Northern Wind Legacy - Part 7

 Maxwell and Renee opted for a small outdoor wedding under a gazebo in a park with a pond and waterfall. The park was already set up for a wedding, so that made it easy -or at least would have been easy if Maxwell had moved the wedding to later in the afternoon. The household was scattered, and I struggled to get them to meet up and show up on time. They were over an hour late for the ceremony, and I couldn't get Renee into her gown without worrying about the guests leaving or Maxwell leaving as I didn't have control of her yet. As a result, she got married in her everyday clothes, then changed to her wedding dress for the reception.  Oh well . . . .

(I invited my simself to the wedding too. I'm in the back in the red. Only in Sims do I cry at weddings.😉) 

Of course it was a full moon that night. That explains the zombie, but I don't know what explains the firefighter in full gear.

Maxwell and Renee can't travel during this challenge - they travel enough when they move. Since they both live with Maxwell's mother, and Maxwell loves the outdoors, they decided to go camping on their wedding night.

Meanwhile, Polly was invited by the alien lady, Janette Lai,  to come to a party. Little did she know, she would encounter an alien zombie. 

The next few days were filled with casual dates and parties in lieu of a honeymoon trip. One day the whole family had a fitness day and went to the gym. I happened to be there too, along with Janette, but in her normal alien form.

I finally got to see who my boyfriend is too: Aldo Foote.

Not bad; next time I see him, I might nab him with Nraas and make him really hot. 

Renee also went to the summer camp area and worked on her photography skills. At the wedding, I had the presence of mind to have Polly take  some pictures - I usually forget to have a sim do this in my struggle to take my own screenshots.  Polly did manage to get one fairly descent picture for the wall.

I think it was Renee who wanted to throw a party, so they threw one. (I made sure I was invited as well.)

Polly seems to have lost interest in Duncan Easter and is now interested in one of the blue beret guys. Hugo Foote, no relation to Aldo Foote whom my sim-self is dating. Hugo seems to be in the medical profession. 

The following day was action-packed.  It started out with a kitchen fire . . .

Then it moved on to some family time at The Pier.

Pregnant Renee had the good sense to not try this, but she cheered Maxwell on. Polly gave karaoke a try. 

And she enjoyed a snow cone.

She invited beret boyfriend Hugo to meet her as well.

As The Pier closed down and everyone headed for home, Renee went into labor.

She gave birth to a little boy, brave and good and named him Dustin. More on him to come as he gets older and more interesting.

A couple days later, Polly noticed strange lights in the sky. 

They have no telescope and only one tiny space rock was on the lot. Furthermore, other people were awake at the time. In my LEPacy, I tried like crazy to get one of my male sims abducted, but to no avail. Just dumb luck, I guess. 

Way to go, Polly!


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