New Game - LEPacy Challenge. Meet the founder - the first three weeks

 I have been wanting to try a LEPacy challenge for awhile now, and since my Trilleena game has gotten to the point that it keeps crashing, I deleted it, so I can justify starting yet another game. If you don't know what a LEPacy is, you start with only the base game for your first generation.  After they have achieved their lifetime wish, you add another pack. The goal is to try to do things you have never done with the game before. I've taken it a step further and added some side rules using this Legacy Randomizer:

Meet Lucy Walton:

She is a single young adult with the goal of reaching the top of the culinary career and owning, or at least being a partner, in three businesses. However, she doesn't want this to get in the way of having a typical family with a husband and two children.  Can you make this happen? She is a family-oriented slob who is handy, a great kisser, and has a good sense of humor.  Her lifetime goal is to gain level 10 of both the logic and handiness skills.  She also plans to throw a party of some kind every sim week.

I built her a cute little house right next door to the Bunch house.

She is very low on funds, so she doesn't have any landscaping yet.  Her furnishings are minimal but cute. Her favorite color is violet, so her bedroom is in the pink/purple range.  The rest of the interior leans toward aqua and green. I realized later that the door was from the store and not the base game. Lucy was bawling about it too, which was weird, so I replaced it.

The first thing she did was go apply for a culinary career, and coming out of the building, began getting acquainted with a few of the townies: Cornelia Goth, Jared Frio, Cycl0n3 Sw0rd, etc. Then she went home and tried to make her favorite meal - Mac & Cheese.  In the process, she set the stove on fire. Which had to be replaced, which drained her tiny bank account to nearly nothing.  She tried again to fix a meal and again there was a fire.

This time she put it out herself and the stove was saved. However, her meal was ruined and she was then down to 2 simoleons in her account.

A girl's got to eat, so the next morning, Lucy went foraging, thinking she might find a few apples to get her through until her first paycheck. She struck gold at the city park, as there were some apple trees ready to harvest and some picnics to crash. This is how she met the Keatons.

Lucy had a wish to visit the community pool, so the next day before work she went and met some other potential boyfriends.  

Beau Andrews

and Simis Bachelor

However, they were both married, so the only single guys she met so far are Cycl0n3 Sw0rd and Jared Frio, her co-worker. She and Jared did not hit it off at all, but Jared did give her a new recipe.

Lucy tried to visit her next door neighbors, the Bunch family, but they basically ignored her and all left the house, so she stole their grapes that were growing in their front yard.

She has Wednesdays and Thursdays off, so she threw a house party on Thursday.  She didn't have enough money to buy any type of stereo or television for entertainment, so she thought she'd try to make dinner for everyone. Her attempt at ratatouille turned out horrible, so she ordered a pizza, which was a financial burden in her current circumstances.  The guests ate the horrible ratatouille anyway, and the guest walked all over her pizza on the way out.

At least she had some good leftovers for the next few days. "Why didn't she take in the pizza?" you may ask. Well, shortly after ordering it, Cycl0n3 came up and planted a big wet kiss on her.

(She had briefly flirted with him when they first met a few days earlier, but he didn't seem that interested, so they just chatted.)

The kiss lead to more romantic interactions and then to risky woohoo. 

This lead to him staying over.  Slow down girl! You don't know anything about this guy!

She heard later, that Cycl0n3 was also dating a girl named Tori Kimura, but he still went out with her when she asked him, and he broke up with her, when she told him to.

Of course, nothing is more attractive to a sim than someone who already has a romantic interest. Suddenly Jared Frio, who had no interest in Lucy before was interested.

Good call, Lucy! This guy is bad news.

After another risky woohoo with Cycl0n3, Lucy discovered she was pregnant.

She told Cycl0n3, who took it well.  She threw another house party - this time with music from a Victrola she purchased with the money she made from working.  Luckily, she was paid for time off during her pregnancy, or she wouldn't have been able to afford a crib! She gave birth to a little girl named Stormy, and put up a wall to create a nursery.  She didn't have enough money for a door, so she put in an arch.

Suddenly, even married men are interested in her. Simis, who is a married man that she barely knows, came to visit her at her house! (He apparently works with Cycl0n3 at the journalism building.) First he bawled her out for something, then he started putting the moves on her. She diplomatically nudged him into friendship rather than romance, but he doesn't understand boundaries at all.  She called Cycl0n3 and asked him over, hugged and kissed on him, and even proposed in front of Simis, but when she went to bed Simis did this:

Cycl0n3 walked in, but seemed un-phased by Simis' behavior, only annoyed that he now had nowhere to sleep.  So he went and danced. Simis seems to have too much interest in Stormy - it's kind of creepy. I read that he's inappropriate, family oriented, and neurotic, which also helps explain his obsession with checking Lucy's fireplace and checking the burners on her stove.

During the course of these three weeks, Lucy was a victim of a burglary, and the burglar got away with her dresser and a dining chair. She eventually replaced them, but I was wondering why Cycl0n3, who never woke up during the entire incident was dreaming about women's shoes.

Lucy's third party was a birthday party for Stormy, thank God! The babies drive me crazy.

I suspect her 4th party will be a wedding party. (No bachelorette parties in the base game.)


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