Toledo County Residents: Part 6

 The spotlight for this installment will be Ashleigh Sizemore and Guadalupe Coy. I tried to find Alexandra Sutherland, who became the mummy, but all I could see was her listed as a musician in Ashleigh's relationship panel, and by the time Ashleigh threw a party and wanted to invite her, she had disappeared. I don't know if Story Progression moved her out of town or if she somehow succumbed to the mummy's curse and died. I should check the mausoleum. 

Winter has come to Toledo County, and everything is covered in a crisp blanket of white.

When I dropped in on Ashleigh, she was a musician but really wanted to be a private investigator. She also had a boyfriend named Tam Metzger, who works in the journalism career.

Ashleigh quickly joined the private investigator career and started staking out places and taking cases that involved digging through people's mail and trash. Oddly enough, it seems that Tam might be involved in some questionable activities. When Ashleigh staked out the bookstore, she found some suspicious behavior that convinced her to write a report. It involved Tam and Tisha Koenig, the fashion-challenged woman we met at Rusty Tolbert's party a few installments back. I think Tisha noticed her and told her to take a picture - it would last longer.

Ashleigh was also enlisted to investigate Orlando Toledo as he was suspected of purchasing some library-hacking software he planned to put to ill use. When she approached Orlando's house, who should she see but Tam paying Orlando a visit!

Despite all her misgivings, when Tam proposed to her (while I dropped in on Arlene Flint for a few minutes), she said yes. They decided to hold the wedding at Stoney Church.

But first, Ashleigh had a bachelorette party and invited several women from the community - including young Guadalupe Coy, the community babysitter that I wanted to develop more.

Here she is as a babysitter for the Toledo family. Now, however, she is on the brink of young adulthood.  Guadalupe is a refugee from a war-torn country who sought asylum when her parents were killed. She has spent her teenage years bouncing from one foster home to another. Unlike most babysitters who say, "It looks like my job here is done! That will be 75 simoleons," Guadalupe tended to stick around hours after the parents came home. She is family oriented and missed being part of a real family. Her other traits include flirty, coward, and kleptomaniac. Her lifetime wish is to be surrounded by a family of her own.

Flashing forward to the present, Guadalupe arrives at Ashleigh's party, and Ashleigh learns that it was Guadalupe's birthday, and she will be aging out of foster care and had no where to go. Ashleigh lives in a big house and never uses the upstairs suite, so she offered to rent it to Guadalupe cheap.

Guadalupe accepted, and they ended up celebrating both Ashleigh's upcoming wedding and Guadalupe's birthday.

Ashleigh, being a natural cook, made some ratatouille, and Arlene brought a pie. The party was a modest success, but the party dancer who was hired to perform never showed up.

A few days later, as the guests were gathering at Stoney Church for the wedding, I was looking for Tam, when I noticed an altercation taking place between Ashleigh and a young man named Dan Deeman. She was yelling at Dan, and I paused and Nraased Dan's status to see what was going on. His occupation was dancer, so I assume he was the party dancer who didn't show up the other night. I assume Ashleigh was bawling him out and demanding her money back.

Then he slapped her!

Dan's traits are flirty, inappropriate, party animal, mooch, and diva. I assumed he must have been mean spirited, but maybe the combination of inappropriate and diva brings out this kind of behavior. I was also surprised by Ashleigh's response as she cheered. Apparently she felt some satisfaction that she hit a nerve and the rest of the crowd could see the kind of person he really was.

Dan doesn't look happy. Noelle Boswell, the victim of Sherman Naylor's Large and in Charge potion, thought the whole incident was quite funny.

Tam arrived a little late, and apparently missed the incident. He's the one by the door memorizing the scene.

The wedding party proceeded to the sanctuary for the ceremony. Nobody sat down because the builder of this lot had placed couches instead of chairs, but that was the only glitch in this part of the festivities.

Some of the guests seem bothered by the fact that Dan had the nerve to stay after the altercation.

Dan seemed to get into the spirit of the occasion - or maybe he was just into Noelle.

Dan stayed for the reception despite the guests hassling him. 

The guy giving Dan the stink-eye is the hired mixologist. His alarm must not have gone off on time. It looks like he rolled out of bed, pulled on yesterday's sweatshirt and some Crocs and came over.

"Let's all boo Dan!" He yells. Noelle finds this behavior monstrous. 

"No, I don't have time to answer your survey! I'm in the middle of my wedding reception, and I need to cut the cake!"

I sent Tam over to ask Dan to leave, but he's friendly and the only option I was given was "friendly introduction." Therefore I sent Ashleigh over to tell him to leave . . .

and when Tam's back was turned, Dan slapped her again! Meanwhile, Noelle was wondering how much a shindig like this costs. Thinking of getting married soon, Noelle?

Dan eventually got the hint that his behavior was inappropriate and left the party.

Tam was still oblivious to the conflict.

Meanwhile, Ashleigh drank her "Big Mistake" prepared by our illustrious mixologist, then went home to take a nap.

Most of the guests left shortly after Dan did, but Guadalupe made her appearance. She had been out job hunting and was delayed at the salon where she accepted a receptionist job and was given a quick training orientation. She was starved and helped herself to the buffet and cake.

Wow, Guadalupe, that piece of cake is as big as your head!
Guadalupe wasn't the only late arrival - for some reason the paper delivery girl crashed the party, but unlike Dan, she didn't slap anyone.

There may be some drama taking shape in this newly formed household: Guadalupe finds Tam attractive and Tam flirted with her. 

However, when she suggested they go out to dinner sometime, he seemed offended. "I just got married, you fool!" 

Will they become enemies, lovers, or just friends? Time will tell.

I checked the demographics as I was getting notices of a lot to the original cast reaching the elder life stage, and noticed the town is short on children. I visited a few households to get the ball rolling.

First I visited the Rivers household. Apparently Tori and Ahmed's bed was glitched. I replaced it.

That's one "bun in the oven." You go girl!

She later gave birth to a little boy named Conor.

Next I visited Karie Alvarez who is the girlfriend of Rusty Tolbert. Rusty is now an elder. I had her send him a woohooty text, but he didn't feel like coming over. I had her adopt a toddler instead.

The little girl's name is Sandy. I also fixed up her house a little adding a food bowl for her little pup and changing up some of the furnishings. 

Next I dropped in on Karie's next-door neighbor, Thelma Cody.

Thelma was a bookstore clerk - the kind that gets chained to the cash register. She wanted to join the military, so I let her. Shortly after I checked in on her, her doorbell rang.  It was Arlene's husband, Bart Vogt. They chatted awhile and became friends. 

She invited him to take a swim.

He had a few misgivings, wondering what Arlene would think of this, but he joined her in the end.

She got cold and went in to warm herself by the fire.

Thelma is brave, unflirty, family-oriented, easily impressed, and lucky. I figured she was the perfect candidate to ask Grim to create a baby for her using Bart's DNA. I had never tried this before.

After their swim, they went together to Goth Haven Tavern, where Grim's door is located in the basement. I don't think Bart knew what Thelma had in mind, but while she was up playing darts, he slipped out to try and talk to Grim for some reason. 

The floormat monster nearly got him!

He escaped, unscathed and decided he'd rather just go upstairs and have a drink. Then Thelma came down and asked Grim for a baby that was a combo of her DNA and Bart's. 

This was followed by an earth-shaking explosion.

I had to Nraas her to see if it worked - it did! Next a paparazzi came down to hassle Grim, and the floormat monster got him.

Bart and Thelma may have learned a lesson about tempting death, . . . 

But the paparazzi chick who also witnessed this event, didn't take the issue seriously, and she also met her demise. Best leave Grim alone, guys. They adjourned upstairs for some drinks before calling it a night.

Bart got in trouble with the wife, according to notifications I got.

Then I returned to Tam and Ashleigh . . . .

Guadalupe is also entertaining ideas of getting married and starting a family. I sent her out to scope out some prospective mates. (She and Tam seem to have mended fences a bit while I was gone.)

One of her spa clients, Collin Gardner, who works in the journalism field, is single, and she thinks he's a 7 out of 10 on the attractive meter. 

She invited him to go out to the Little Roses Dance Club with her.

They had a good time, but nothing too earthshaking happened. They may end up being just friends.

Thelma also made an appearance in all her pregnant glory.

That had better be a virgin drink, missy! 

Yes, you are pregnant.

Yes, you should stick with soft drinks for awhile.

The next day there was a SimFest going on, and Guadalupe took herself down to see a few acts before going off to work.  This was a great way to meet more single men.

She considered excitable, wardrobe-challenged Javon Casillas to be only a 1 out of 10 on the attractive scale.  I couldn't stand it and changed his outfit in case that was the obstacle. I think Warren Bowling, whom she saw perform, fared better, but I don't remember for sure.

We'll see if she can find some more potential candidates after work.


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