Barnacle Bay Buds: Jim Beam and Jose Cuervo

 Two of the characters I made for my bin, but placed in Barnacle Bay are Jim Beam and Jose Cuervo.

Jim Beam is a vehicle enthusiast, handy, ambitious, a dog person, and a born salesman. His lifetime wish is to master mixology and own his own bar.

Jose Cuervo is a social butterfly, party animal, handy, a hopeless romantic, and an equestrian. His lifetime wish is to have at least 50 bottles of nectar in his own nectar cellar.

I don't remember this outfit. I think I had him in a cowboy hat when I made him. 

I randomized their traits, but spent some time trying to not make potato-faced sims, and I gave them lifetime wishes that would have some connection with their names. Then I placed each of them in their own separate starter home. 

Jose, took off immediately: a welcome wagon of women arrived, they partied, Luisa Lobos and him really hit it off, and she moved in with him. Jim had a slower start. He seemed to have trouble making connections.  After I dropped them and played about a day with each, I left them to work on the Calientes. When I checked back on Jim Beam, here's what happened.

I found him unemployed with about 216 simoleons to his name, and he was giving FREE makeovers to sims at the salon. 

He still wanted to work on mixology by taking a class and buying a professional bar, but he didn't have the means to do so, so I had him apply as a stylist since he seemed to have an interest in it.  It was getting late so I sent him home to re-acquaint myself with his surroundings. He didn't have a lot in the way of entertainment: just a bookcase and a telescope. He went autonomously to the telescope and started checking out the night sky.

What do you see, Jim?

You say you see a large object heading toward you? Run, Jim, run!

Look out!


Jim? Where are you, Jim?



So long, Jim. May your next life be more promising.  Speaking of next life, I also intend to develop Don Lothario, who in Sims 3 lives in Riverview. I decided to give poor Jim a Mulligan in Riverview, and placed him in a starter home there, only to find out after the purchase that it has been hit with an asteroid shower! Wow! Somehow I DON'T think this is a coincidence. 

He gathered up the asteroids and sold them so he could at least minimally furnish his house with a decent bed, table and two chairs and a new kitchen.  Nellie Spenster seems thrilled to have a handsome young man in the neighborhood.

Jim is flattered by the attention.

I left them having an autonomous water balloon fight.

Good luck Jim! May this life be more fruitful than you last one.

Meanwhile, back at Barnacle Bay, I converted the Flying V into a walk-in diner, and it turned out of be a popular place. I will have to change the name, though, as the roofline no longer forms a V. Thomas Quill decided to drop in on Jose Cuervo to see how things were going. Luisa Lobos, now Luisa Cuervo, happened to be a friend of Thomas. He didn't know Jose. Jose took a job in the military and is on level 2. He has one flirt, no friends, and 4 people who dislike him. This surprised me as he seemed pretty good at making friends.  Thomas invited both of them out to the new diner. Jose must have just gotten off work and didn't feel like changing.

He and Luisa were dancing up a storm.

Thomas was peckish, and chose to grab a bit to eat. 

The barista is Claudio Reeder, and he wasn't getting along with Bunny La Mer - probably because she's friendly, and he's mean spirited. Despite this they have a lot in common - for instance, neither of them likes children.

Speaking of children, they seem to be at the forefront of Ellen's mind.

Thomas spotted her from across the room and went over to say hi and share some jokes.

Meanwhile, Dina Caliente was flirting with Jose, who found her attractive, but had not forgotten that he was married.

Thomas went over to try to diffuse the situation by talking with Dina about cooking.

Despite Thomas' efforts, Jose left the diner with Dina on his mind. Will he act on his impulses or remain faithful to Luisa? 

It looks like he changed his clothes as well. 
As the night began, Dina took out some of her frustration on poor innocent snowmen. I wonder if Ellen suggested this to her.

That's if for now. More to come. 


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