Northern Wind Legacy - Part 8 - Maxwell's Married Life

 Baby Dustin has grown into a toddler. Here are some pictures of Maxwell's domestic life. They are on day 20 of living in Redwood Harbor - the longest they have stayed anywhere so far. 

Polly always looks a little worried about things, even when she's having fun.

It appears she is both teaching Dustin to talk and unloading her concerns about the cold cruel world to him.  "The world is full of thieves and bullies, little one; you will need to be careful." Luckily he doesn't seem to understand much.

Dustin's first word was related to more positive topics.

Reading with Dad while Mom plays video games. She just needed a break. She also spends quality time with Dustin.

He's finally old enough to get out of the house and have some fun. 

He's such a good boy. He didn't even throw a fit when Renee said it was time to get off the ride.

Stranger danger! Renee doesn't know any of these people, but they sure seem interested in Dustin. At least he's within view as she enjoys her picnic.

This guy must have the nurturing trait. 

Maxwell's and Polly's relationship was dropping from neglect, so they spent some quality time having a chat.

Maxwell is telling Polly that he took a job as a musician. She doesn't look too happy about it. "Why couldn't you be a doctor or something?" 

Polly earned a bonus trait: Social Butterfly, which was randomized.  Now she needs to be the center of attention or she gets a negative moodlet. 

Things are going well with Hugo Foote. She convinced him to lose the beret.

I don't know who brought their kids to the bar, but it ruins the vibe on date night! Why aren't they downstairs in the restaurant?

Renee seems a little restless. She flirted with a stranger at The Pier when Maxwell wasn't around. The guy seemed offended.

Perhaps having another child will anchor her to Maxwell. Here it comes!

She gave birth to a little girl named Laura. Laura is good and athletic. More on her later. 

Renee isn't the only person having a child. My sim-self is also pregnant!

Polly and I are getting to be good friends. She came over to visit me and enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with my stomach. I have apparently married Aldo Foote and took his last name. Now I live here.

Aldo must be fairly well off as there is 62000 simoleons in the bank. I bought a crib and a better TV with some of the money. Now I'm ready for the baby.

I had the baby, but after switching back to Polly's household. I don't know if I had a boy or girl or what traits they had.  I may have to send Polly over to visit me.  Polly did see me at the gym and at the laundromat after this visit, and I had already had the child.

I'll sign off with a few "around town" pictures.

Karaoke at The Pier.

The bookstore after dark.


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