Tiny Town Part 9

With Snowflake day swiftly approaching, the residents of Tiny Town are inundated with calls from people asking them out on dates. In a previous episode, Beatrice was caught skinny dipping in Cruz Martingale's hot tub after attending his party. He seemed a little put-out at the time, but now he seems to be intrigued. He asked her out on a date to the graveyard - odd choice, but whatever. They had a great time building snowmen . . . . . . ice skating , . . . . . . and woohooing in the mausoleum. While they were busy in the mausoleum, I couldn't help noticing this young lady building an igloo. Her name is Donna Par-Teague, and she died of starvation. Seeing her out here starving in the snow gave me Donner Party vibes. I decided to see what I could look up about her: Donna Parr-Teague is a pre-made Sim who once lived in Appaloosa Plains . She starved to death as a teen . She has no skill points or relationships . She is...