
Showing posts from July, 2022

Northern Wind Legacy - Part 8 - Maxwell's Married Life

 Baby Dustin has grown into a toddler. Here are some pictures of Maxwell's domestic life. They are on day 20 of living in Redwood Harbor - the longest they have stayed anywhere so far.  Polly always looks a little worried about things, even when she's having fun. It appears she is both teaching Dustin to talk and unloading her concerns about the cold cruel world to him.  "The world is full of thieves and bullies, little one; you will need to be careful." Luckily he doesn't seem to understand much. Dustin's first word was related to more positive topics. Reading with Dad while Mom plays video games. She just needed a break. She also spends quality time with Dustin. He's finally old enough to get out of the house and have some fun.  He's such a good boy. He didn't even throw a fit when Renee said it was time to get off the ride. Stranger danger! Renee doesn't know any of these people, but they sure seem interested in Dustin. At least he's wit...

Northern Wind Legacy - Part 7

 Maxwell and Renee opted for a small outdoor wedding under a gazebo in a park with a pond and waterfall. The park was already set up for a wedding, so that made it easy -or at least would have been easy if Maxwell had moved the wedding to later in the afternoon. The household was scattered, and I struggled to get them to meet up and show up on time. They were over an hour late for the ceremony, and I couldn't get Renee into her gown without worrying about the guests leaving or Maxwell leaving as I didn't have control of her yet. As a result, she got married in her everyday clothes, then changed to her wedding dress for the reception.  Oh well . . . . (I invited my simself to the wedding too. I'm in the back in the red. Only in Sims do I cry at weddings.😉)  Of course it was a full moon that night. That explains the zombie, but I don't know what explains the firefighter in full gear. Maxwell and Renee can't travel during this challenge - they travel enough when they ...