Toledo County Residents: Part 5

 I got to a few things on my to-do list from last time.

First of all, I dropped in on Arlene Flint, the journalist who crashed Tori's wedding. Arlene is a workaholic, natural cook, and handy, but also inappropriate and mean-spirited, which could explain her issues with her boyfriend Fidel and the fact that no one at the wedding seemed to like her.

It turns out that Arlene didn't have anyone in the friend category, and her boyfriend was the only one in the enemy category. Why are they still together? Maybe they should split up - no one wants to live their lives with someone who makes them miserable. Arlene likes to work late, but she also likes to go out. She stopped by Goth Haven for a few drinks.

She screwed up some courage and went to visit Grim. (This is risky business, as I've see scores of paparazzi become victims of a sea monster who pops up from the floor mat and drowns them.) 

It helps to show him funny cat videos, I guess, as he loves animals.

Arlene almost got the the friend level with old Grim. He had to go, however.  Arlene then went upstairs and called Fidel to come join her, but they got in an argument over a grilled cheese sandwich.

Everything came to a head, and Arlene slapped him.

He accused her of being a crazed Yeti, and she broke up with him. 

This won't be the last we see of Arlene, but let's go drop in on the Naylors.  It turns out that Leona actually was pregnant and not suffering food poisoning at the wedding. She gave birth to a little boy and named him Scottie. Their house isn't set up for a baby, so I needed to remedy that.

Here's a little background on the Naylors. Sherman is flirty, hotheaded, a party animal, a heavy sleeper, and a coward. He wants to be a rock star, but has recently become interested in the occult and alchemy. He expressed a wish to meet a supernatural, but to my knowledge, the town doesn't have any (yet). He also likes to dress like Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Sherman met Leona at the Little Roses Pub and learned that, like him, she was a party animal who happened to be single and new to town. One thing led to another.  After a whirlwind romance, they ended up married and with a baby. 

Leona took well to motherhood. She works as a journalist, but for now she's staying home with Scottie. She's not only a party animal, but she loves the outdoors, is artistic, an angler, and an equestrian. She has taken up painting while at home. Little Scottie loves the outdoors and is a genius. 

One thing that surprised me about the Naylors was that they are rich! They had about 85,000 simoleons when I checked in on them. The couple is living in a little house in the country, but it doesn't have much land with it. They may have to move soon, so Leona can get her horses. For now, I fixed up the house that they had, which was deliberately furnished with cheap pieces and only the necessities, making it affordable to whoever might move in.  Now that I know who lives there, I have decorated accordingly.

These guy threw three parties in three days.  The first party was a costume party. (I was hoping to also make it mystery drink party, but Sherman's alchemy skill wasn't high enough yet. I think he had to get to level 5 or 6 before I was given the option, so that became another party.) It seems tiger costumes must have been on sale.

They had three tigers, a chef, a hot dog, a cheerleader, a clown, an astronaut, and a maid.
All in all, it was a good party, and fun was had by all.

The next party was little Scottie's birthday. Sherman was away at work, and Leona invited all the women she knew.

Arlene Flint put in an appearance, as did Sherman's boss, Ashleigh Sizemore (in the foreground) - whom he wants to go skinny-dipping with, by the way. Neither Leona nor Ashleigh are aware of this.

By the following day, Sherman was able to pour mystery drinks. He made some elixirs and bought several others - even the expensive ones that can create supernaturals. There was a mix of good and bad effects, so no one knew what they were going to get.

It was thoughtful to bring a turkey, Anwar, but it kind of defeats the point. We want everyone hungry enough to try a drink. 

A few people partook of the turkey before I moved it to the fridge. People weren't drinking the drinks, so I switched to Arlene and made her go first. She got "Blessing of the Fae" and turned into a fairy. That's all we need: a mean-spirited fairy.  She really likes the chattering teeth prank. 

Most of the guests didn't appreciate it. 
All the others partook of the mystery drinks autonomously. Sherman got a Jar of Discord; Leona got the Vial of Bliss. Then poor Alexandra Sutherland got the Mummy's Curse!

Sherman is a coward, and quite dramatic. She's not even interested in you, Sherman! She's just watching a chipmunk.

Anwar wasn't too sure he wanted to do this . . . 

but I think he got the Skill Booster.

Noelle Boswell got Large and in Charge. (She was thin when she first arrived as can be seen in the picture of Anwar and the turkey.)

All the guests finally left, and there was one more drink left.  Leona drank it. It turned out to be the Procreation Elixir, so I'll be leaving them and see if they try procreating on their own.

Speaking of procreation, I knew sims could woohoo in the armoire, but I didn't know that sometimes they came out with goofy outfits or no outfits at all!  They both got a good laugh out of it.

This was before taking the elixir, so them having multiple children is still up in the air.

I'm going to try and find Guadalupe Coy, but I think it's too late as Lucia is probably aged up to a child now. Maybe I'll see what the story is with Ashleigh Sizemore, Sherman's boss, or better yet - see how Alexandra Sutherland fares as a mummy.


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