LEPacy challenge - from Sunset Valley to Appaloosa Plains

 LEPacy challenge - from Sunset Valley to Appaloosa Plains

At the time of this posting, Cordell and Shauna are now older adults with a toddler.  Meet little Stanley Sw0rd.

He is a grumpy but good child. He will be getting two siblings before this second generation is done.  If Stanley becomes the heir, his life path is as follows:

  1. He will marry or have significant other who lives with him.
  2. He will have a live in non-romantic helper who helps take care of the kids.
  3. He will have 5 children living in the household. (They don't all have to be his - some can be the "helper's.") Let's hope he doesn't get the "dislikes children" trait. Since he has the "good" trait, he might adopt a few of the kids.
  4. He will become an Art Appraiser (Acquisitions) - if this isn't possible due to lack of EP, he will have his own art gallery and buy and sell paintings.
  5. His spouse or significant other will be a dumpster diver.
  6. His "helper" will be in the Film career (So Late Night would be the next EP)
  7. Stanley would also be a "professional student" and take at least 10 rabbit hole classes (since I won't have University).
  8. He would try to be a "gourmet" by cooking the favorite dish of each member of the household at least once.
Here are a few highlights from Sunset Valley:

Shauna's first time on a horse.

Cordell, a natural athlete as well as a natural virtuoso, embraced his athletic career and is training a townie at the gym in this picture.

His real love has always been the guitar, however.  When he reaches the top of the athletic career, I'll let him retire and become a busker.

Shauna doesn't have a lot of friends due to her mean-spirited personality and lack of a sense of humor, but this lady is her best friend. (Her name escapes me at the moment.) She move into the shabby shack that is on the way to Shauna's favorite nature spot, and became good friends.  This lady married and moved out of the shack before the Sw0rd family moved to Appaloosa Plains. 

Shauna's favorite nature spot.

Shauna's horse, Hobby, had a colt named Bubo, who is a bit ornery and even as an adult, has not been successfully ridden. He's also a stinky horse that always needs to be brushed.

The Sw0rds were robbed once while living in this house.  This woman came and stole their bathtub.

She was trapped in the bathroom by brave Shauna, who wanted to beat her up, and a police officer set on arresting her.

I was checking on Cordell, and found him outside standing by the front door.  Then I heard the sound effect for two people finding each other attractive, and the next thing I know, the burglar ran out the front door and escaped!  I don't know if the attraction was between Shauna and the officer or the burglar and the officer, but we had to invest in a shower.  Oddly enough, Shauna was being awfully sweet to the officer despite her mean-spirited trait, so maybe she was attracted to him.

At any rate, the game kept crashing so I figured it was time to relocate to another town. The couple bought a run-down, rat-infested one-bedroom house (the Sunflower) on a reasonably large plot of land for their horses.  They went to work cleaning out the garbage and shooing the rats. Then they built on a second story and furnished the house according to their favorite colors. Some neighbors stopped by to get to know them.

I don't know if it was the strain of the clean-up and building or if Cordell was too flirty with the woman who came by, but Shauna became very angry with him and hasn't gotten over it completely yet. She absolutely hates the woman, so I think some flirting was going on when I wasn't looking.  Cordell has been trying to make it up to her and took her on a date to the movies (and a risky woohoo in the movie theater) which seemed to help some. They have risky woohoo'd on another occasion too, so maybe Shauna will eventually get pregnant again.  Stanley will reach the child stage in two sim-days, so at that point they can "try for a baby" again.


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