
Showing posts from December, 2022

Barnacle Bay Buds: Jim Beam and Jose Cuervo

 Two of the characters I made for my bin, but placed in Barnacle Bay are Jim Beam and Jose Cuervo. Jim Beam is a vehicle enthusiast, handy, ambitious, a dog person, and a born salesman. His lifetime wish is to master mixology and own his own bar. Jose Cuervo is a social butterfly, party animal, handy, a hopeless romantic, and an equestrian. His lifetime wish is to have at least 50 bottles of nectar in his own nectar cellar. I don't remember this outfit. I think I had him in a cowboy hat when I made him.  I randomized their traits, but spent some time trying to not make potato-faced sims, and I gave them lifetime wishes that would have some connection with their names. Then I placed each of them in their own separate starter home.  Jose, took off immediately: a welcome wagon of women arrived, they partied, Luisa Lobos and him really hit it off, and she moved in with him. Jim had a slower start. He seemed to have trouble making connections.  After I dropped them and played about a da

Barnacle Bay Buds - The Caliente Sisters and Ellen Tabor, town psychiatrist.

The Sims 3 community (me included) is having a heck of a time with the transition from Origin to the new EA App. On top of this I tried moving my store worlds from the documents Sims 3 folder to the hard drive Sims 3 folder, thinking it would reduce lag in my game. IT WAS A BAD IDEA! I basically broke my game and had to start new. I still have my old saves and mods and such, but I'm having to add things back a few items at a time, all my past games on my newer machine aren't working. Luckily I have two saves on my old machine that isn't connected to the internet: The Northern Winds game and "Barnacle Bay Buds." I started Barnacle Bay Buds because I wanted to create some new Sims for my bin on  that machine. I needed a place to put them. Also, I wanted to have the iconic sims available and in the bin as well, and the Caliente sisters live in Barnacle Bay.  Lets start with the Caliente sisters. My vision of them is based heavily on ZeeGee Sims' machinima series