LEPacy challenge: The wedding of Lucy and Cycl0n3

 LEPacy challenge: The wedding of Lucy and Cycl0n3.

I used to simply have my sims have a private wedding and get on with their lives, but lately I've really enjoyed trying to put on a formal, public wedding and see what goes wrong. Here is a run-down of Lucy and Cycl0n3's wedding.

So far I'm only playing with the base game, so I'm limited on things like wedding dresses, etc. I'm also not using anything marked in my build/buy as store content, which means no wedding arches. Because I don't have control of Cycl0n3 yet, I decided trying to have the wedding on the home lot would make things easier to control.  I wanted to get some good wedding pictures. I tried using the rose trellis as background, and my goal was to have them get married in front of it, in the back yard which I had set up with the wedding cake and chairs for the guests. 

*** In retrospect, the wedding cake was probably store content and didn't come out until Generations, but this was an oversite.

Here's what actually happened.

The guests arrived and I sent Lucy to stand by the trellis in the back yard. Then I clicked "get married." She went to the front yard and found Cycl0n3, and they stood in the front yard.  I figured they were going to get married there, so I moved the trellis as a backdrop behind them.

This is where I thought the action would happen. (Thanks for getting dressed up for the occasion, Cycl0n3!) However, Lucy went inside and got their toddler daughter Stormy, which makes sense - she should be able to witness her parents' marriage.

When they came back, there was a big smooch, so I thought there might have been a glitch and I missed the ring exchange.  I moved the trellis again.

The guests watched from the front yard. They were carrying on, so I assumed the wedding was happening.

However, when I clicked on the cake in the back yard so it could be cut, I got the "only married couples can cut the cake" message, so I knew they hadn't gotten married yet.  I clicked on them and "get married" again.  They hunched up tight against the house, so I couldn't move the trellis behind them.

Oh well, at least now they can cut the cake. (I moved the trellis yet again.)

I'm glad I took this picture when I did, because the very next instant, Cycl0n3 gave a big, "bored" yawn and walked off.  This left Lucy to cut the cake by herself.

I love Nancy Landgraab's pant suit. Very elegant. Simis is expressing his disapproval of Cycl0n3's behavior. I found Cycl0n3 inside dancing to the stereo, and made him come out and have some cake.

Lucy had to pee so bad she nearly wet herself, but the good news is she made it to the bathroom in time. The bad news is she had to deal with a clogged toilet.

Then she had to deal with a broken sink.

Meanwhile some of the guests thought it was appropriate to turn on the sprinkler in the garden and play in it.

There was some dancing, and then the guests went home while Cycl0n3 and Lucy cleaned up the mess.

What's next? To be continued.


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