LEPacy challenge - Gen 4's trip to France

 LEPacy challenge - Gen 4's trip to France 

As mentioned in the previous installment, the Sw0rd family took a trip to France: Garrett to collect some wine to take back to China, Ming to start her relic collection, and Gunnar and Marla to enjoy their honeymoon and take nectar-making lessons.

Actually, Marla had far more fun drinking the nectar than making it.

Gunnar, on the other hand, diligently applied himself and became a darn good nectar maker.

He made some swell upgrades to this nectar maker, and he bought one to take home with him.

The musicians of the group took some time to improve their guitar skills as well.

While they were in France, a new restaurant called Little Roses opened up. (It was originally a townhouse, but I converted it.)

The first floor features a coffee bar, kitchen with pizza oven, and this formal dining room. 

Upstairs features a poker table, foosball game, and a couple chess tables.

The gang had many adventures, Garrett being the most adventurous, and armed with the Axe of Pangu, (or whatever it is called) explored every tomb I know of.  He even explored the basement of the Dutiel's house on the request of Lea Dutiel, and discovered a secret garden.  He also started an affair with Lea, while her husband was off at work as a clerk at the nectary.  Lea's husband apparently found out about it as I witnessed him crying frequently while having a dagger in his thought-bubble.  I don't think he knew that Garrett was the culprit, however, as he asked him to gather some items and return them to him as he wanted to build a nectar maker.  He was very civil to Garrett and paid him handsomely.

Everything was going well, until the day before the group was to go home.  At that point, I thought I was going to lose Garrett.  He went into a tomb I was unfamiliar with, became tired and pitched a tent between the stairs leading out and a trap that he was too tired to disarm.  After he awoke and disarmed the trap, he stepped into another hidden fire trap!  

He had forgotten to put the tent back into his inventory, and it was blocking his way out. He couldn't put it in his inventory once he caught fire.  No one was with him to put him out! If he could have made it up the stairs, there were some diving wells where he could have extinguished himself, but he was trapped.  I thought this was the last picture I would take of him alive.  However, as luck would have it, the fire burnt itself out, leaving him badly singed, but alive.

Speaking of fires, just hours before the gang came home, the fireplace at the base camp started a fire, and brave Ming went to put it out. Unfortunately, her butt caught fire in the process!

However, unlike her father, she was able to jump in the shower and extinguish herself.  Meanwhile, the firefighter showed up but said she couldn't reach the fire, (probably because so many people were in the way and either freaking out or trying to put the fire out), and she said it would probably just have to burn out on it's own.  Ming obviously thought this was a very lame excuse and developed a disdainful attitude toward French firefighters.

This did not stop her from spending some of the last minutes of the trip with Uncle Gunnar, bonding around the firepit.

At any rate, all returned not-too-worse-for-wear, and weighed down with treasure - which is a good thing as Ming will be aging up to a young adult, and wanting her own place (the smaller cabin now inhabited by Gunnar, Marla and baby Malcolm). Gunnar will be preparing to move his family to a new abode.

Garrett is currently a level 7 of the Military career and doing well.  He's on track to becoming an astronaut before he retires.  He still needs to raise Brant to at least teenage before handing the reins over to one of his children. 


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