LEPacy Challenge: Gus and Athena as a young couple.

 I took a break from the LEPacy household to play Athena's family for a few days. Apparently after I had Gavin move out and he and Leslie break up, they got back together again when I was playing the LEPacy family. They hadn't moved back in together, but they seemed to be making amends. I had Leslie break up with him again. They are miserable together.

Athena is still getting bad grades and getting in trouble for it. She feels bad about it, but she has a lot on her plate. She's still doing some PI work.

When she's not sleuthing, she's helping her mom with the kids. (I didn't know you could rock toddlers in the rocking chair!)

She got a call from Gus who invited her to his new house. After Snuggles died, he inherited some money and decided to move out as he and Simicon weren't getting along anymore. 

He was so excited when she said she'd come over. He felt like the king of the world.

Once she showed up, he quickly put the moves on her.

He asked her to spend the night, and one thing let to another . . . .

Gus quickly realized that right thing to do would be to "make and honest woman out of her." They were on the brink of high school graduation. Athena was a day older than him.

Athena arrived home on the day of her birthday, and was instantly given a time out - not for staying over at Gus's house, but for having bad grades. It was questionable as to whether she would be graduating after all! 

After a few hours of punishment, Athena went to her container home to find her family waiting with a birthday cake for her.

As Athena, her mother and her sisters all sat down to cake in the dining room of the main house, Athena explained to her sisters that she would never have to go to icky old school again!

Poor, hungry Heath was left in the container home while they had their cake.

It turned out that Athena barely scraped by and was able to graduate. She was so excited.

Meanwhile, Gus had his birthday at "The Box" the teen hangout that got invaded by the old folks. 

There was a big turnout. 

His twin sister Gina (in the swimsuit) apparently has a boyfriend named Josef. 

He also graduated.

It wasn't as big a deal to him. Athena wore her robes for days!

Gus asked Athena out to a nice restaurant, . . . 

and popped the question.

She said yes!

Athena couldn't wait to move out of her mother's house, so they had a quick wedding at the town hall.
It was a beautiful ceremony . . . 

Marred only by the fact that one guest peed his pants during the ceremony.

The embarrassment of the guest threw Gus into a fit of evil glee.

 The pitiful bathroom situation was a universal problem, however. The building has only one small bathroom with one bathroom stall, and everyone had to pee at the same time. Athena may seem to be enjoying herself here, but her bladder is giving her fits!

She barely made it in time. Three of the guests weren't so lucky as evidenced by the pee puddles left in the wedding hall.

This lack of bathrooms isn't the only thing that has the towns people in an uproar. Many want the damaged side of the building addressed. 

In other news, Raul has left Gwendolyn Gains and married Vickie Gaither. Meanwhile Gwendolyn had taken up with Athena's father Gavin, and Athena's mother Leslie has taken up with Bobbie Haas, who was last seen heading for the town hall in a towel. 

I'd love to know the story behind that!


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