10x10 building challenges

 Dana Bennett from my Sims 3 Facebook group is posting weekly challenges for building on a 10X10 lot.  Last week's was 10x10 coastal, and here is my submission.  It's based on a house I worked up for myself as a teenager.  This is a scaled down version due to size.

This is for this week: #TS310x10Shabby - A shabby shack.  Here is my entry.  I'm pleased with the "clutter" - I usually don't go into much detail because I don't know who is going to live in the houses I build, so I remodel and add things later.  This time I came up with a character for the house, and he play-tested it to make sure it worked. 

I might do something similar with this one as a writing project for my high school students.  Post some pictures - maybe put a skeleton on the bed - then tell them to make up a story about who lives here. Write a bio on the person including name, occupation if any, interests, backstory, and what happened to them. After they write up the bio, they have to point to evidence from the pictures that lead them to the character they created.


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