I Love Old People #6

 I Love Old People #6

I switched households for maybe two sim-days, trying to get my Sims' friends enough beds and pet supplies for their households and get to know what was up with them.  When I went back only Darron, the caretakers, and the dog and cat were still there.  I hunted down the others. Dara and Amir shacked up together in my 10x10 challenge beach house, and Shawn and Heather shacked up in my 10x10 challenge colorful house. No one got married, but I guess they wanted their privacy and to be away from the drama. 

I decided to roll with it. I will visit a different household each day and see what they are up to. I will "recruit" some more elders to move into the retirement home and keep Darron company.

On Wednesday I visited Shawn and Heather. Shawn was mesmerized by the digital fish window on the second floor and decided he wanted to learn to fish. 

(I had to adjust the stairs in front of the fish window as I discovered that they wouldn't climb them. Luckily, the little windowed bump-out on the second and third floor is just right for one of those ITF elevator tubes, so that's what I did.)

I removed the twin bed and kid stuff - except the tree-bookshelves - and put in a fish tank for Shawn's fish. Then I sent Shawn and Heather to my new 10x10 challenge campground so Shawn could fish and Heather could enjoy the outdoors.

Shawn caught several minnows and a jellyfish while Heather hit the keg pretty hard! It turns out this campground is rather popular. Several people came to hang out including some of the old gang.

Hello Amelia and Darron! Others arrived as well - at one point there were nine people on this little lot, along with a dog and cat. Shawn decided to help this young man with a keg stand.

Later that evening, Shawn and Heather went to the pancake house for the early-bird special.

Dara, who had just got her hair done, was there without Amir, and was dancing with other men. We'll see how they are doing soon.

All in all, Shawn alternates between flirting and insulting.  

Their public squabbles make the young people laugh.

Heather, being a hopeless romantic, quickly forgives Shawn for his insensitive remarks. I can't get them to the point of woohoo, however. Shawn freaks out and Heather goes to read a book.

Thursday: Amelia decided to throw a party and invite a bunch of elders to see if she could drum up some clients.  The party went well, and she recruited Velma and Shaggy from the Scooby Doo Gang, and Shaggy's wife Chanel.  She also recruited Jeramie Blackburn who had been living alone in the 10x10 challenge shabby shack. (I merged households to make this happen.) However, it wasn't more than a few minutes upon arriving that Jeramie ups and dies, throwing the household into turmoil. Shaggy took it particularly hard, considering I think he barely knew the guy.  

We tried to have a funeral, but no one would stay sat down for long.

(If it looks like Darron is naked, he is.  For some reason he decided to celebrate naked-day-Thursday.)

Velma took awhile to get used to the routines. She didn't understand that clients didn't have access to a stove and were supposed to use the replicator instead.  She left her half-finished waffles on Darron's nightstand. 

Chanel was quickly making friends by showing off her pictures of her grandchildren. (While Chanel and Shaggy have one child, Bradley, and one grandchild, Douglas, Shaggy also has a child by Alyssa Wilder: Amelia Abe-Sosa (the product of a one-night-stand) and two grandchildren from Amelia: Rachel and Billie. Velma is the widow of Matthew Brewster and mother of three children: Mollie Ware-Wolf, Joe Brewster, and Adam Brewster.  She has five grand children: Cale, Jeramie, Harlan, Melanie, and Dana, along with one great-grandchild, Georgina McLain. Thanks Story Progression!)

Friday: I went to visit Dara and Amir - they are the most romantic couple, but both are a little fickle and unreliable.

(This picture was taken earlier in the week - Velma hadn't aged up yet.) 😉

These two do woohoo. But back to Thursday . . . Amir never gets tired - I think he's glitched - but stays up all night playing video games and reading. Dara is fond of dancing - as mentioned earlier. Anyway, Amir went around town taking pictures to try and improve his skills, which was one of his wishes.  Meanwhile, Dara nearly burned the house down! (This is why the old folk can only use the replicator at the retirement home.) 😁

She did manage finish writing her book My Alien Lover, and received it in the mail. While Amir was out taking photos, Devon Bello asked her out on a date, and she went. They didn't get along very well, however.

She did make a snowman before returning home - I wonder if this is a bad omen.

Before we get too down on Dara, Amir isn't much better in the faithfulness department. 

However, they both come home to each other, so I guess the flirting and dancing and dates on the side are okay with them.

Next up: Shawn and Heather.


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