
Showing posts from March, 2023

Adventureland #4 - Meet Sally Hardy: Lifeguard with a Drinking Problem

 As mentioned in an earlier post, Sally Hardy is one of the premade explorers who came with Adventureland. I built her a new house and demolished her old one. She didn't quite have enough money, so her boyfriend Lord Alexander Beaumont II loaned her 5000 simoleons to get her established.  This is Sally's new house. I based it on the picture below.  It's right across the street from the beach, and both times I have dropped in on her, she expressed the desire to be a lifeguard. She started as a freelance photographer. I had her take this picture of her house for her house. It took me awhile to figure out why lifeguard wasn't an available vocation, but then I realized it was because, when I demolished the beach, I also demolished the beach lot designation. I rebuilt the beach; it's not as pretty as the first one, but it has things the original didn't have: bathrooms, a food vendor, vending machines, and a lifeguard shack. I've always hated this swimsuit, but it

Adventureland #3 - Adventures with Eunice Goddard and Jaron Belanger.

It appears the elderly couple who own the run-down fishing cabin have decided to lease the place to Eunice Goddard and Jaron Belanger. Eunice and Jaron fluctuate between being friends and distant friends, but have decided to pool their resources and try their luck in Adventureland. Maybe they were in high school together. I think they moved here from Isla Paradiso.  Jaron has a college degree in education, but like me, he seems to have deferred going into that career to try something else for awhile. His big dream is to become a magician, but for now he thought he'd apply at the new Plumbob Studios as an extra as a way to dip his toe into show business.  I think he's wearing his outerwear here. I switched it so something saner. If it were his work uniform, I'd let him keep it. Jaron's traits are social butterfly, artistic, snob, natural cook, and lucky. I figure the social butterfly and artistic traits are leading him to wanting to be in show business. Oddly enough, he