Northern Winds part 18.2: The first few days in the Wild Wild West

As soon as the Maloney family arrived at their new home in the Wild Wild West, they discovered there was a reason this property was so cheap - just about every plumbing fixture was broken. As Polly, Maxwell, and Kyngston set to work on the repairs, I furnished the house and updated the wall treatments. Polly, as usual, was unimpressed with my furniture choices and went room to room blubbering over what things might have cost. Get over it Polly, you are a very successful author and make a lot of money now. You've come a long way from hunkering in the basement of your parents' old building and getting your resources from the dumpster. A repairman showed up to offer his help, and some of the neighbors came by to welcome the family, one of them driving a very fancy pink and white sports car. The owner of the car was Ben Wellby, who I assume is a doctor. He's rather handsome too. Polly found out he was single and took an immediate liking to him. Before the night was over, she ...