LEPacy Challenge: Welcome to the family, Cliff; now go get a brain. Bachelor party happenings.

 LEPacy Challenge: Welcome to the family, Cliff; now go get a brain. Bachelor party happenings.

Well, I got one item on my to do list from last installment, then I went off on a tangent.

Cliff Gaines has been added to my household. I had him ask Mandy to go steady; then he took her to the park and proposed to her.

Bianca Monte was at the park with her kids.  She seemed pleased to witness the romantic event.

Cliff then prepared some hot dogs for their dinner. Mandy was too excited to eat, though apparently not too excited to read a book while he ate.

The next day, Mandy went wedding dress shopping while Cliff went to get a personality as he literally had NONE. (I had this happen in another game once, when my sim married the pizza delivery guy.)
This is where I got off on a tangent.  I was going to use the brain enhancer from University to program his personality, but then I asked myself, "Where would one of these be found in this world?" I decided to build a science and technology annex across the street from the science/medical rabbithole. Here's a brief tour:

Here's a view of the building from the rabbithole. I wanted to make it blend in with the environment, so it doesn't look very high tech on the outside.

Here's an overview of the first floor.  The front of the building is at the top. Starting on the upper right and going clockwise: the reading room, the restrooms, the science lab (half of it is cut off, and I added chemistry stations not seen in this picture), the brain enhancer (behind the stairs), a sitting area, and a conference/presentation room. 

Glimpse into the reading room.

Science lab with the all-important brain enhancer

Sitting area

Conference/presentation room

Upper floor overview. (Again, the entrance of the building is at the top where there is a balcony with telescopes, and going clockwise) work-out room, restrooms, locker rooms and showers (because sometimes inventing sims catch fire) engineering room, and cafeteria.

There is a roof to this building, but I forgot to put down flooring to create the ceiling, apparently.

Work-out room.  I'm going to try and make it more interesting. It's meh.

Locker room and showers; I had to put the walls down so you could see into them as the rooms are small.

The engineering lab

The cafeteria.  Still looks kind of sterile. I will probably paint the walls here and in the work out room an orange color to liven it up a little. Orange is supposed to provide energy and increase appetite. 

At any rate, Cliff did get a personality.  As with everything, I randomize the personalities.  He seems to have hit the motherlode: party animal, charismatic, eccentric, kleptomaniac, and mean-spirited (I figured this was a close enough opposite to Mandy's "good" trait.) 

I think he'll be a lot of fun - much more interesting than Mandy's lackluster traits: good, good sense of humor, grumpy, light sleeper, and never nude. Mandy got another trait when she got her technology degree with lifetime rewards points, but I forget what it was. 

After he got a personality, Cliff arranged for a bachelor party on the beach. He got there early and took a swim, then set up the party.

I love the lighting in Monte Vista - especially in the evening. (I gave Cliff some dreadlocks because there is another guy that looks almost identical to him (dang pudding faces!) Here are some pictures from the party.

Contemplating his life choices.  Don't get cold feet!

Talking computers with Luis Toledo.  Luis is a classy guy, and he and Cliff hit it off right away.

The guests didn't show any interest in the bonfire - they spent most of their time at the bar or buffet table. Oddly enough, no party dancer girls showed up. This might be why Cliff's party turned out to be only a modest success - that and the fact that Eduardo couldn't find a sitter, and brought a crying baby to the party.

Not cool, man!

I think Cliff and Luis will become good friends. It's nice to have an older friend to lend some advice and guidance from time to time.

Luis gave the toast, as Cliff really doesn't know anyone very well yet.

It turns out the baby wasn't the only party crasher that evening! Mandy, what are you doing here? Your party is tomorrow!

Yes you, Mandy. You're not supposed to be here. Did you forget about something at home? Could it be you left the stove on?

Yep, I guess so.  I thought the damage would be far worse with everyone gone from the house, but luckily, the Monte Vista fire department was on the case.

This kitchen is dated and ugly anyway.  Maybe it's time for a remodel. 

Enjoy the party, Mandy.  Your fiancĂ© went home to assess the damages.


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