LEPacy Challenge: Game-induced drama between Ming and Samir - Goodbye Samir, hello Mandy of generation 6

 When we left off, Ming was going on a risky woohoo spree to try and get pregnant. It didn't work.  Then she aged up to an adult, and with the biological clock ticking, began trying for a baby with Samir.  Despite their efforts, there was still no baby.  Ming concluded she couldn't produce children of her own, and has decided to adopt. 

But first, it's off to Egypt to try and get enough relics to fulfill her lifetime wish of having a private museum with 20,000 simoleons in relics displayed in her house.  Samir went along as well. (My intention was for him and Ming to reach an amicable agreement to part ways, Samir going back to his homeland and his family.  It started off that way.)

Samir came under my control when we reached Egypt.  While Ming was searching up her relics, Amir paid a visit to the marketplace, where he ran into his daughter Satis.

They were happy to see each other and Satis encouraged Samir to go home and see her mother.  Fatima, Samir's wife was happy to see him back again. 

They had some good, wholesome family time together, at which point, Samir rejoined the household and left my control. 

Samir's story was he moved temporarily to Hidden Springs to fulfill his dream of being an athlete as there were no opportunities for it in his home country. However, he became homesick and returned. He never confessed to cheating - I figured why stir the pot.

Meanwhile, Ming took to exploring a very complicated, tomb with intricate puzzles. We haven't got it completely solved yet, but we're getting close, I think.

When Ming was played out and needing food and sleep, I sent her back to the camp to rest up. However, for some inexplicable reason, Samir and his wife were there, even though they have their own house. Samir was flirting with his wife and Ming went up and accused him of cheating! (Oh, the irony!) At this point I just sat back, took pictures, and watched things unfold.

To make matters worse, Ming went off to bed but couldn't sleep, because SOMEONE was having loud woohoo in a tent across the way. (Ming is a light sleeper. I had never seen anyone have trouble sleeping in the camp before.) Ming went to the tent to give them a piece of her mind.

Guess who was in the tent! Samir and Fatima! 

They eventually came out of the tent. There was an action in the que that Ming was ready to ask Samir to just be friends. "Well, that's about the best way this can end," I thought.  But that interaction vanished, and the next thing I know Ming and Samir were taking turns flirting with each other and being turned off by each other . . .

as Samir's poor family looked on in horror!

I would not want to be you, Samir! Ming has decided to move on, but she hasn't officially broken it off with Samir. 

Just before her trip was over, Ming found enough Mummitomium to fulfill an adventure she started on the previous trip.  She rushed to the guy who wanted the Mummitomium, and he said she needed to put it in a chest at the MorcuCorp Headquarters - and guess where that is? Samir's house! or rather his storage shed.  Ming was invited in by Satis, who was surprisingly cordial, considered what happened the night before. Ming found one of those holes in the wall that often has a switch that needs to be activated, but her trip ended before she could explore it further. I guess another trip to Egypt is in order, once the child Ming adopted grows to be old enough to travel.

Upon returning home, Ming checked out all the loot she had accumulated, sorted it, sold some of the broken stuff, and reached her lifetime wish! Time to adopt, but first, she touched base with dear old dad and told him of her adventures as she ate lasagna with chopsticks.

She also got to see Malcolm, one of her cousins.

On the way out of the bowling alley, she ran into Scott Chesterfield, one of her boyfriends.  She asked him to just be friends, which broke his poor, married heart.

The next day the social worker arrived with baby Mandy. Welcome to the family, Mandy!

Mandy is a light sleeper like her mama. She is also good.  Her favorite color is purple; her favorite food is sushi, and her favorite music is Indie.  She is a Scorpio. 

Mandy is destined to get married, have two children, and become a ghost hunter (hello Ambitions pack!) Her spouse will be an architect. In addition to this, both Mandy and her spouse must fulfill their lifetime wishes, and Mandy must fulfill all wishes/wants selected and "pinned" unless they become impossible to fulfill.  The person she has children with must have at least one of the opposite traits from her one of her traits. 

Ming is wasting no time helping Mandy become the perfect child.  She is already potty-trained, has one level on the block sorter, and is half way to learning to walk.  Mandy also has an imaginary friend doll, so Ming may actually get a second child. (I think she has a rainbow gem stored in her treasure box.) On their first outing together, Ming took Mandy to the library and read her first book to her: Being Smart for Fun and Profit

I think Ming will be a great, though demanding, mother.


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