Emerald Valley #3: Spring's parties.

 Spring is still struggling with her attempts at magic, but so far no more toad incidents.

On her birthday, she was invited to a party of one of her friends. They didn't know it was her birthday, and she didn't tell them as she was never a fan of birthdays. 

Spring spent some time getting to know Tamara while the Brittany Henderson-Gains got into an argument.


I assume she said something offensive to warrant this type treatment. I may have to drop in on the household to see what's going on. The slapper isn't her husband Rogelio. Spring seems oblivious to her surroundings, instead expressing her concerns about her progress in school. She flunked 2nd year and is back in 1st year. 

Someone got wind that it was her birthday, and news spread. Before she knew it Autumn, Tamara, and the slapping guy, (maybe its Daniel Blocker? I can't tell), were making a big deal about it.

Spring spent the rest of the evening sulking about getting older and not making the progress she had hoped for at this stage in her life. 

She probably should have brought the purple party dragon instead of the black one. The next morning, she proposed to her roommate Gustavo, and he accepted. She planned her bachelorette party for the next day.

Then she decided to work on her "friend of the animals" skills having found a couple snakes in the Fairy Gardens Park. Be careful, Spring, those things can bite!

I told you so! She then decided to play her guitar and plan her bachelorette party.

She decided to hold her bachelorette party at Goth Haven Pub, but not to make it exclusive. Also, she must not have realized that it was also the night of a full moon. In retrospect, she should have planned better. Her party was memorable, to say the least.

Problem #1: the venue was small, so the place was crowded - especially since she didn't make it exclusive. This made it difficult to get to the one bar and order food for everyone and for everyone to access it. On the upside, there was ample room outside for the party dancers to perform and for people to dance and listen to music.

Problem #2: By not making it exclusive, some guests thought it would be okay to bring their husbands and children along. Little Abdul Henderson has decided he wants to be a party dancer when he grows up. 

Spring found Bridgett Wolfe behind the pub and asked her to make a toast. Of course Bridgett wouldn't stop at that!

Problem #3, its a full moon, so zombies are hanging around, and Tamara turned into one. 
Problem #4, there is a not-so-secret basement in Goth Haven Pub that lures zombies and paparazzi to it. Grim happens to live there. 

Paparazzi and zombies who venture onto his doormat and/or knock on his door tend to get eaten by his pet pit monster, Emie. This is what happened to poor Heath Mullins, who at the last moments of his life decided to change professions and become a ghost-hunter. The joke's on you, Heath. Now you will forever be hunting yourself!

Upon witnessing this scene, all those present suddenly jumped on their phones and spread the news. (It startled me as I had never seen that happen before.) Who were they calling? the police? their loved ones? the press? They all looked panicked, like they might be the next victims.

Shortly after this, the "dress to impress" dress code flew out the window. I don't know why this happened, but Spring had brought the purple dragon, Grape Ape, with her instead of the black one, and one option is "be life of the party," but she hadn't taken the dragon out yet.

For some reason, Anita Simpkins thought it would be appropriate to wear a clown face during this troubled time. Spring was not amused.

One of the party dancers took a liking to Anita. Clowns must turn him on or something. Meanwhile, Leslie Thyme stripped down to her matching bra and panty ensemble. I wonder who she was trying to impress. Where's your husband, Leslie? (Leslie and her husband fight all the time. Now I think I know why.)

The biggest tragedy of the evening was when zombie Tamara stumbled into Grim's monster trap.

At first, her husband Joey, thought it was just a prank,

But he was crushed when he realized what had really happened.

Goodbye, Tamara, we'll miss you! This was not the way Spring wanted her party to go.

After the guests dispersed, Spring decided to take out her dragon and try the Runes Charm on the bartender. I still don't know what this charm does, even after seeing it.

Go home and get some sleep, Spring. Your wedding's tomorrow.


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