North Winds Legacy Part 3: Bleak Islands to An Ju Falls to Anne Arbor

 Bleake Islands, continued.  

Maxwell asked Sunny over to his house to study together.  (He made sure to wear his best outfit to try and impress her.)

Then they had some fun.

Maxwell asked her to be his girlfriend, and she said yes!

Polly has also found romance in this desolate place. She and Derrick Carbone are really hitting it off.  They met up at The Eagle's Nest for some drinks, foosball, and woohoo. 

The bartender seems to be a witch, or they are required to wear witch uniforms. 

The next day was Love Day, and Maxwell invited Sunny out to the Festival. Polly went to the festival with Derrick. 

Maxwell and Sunny gave gifts, danced, and woohooed in the photo booth. Polly ran across Robin Reeves again and gave him a bad time.

Robin gave her an ear full.

All was going well, but all good things come to an end. Polly was getting used to Bleake Island and felt she could build a good life there.

But after 15 days in Bleake Islands, the North Wind came calling. Polly and Maxwell woke up in An Ju Falls. They found a little two bedroom house and furnished it with the money they brought with them. 

An Ju Falls was definitely a change from Bleake Islands. At first, Maxwell didn't seem to have any kids his age at school, but some must have either immigrated or aged up, because after sending a break-up text to Sunny, he met a pretty girl with questionable fashion sense named Star Echols. They became fast friends.

It looked like they were going to be more than friends, but they had a sudden falling-out, which surprised me.

Polly had a few potential lovers as well, but neither materialized. First of all, she befriended Trevor Gillmore, a married man, who was prone to giving her flowers, then spurning her flirtations. 

I didn't like this guy. He seem like a creeper. It all started out innocent enough: just a couple buddies getting together for some drinks and a game of pool. But then he came home with her. She was really tired and ready to call it a night, but he followed her up to her bedroom and offered her flowers.

She graciously accepted them, but told him she was tired and was going to turn in for the night. 

He didn't leave, but just stood there watching her as she slept. I don't know what was going through his mind, but it didn't look good.  I think the guy is a potential stalker and is mentally unbalanced.

Maxwell didn't like him at all, and it looks like he wanted him dead.

He told Trevor that he was being a creeper and should just go home.

He even snuck up behind him and scared him.

This prompted Trevor to at least leave the room and go downstairs and mess with their computer. For all I know, he was trying to steal their personal information.

Maxwell thought it best to stick close to Mom while she slept.

He did eventually go downstairs and shoo Trevor and asked him to leave.  But is that the last we will see of Trevor Gillmore? I think not.

Polly's other potential lover had the same last name as her, but was apparently not related.  His name was Sammie Maloney.  She met him through an opportunity to share recipes with him.

Sammie was musical and artistic, and as far as I know, lived alone with his little kitten, who apparently thought Sammie and Polly should become a couple.

Aside from some autonomous slow dancing and some flirting, nothing further developed. I wonder if it would have if they were given more time.

Polly met several other interesting people. . .

And even made a gal-pal, Lydia Crowell, who works in the Military career.

Maxwell made a point of not liking any of Polly's friends.

On one of the last days in An Ju Falls, Polly decided to go to the beach and do some sailboarding.

Who should she find lurking in the tall grass, giving her flowers and complaining about comic books? Our buddy Trevor! Maybe it's good that the North Wind called. Polly doesn't seem to understand that this guy is up to no good! After 8 days in An Ju Falls, the North Wind dropped Polly and Maxwell in Anne Arbor.

They found a screamin' deal on a house that had been hit with a meteor.  They cleaned up the place and furnished it with the money from selling their house in An Ju Falls.

I wonder what adventures they will have here in Anne Arbor and how long they will be able to stay. It's a big place with lots to explore.


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