Barnacle Bay Buds - The Caliente Sisters and Ellen Tabor, town psychiatrist.

The Sims 3 community (me included) is having a heck of a time with the transition from Origin to the new EA App. On top of this I tried moving my store worlds from the documents Sims 3 folder to the hard drive Sims 3 folder, thinking it would reduce lag in my game. IT WAS A BAD IDEA! I basically broke my game and had to start new. I still have my old saves and mods and such, but I'm having to add things back a few items at a time, all my past games on my newer machine aren't working. Luckily I have two saves on my old machine that isn't connected to the internet: The Northern Winds game and "Barnacle Bay Buds." I started Barnacle Bay Buds because I wanted to create some new Sims for my bin on  that machine. I needed a place to put them. Also, I wanted to have the iconic sims available and in the bin as well, and the Caliente sisters live in Barnacle Bay. 

Lets start with the Caliente sisters. My vision of them is based heavily on ZeeGee Sims' machinima series about Sunset Valley, which is based on the lore, but maybe fleshed out a bit more. In her version Dina (the blonde) is a gold digger/grifter, but is getting tired of that way of life and wants for fall in love and settle down, while Nina (the red-head) is the ambitious brains of the outfit and always looking to the next get-rich-quick scheme. They are both very attractive party animal types with lots of boyfriends, but they have commitment issues and hot tempers. In Sims 3, the girls are young adults with a female roommate they are influencing into the party lifestyle. Their looks seemed "phoned in" so I gave them makeovers. Their lifetime wishes didn't make sense to me, and while I know there are cheats, I thought it would be more fun to play them to the point where they had some skills built up and earned enough points to change their lifetime wishes with rewards points before saving them to the bin as it would make them more interesting characters.

EA gave Dina the lifetime wish of Jack of All trades, but I changed hers to Gold Digger, and Nina's was to be Super Popular, but I changed it to Swimming in Cash. Here's their story up to the point I saved them to the bin, and a little beyond. 

Dina before and after:

Nina before and after:

The first thing I had them do was get jobs of their own choosing. Nina wanted to join the criminal career, while Dina decided it would be fun to be a chef - but then Dina changed her mind and decided business would be a better bet. She was often stressed out after her shift, but stayed late to improve her work performance.

Also, as the game started, all the boyfriends suddenly realized what was going on, and the girls also realized that the boyfriends had other love interests. There were a lot of accusations of cheating and some fighting. 

Dina got upset with Richie Radan for cheating, while her other boyfriend looked on.

Then Nina got into it with Juan Jr. for cheating on her. Shortly thereafter, Juan Jr. started coming on to Dina.

(He was dating both girls. As were Jeff Smith and Alec Trebo. Also, Dina was dating Richie Radan and Nina was dating Rahul Patel.)

Nina turned to Alec Trebo to vent her frustration with Juan Jr.

"Thanks for meeting me for lunch, Alec."

"You know, it's not like I wanted to marry Juan or anything, . . . "

". . . it's just that I don't like feeling betrayed by him."

The next day, Dina was in a snit with Juan Jr. for cheating.


The confrontation escalated. . . .

And Dina lost the fight. After that, Dina began to lose interest in what was going on around her and resorted to day-drinking.

She decided that a little mental health therapy might help her deal with her problems both at work and in her love-life.

Enter Ellen Tabor, the town psychiatrist. Ellen bought a multi-use building with living quarters on the upper floor and room for her psychiatry practice on the lower floor. 

The upper floor consists of 2 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, and an open concept living room, eating counter, and kitchen.

The young man sitting on the couch is Ellen's roommate, Albert Vinson, the brother of one of her sorority sisters. Albert took a job in the culinary arts career in Barnacle Bay and needed a place to live. Ellen had an extra bedroom and could use the extra income while she grows her fledgling practice, so everything worked out well for all involved.

The lower floor of the building features a waiting room, therapy room, dire emergency therapy room (for personality adjustment), storage area, and public restrooms. 

Therapy room.

Waiting room. 

Ellen's first client was Mary Soto, who works in the health care industry. She met her while picking up some self-help books at the bookstore to gift to clients. (She will eventually make a bulk of her income from writing and publishing her own self-help books.)

  She invited Mary in for a free consultation.

"Well, sometimes Doc, I just feel like I'm being treated like garbage."

"If you could go back and choose any profession, what do you think you'd like to be?"

"I feel like I would be more respected if I had chosen to be an astronaut instead of a health care worker."

"Well Mary, it's a fact of life that we all have bad days. . . ."

" but they don't last forever, and things will get brighter."

"And most people feel their lives are just so-so."
"Wow, Doc, I never thought of it that way. Thanks for all your help!"

"Well, this session was a success. I'd better include this advice in my book! I'm such a genius!"
Later that night . . . 

"You know Ellen, I'm not sure this job is for me. Sometimes I feel like people just treat me like garbage. Maybe I should have been an astronaut instead of a cook."  (Here we go again.)

Ellen's appointment the following evening was Dina Caliente.

" I'm so glad you could meet with me; I've really been struggling with work and with my love-life."

 "So you're concerned about your work performance, and suspect your sister might be breaking the law?"

"And how many fights did you say you got into this week? I think the first thing we need to do is work on anger management skills; then, if you like, you can practice your work presentations with me to build your confidence."

"Gee, thanks Doc! I'll come over and practice with you in a few days, if you have time . . . ." 

" Wednesday evening works for me. See you then."

"And what can I do for you, Mr. Quill?"

"Well, Doc, I'm feeling kind of isolated. I live alone and don't have a lot of friends. I guess I need help coming out of my shell."

"How about we meet up at Mike's Karaoke tomorrow night, and we can work on bringing you out of your shell." 

"Okay, I'll meet you there, thanks."

"See, sometimes it just helps to step out of your comfort zone once in awhile."

"This isn't so bad."
"Now get out there and make some friends, Thomas."

Wednesday rolled around and poor Ellen started a kitchen fire while making waffles. At first she tried putting out the fire, but then decided to call in the professionals. 

This coincided with Dina's appointment to practice her presentation.

"Don't just stand there! Do something!"

"Geez, lady! I'm doing the best I can! I'm just one guy, you know! You shouldn't have waited so long to call!"

"My entire house is going to burn up!" (Luckily, only the stove, counter and barstools burned.)

While they waited for the smoke to clear, Dina was finally able to practice her presentation. 

On Spooky Day, Ellen celebrated by having an open house event (feast party in office areas) for all her clients and potential clients.

Everyone seemed to have a good time. Some preferred to partake of the open bar. Striped polos must be all the rage among the townies.

Lately, I have caught Ellen autonomously reading "Totally Preggers," which leads me to believe she's wanting to start a family.  Time to look around for a potential mate - or at least a potential baby-daddy.

Perhaps she can make a love connection with this tall, dark, and handsome professional. (I forget his name.) They both seem interested in marriage and children.

I think I'll visit some other residents and see if Story Progression turns this into anything. 


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