LEPacy challenge - Linus seeks a wife

 Linus, now a young adult, started looking around for a wife, so he could start the next generation. His first crush was Lisa Bunch, but she took up with his best friend VJ. She just wasn't that into him.

Next, he met Holly Alto, and they seemed to make a love connection, but their work schedules conflicted, so they had trouble getting together. Plus, the one time I was able to get Linus to visit her at her house, he ran from her little kitty. 

Linus is supposed to be brave and disciplined, so I have no idea why he is frightened of the kitty. It seems Holly has met someone else anyway - I forget who it is.

I dismissed VJ as a roommate because he was supposed to be married to Lisa, and they were supposed to be looking for a house together (more on them in a bit). This freed up a slot for a new roommate: Tracie Dykes, provided by the roommate service. 

On their first meeting, she had fleas from Linus' dog, so she and the dog get along well, which is a good sign.

Here's Linus' dog Marina. She is an old dog and a Pharaoh Hound. She has learned to be a good hunter which is a good thing, because Linus can really use the money from the things she digs up.

 Linus also met a tourist and tried showing her around town and getting to know her better . . . .

They got along well enough, but she left before he had the chance to get to know her well. Her name was Carie Gwydd. Next he met Madison Watson, while he was hanging out with his roommate Tracie.

Madison seemed to be interested in Linus, and Tracie wasn't too happy about it.

Tracie (and I) decided that a makeover was in order. Maybe Linus would start seeing her as more than just a "gal pal" and consider her as a possible mate. He invited her to the Seaside Lounge and Casino, just opened in town, and found that she cleaned up real nice.

He ordered them some egg rolls and brought her a plate, and soon they were officially on a date.

Even after the place closed down for the night, they lingered on the back patio, looking at the view and chatting.

They also blew some bubbles.  Tracie was unsure that it was a good idea at first.

But then she gave in and began to enjoy herself.

They got home in the wee hours of the morning, and Linus had to report for work, but before he left, he kissed her for the first time.


The days following were filled up with working, (both are workaholics). Here Linus is trying to figure out what makes Judy Bunch tick.

Linus did take some time to play with his dog Marina,  . . .

and getting to know Tracie better.

One weekend, Linus had a barbeque to reconnect with some of his old friends.  Tracie is a loner, and felt uncomfortable with so many people in her house.  She busied herself with serving delicious hot beverages, making far more than they really needed. Linus cooked hot dogs.  The party went over well despite the counter getting dirty and the kitchen sink breaking.

Lisa invited Linus over to her party later that evening, but Tracie didn't want to go with him, having had enough of people for one day.

While at the party, Linus learned some hot gossip. Lisa wasn't living with VJ and hadn't even invited him to the party! She was living with Parker Langerak. They had twin beds, but apparently had been woohooing. I switched to the household briefly and made Parker and his dog Smokey move out and invited VJ over. I also provided a full size bed for the couple. However, I think the damage has been done. Lisa confessed to cheating, and VJ was angry. However, their relationship was still well in the green when I left them. Who knows if their marriage will survive.

Before she confessed, she asked him to be her roommate, so he was already committed.  We'll see what happens between them.

Back on the homefront, Linus decided it was high time to ask Tracie to marry him.

Because she is a loner and didn't want a fuss, they decided to have a quiet wedding at the Seaside Lounge, early in the afternoon before the crowds showed up.  They had a wedding cake and shared it with the staff.

Time to make some babies that they will mostly ignore to fulfill the "deadbeat parents" goal for the generation. They will probably honeymoon at Lunar Lakes, as both are workaholics, and Linus can make it a "working vacation." Tracie needs to join the science, astronomy, or inventing profession, so this could be what causes her to follow that track and leave the business world. More to come.


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