Trump in Greenland

 Trump in Greenland

    After a humiliating defeat from the Presidential election followed by that nasty incident with the Capitol Building, Donald Trump finds himself divorced, broke, and alone.  Seeking a place to lie low and nurse his wounds, he stumbles across a picturesque and quaint little town on the tip of Greenland. As he settles in, he falls in love with the town.  He must OWN this town! 

    Needing a means of support - at his age, he refuses to go to work for anyone- he gets a very talented dog. This dog finds not one, but two Tiberium gems! Using this money along with money he generates from picking flowers, etc., Donald manages to first become partners with three businesses (Vault of Antiquity, Grocery Store, and Book Store.)  Then he scrapes together enough to buy a yacht/dance club called “The Neptune.” He moves from his humble starter home and builds a bigger house up the hill. He gets Bonehilda to keep house, then earns enough lifetime happiness points to purchase a genie’s lamp.  His first wish was a long life. He’s got two more wishes left (and I think one is “more wishes”).  He has since bought out the owners of the book store and grocery store. His plan is to keep buying up businesses and become a philanthropist.

    Dateable women are in short supply, but on a vacation to France, Trump met Berthe Girard and convinced her to move in with him. Berthe aspires to be a magician and is practicing but just isn't very good at it. It's been raining a lot, and Trump built himself a casino room in the basement. He has thrown a party inviting several locals to play poker. He and Berthe have also been to the Neptune and danced the night away. For some reason, horses often show up at the yacht.


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