
Showing posts from June, 2022

Toledo County Residents: Part 5

 I got to a few things on my to-do list from last time. First of all, I dropped in on Arlene Flint, the journalist who crashed Tori's wedding. Arlene is a workaholic, natural cook, and handy, but also inappropriate and mean-spirited, which could explain her issues with her boyfriend Fidel and the fact that no one at the wedding seemed to like her. It turns out that Arlene didn't have anyone in the friend category, and her boyfriend was the only one in the enemy category. Why are they still together? Maybe they should split up - no one wants to live their lives with someone who makes them miserable. Arlene likes to work late, but she also likes to go out. She stopped by Goth Haven for a few drinks. She screwed up some courage and went to visit Grim. (This is risky business, as I've see scores of paparazzi become victims of a sea monster who pops up from the floor mat and drowns them.)  It helps to show him funny cat videos, I guess, as he loves animals. Arlene almost got the

LEPacy Challenge: The Fine Art of Annoying Each Other

 This session saw a couple mile-stone birthdays. First, Linus aged up to elder, (but it was Tracie who chose to come to the celebration wearing her "birthday suit.") Later, on an Oasis Landing trip, Jasper aged up while trying to introduce himself to this attractive woman.  Welcome to the young adult life phase, Jasper. A good portion of the time was spent annoy each other: going into people's rooms and playing musical instruments while they are trying to sleep, . . . . . . inviting random, surly teenage girls over to spend the night, (and she's not even romantically involved with either of the boys), Tracie and this girl did not get along at all. I don't think Tracie likes waking up to find a strange girl walking around in her underwear in their house. She (and I) don't know which boy is responsible for inviting her over. Linus was also having issues with Y-66R.  He tried to give the simbot a badly needed tune-up, but Y-66R grabbed the tool away from him and

North Winds Legacy Part 3: Bleak Islands to An Ju Falls to Anne Arbor

 Bleake Islands, continued.   Maxwell asked Sunny over to his house to study together.  (He made sure to wear his best outfit to try and impress her.) Then they had some fun. Maxwell asked her to be his girlfriend, and she said yes! Polly has also found romance in this desolate place. She and Derrick Carbone are really hitting it off.  They met up at The Eagle's Nest for some drinks, foosball, and woohoo.  The bartender seems to be a witch, or they are required to wear witch uniforms.  The next day was Love Day, and Maxwell invited Sunny out to the Festival. Polly went to the festival with Derrick.  Maxwell and Sunny gave gifts, danced, and woohooed in the photo booth. Polly ran across Robin Reeves again and gave him a bad time. Robin gave her an ear full. All was going well, but all good things come to an end. Polly was getting used to Bleake Island and felt she could build a good life there. But after 15 days in Bleake Islands, the North Wind came calling. Polly and Maxwell woke