adventures with Eunice Goddard and Jaron Belanger.
It appears the elderly couple who own the run-down fishing cabin have decided to lease the place to Eunice Goddard and Jaron Belanger.
Eunice and Jaron fluctuate between being friends and distant friends, but have decided to pool their resources and try their luck in Adventureland. Maybe they were in high school together. I think they moved here from Isla Paradiso.
Jaron has a college degree in education, but like me, he seems to have deferred going into that career to try something else for awhile. His big dream is to become a magician, but for now he thought he'd apply at the new Plumbob Studios as an extra as a way to dip his toe into show business.
I think he's wearing his outerwear here. I switched it so something saner. If it were his work uniform, I'd let him keep it. Jaron's traits are social butterfly, artistic, snob, natural cook, and lucky. I figure the social butterfly and artistic traits are leading him to wanting to be in show business. Oddly enough, he is maxed out on the diving skill, but had no other skills when I checked on him. Too bad this world doesn't have dive spots. I might have to study up on how to make one.
The reason I'm assuming Eunice and Jaron met in high school is because Eunice came with NO skills and only a high school diploma. She wants to be an astronaut, so I sent her to join the military. I am tempted to move her to the military housing as there is one apartment left, but I think I'll save that spot for an emergency. Eunice is a werewolf. (I'm getting more supernaturals in this save than in other games I had.) Maybe that's why she didn't go to college, maybe her situation made it too difficult to attend classes and get her work done on time. Maybe she has a proclivity to eat her own homework.
She seems awfully fond of the goofy hat, so I let her keep it. I changed her from blonde to having dark brown hair, but the blonde comes back when she's a werewolf. Her traits are dislikes children, flirty, frugal, party animal, and loves the outdoors.
It's spring in the game and there are some pretty violent rain storms. I like it when it rains hard, but I get tired of it raining all the time, so in a few sim days, I plan to turn off the rain. In like a lion, out like a lamb, as they say. I sent Eunice to try out the rowboat in the shed, despite the rain. I was hoping she could use it in the lake/pond near the house, but I guess it can only be used on the ocean.
I didn't try to get all the way to the island with the lighthouse. I just assumed she couldn't access it, but I might try anyway next time.
I broke my rule about only including my own builds in this world because a YouTube simmer named Tedhi blew me out of the water with her creative reimagining of the Crystal Springs fishing spot. She's redoing all of Sunset Valley, and has some really nice renovations, I will probably download her world when it's done and play in it too. She is keeping everything CC free, but uses all kinds of cheats to get things the way she wants. She turned Crystal Springs into an abandoned quarry where sims can still find all kinds of gems and such. They can also swim in the trashed pond, and by some miracle, fish still manage to live here.
There's even a hot springs hidden in a cave.
I sent Eunice to investigate and see what she did autonomously. The first thing she did was head for the keg and chug down some juice in her red Solo cup, the she ran up to Holden Wonzy and apologized for turning into a werewolf. She has never met the guy before! I doubt he even knew she turned into a werewolf.
He wasn't sure what to make of her, especially when she repeatedly flirted with him even after he told her he was married to Gwen.
She dislikes children, and he has a baby at home, so that would be another turn-off.
I guess she wants him to leave his wife and child and be free like a butterfly.
This place was pretty popular. Dina Russo was taking some risks by playing kicky sack on the edge of a cliff.
I guess you don't have to fear falling if you have wings. I think this would be a great place for teens William and Maggie to come party. I think I need to add an outhouse, however. I think Tedhi forgot that.
One of the first things I had Eunice do when I began playing them was start a fire in the fireplace as Jaron was wearing his outerwear indoors, and it was the middle of a thunderstorm. What could be better than curling up by a fire on a rainy day, right?
I swear I just went downstairs and got a cup of coffee and loaded the dishwasher. As I came back up the stairs, I heard mayhem!
Both were too panicked to grab a fire extinguisher or to call the fire department, so I had to step in.
They cleaned up the mess the best they could without me removing the fireplace for them to mop around. There's still some burnt areas, but since the description of the house says it is "in poor condition," I figured it added to this vibe.
Eunice was wanting to make a friend, so I tried inviting one of the women from the military housing over to hang out, but they didn't feel like it, so I had her invite her boss Jack Ransone over. They started by playing chess,
Then she made them some hotdogs.
While he was washing his plate, she was checking him out! She even made a flirty action behind his back that I wish I had captured in a screenshot.
After dishes, they danced,
Then flirted in the rain. Jack seemed pretty receptive . . .
I think she's suggesting they clown around. Or maybe she just spotted the ice cream truck and it made her think of clowns.
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