Reclaiming Roseward #2 - Since the move.

 I looked back on my Roseward story and realized I hadn't update it.  I just went back to revisit and built an underground bunker for the most recent 10 x10 challenge.

A lesson I learned: changes made by visiting/vacationing in a place do not save when you actually move to a place.  I guess the Traveller mod, which enables visiting any world you have, isn't connected to the "move to another town" option - instead you have to vacation there and then select as homeworld.  This meant I had to rebuild all the places I had fixed up on Amber and Lenny's visit. The up-side is I built them back better than before. I saved a handful of households from Bridgeport to the bin and placed them into Roseward - Bridgeport was getting a bit messed up anyway. 

Roseward has not only the new Plumbot Film Studio with the capacity to film all kinds of movies, 

a school that is more than a rabbithole, a small neighborhood with about half the houses rebuilt and inhabited, and a gym, complete with indoor pool and hot tub,

but also a downtown area with a bar with games and poker upstairs,

hair salon, elixir shop, 

large apartment building, 

and art gallery (which currently doesn't have any showings, but does have some art-making equipment up on the third floor.)  I wanted this gallery to feature work by the residents only, and I put some of Lenny's photos in it, but they ended up in his family inventory, I assume because he doesn't own the gallery.  They might have moved there because he moved to the apartment - I'll have to try again and see if they will stay, at least for awhile.

So, about Lenny . . . He accused his wife Amber of cheating on him.  I tried to stop him, but he was insistent.  He even autonomously slapped her! 

 Frankly, it's been awhile since I played this game, and this began shortly after I loaded it up to play again.  I don't remember Amber cheating on him.  I even checked her friends list to see if there was a love interest.  The only person I found was Alexis McCoy-Rackett, who was Roman's baby-daddy.  When Amber was a teen, she became pregnant with Roman, but never had anything to do with Alexis.  Then she moved to Bridgeport with Roman and her imaginary friend, Puzzle when she was a young adult.  There she met and married Lenny. Roman was no secret as he has always lived with them. At any rate, maybe I forgot that she flirted with someone?  

Moving on . . . Lenny and Amber were suddenly enemies.  I figured Lenny needed to move out.  He didn't have enough money to buy a house, and the apartments weren't fixed up and designated as apartments yet, but he had a tent in his inventory.  He bought an empty lot by the railroad tracks and hunkered down.  

I guess he didn't exactly "hunker" as he had to go to the gym to shower, and he had to eat out as he had no means to fix meals.  He also spent a lot of time at the bar, hounded by the paparazzi. (You know how they thrive on a celebrity's misfortunes.)

On top of all this, Lenny aged up to an adult and is going through a mid-life crisis.

Things began to turn around for Lenny, however.  He inherited 34,000 simoleons from a relative who passed away. A few days later, he moved to the apartments. So far he is the only tenant, but that will change soon.

Lenny's lifetime goal is to woohoo with 5 different Sims in 5 different places, so the next step is to divorce Amber and "pursue the dream." Let's see . . . There are beds, showers, the hot tub a the gym, the photobooth at the bar . . . 


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