The Witchy Life of Venus Rucker #4

 The Witchy Life of Venus Rucker #4

Venus threw another mystery drink party for the kids' age up to teen party. Then she drank the age up potion herself, which messed up her plan to stay young forever.  She aged up to adult. Then she had a midlife crisis wish to move.  I figured it was as good a time as any with the kids all teenagers and being the only witches in town, so the family moved to Moonlight Falls and bought a larger Victorian home - they were getting kind of cramped in their current house in Midnight Hollow. Here are some bios on the quads as teens (all traits were random - except when one got "supernatural sceptic" which didn't make sense for a house full of witches - I had to roll again on that one):

William: Loner, Loves the Outdoors, Hopeless Romantic, Mooch.  He seems to be the one most interested in college.  He has taken up painting. In Midnight Hollow, he was abducted by aliens, but nothing came of it. He wasn't looking through telescopes or anything, but I think Venus had a bunch of space rocks in her backpack, and William was the only one awake when the aliens showed up. He seems kind of nerdy.

Wendy: Brave, Family Oriented, Evil, Friendly (though I'm not sure how one is both evil and friendly at the same time unless they are false friends.) She does enjoy watching others suffer, but got very upset when she saw her mother flirting with a neighbor who came to welcome them to town.  She and Venus are not on good terms at the moment. 

She is sneaking up on Alex: Couch Potato, Can't Stand Art, Green Thumb, Light Sleeper.  Alex has been writing since he was a child.  He just completed "The Life and Times of Mallory Rucker-Watts" which was about the death and resurrection of his sister Mallory who died while snorkeling in a public pool. Luckily her mother had a genie lamp and asked for Mallory to be resurrected. Alex also has taken an interest in gardening and has started planting. (I think he's kind of cute for being a pudding face random-generated Sim.)

Mallory is the non-magical one: Insane, Can't Stand Art, Hot-Headed, Clumsy. She and her sister shared a very nice room in the Victorian, but Mallory would not abide the pictures on the walls, so her parents built a little room and bathroom above the garage for her. 

I think I'll send them all to University at the same time when they age up in about a Sim-week.  It won't be a moment too soon, as Venus, the daredevil, risky woohoo'd in the Plumbot maker with her husband Nathan, and is pregnant again. Maybe she was making up for flirting with the neighbor, who is now listed as a "love interest." 

Above: Venus and Nathan singing Karaoke at the Red Velvet Lounge.  Below: My favorite picture of them before they had children.

Venus just discovered how to make the Fountain of  Youth elixir and reverted herself back to her young adult incarnation.


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